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[splatterladder] Board _ NEWS - SplatterLadder - ENGLISH - _ Altered ranking and its effects

Posted by: Ragnar_40k Jul 1 2005, 08:15 PM

With the the ranking has changed slightly. Here a little FAQ with explanations why and how:

SPM = Score per Minute
Non-PB = Server w/o cheat-protection, e.g. w/o PB or w/o an up-to-date ETPro.

Currently for most of the players the ranking increases. This is the result of the exclusion of non cheat-protected servers.

Q: Why does this impact my ranking?
A: The ranking is calculated relative to the average SPM value of the maps for all players. With the change the SPM-data of about one quarter of the servers is now missing and the ranking adjusts automatically to the new values. This adaption also happend in the past (daily), but the changes were only marginal. In 2-3 days the ranking should be consolidated.

Q: Why does the ranking increase for all players?
A: The ranking is based in the SPM value for each map. Currently the SPM is dropping (e.g. Oasis drop from 7.22 tp 7.09 in one day). One reason might be, that servers w/o anticheat produced a higher SPM value (I wonder why?). This is also the cause for the efficiency increase in the player statistics, since the ratio between player SPM and map SPM increases.

Q: Players from Non-PB servers are still ranked!?
A: That is (partly) true. We don't delete sessions from Non-PB servers or recompute the statistics. But these players wont get any new data from Non-PB servers. Unless they play on PB enabled servers, their rating time will drop as if they weren't playing at all. When they drop under the 5h limit, they don't get ranked anymore. The entire process will last about 14 days.

Q: Why do you compute the "SPM ratio", isn't that pretty complicated?
A: The SPM differs for all maps (as you can see, so you can only compare maps when you calculate the ratio between the player SPM and the map SPM (i.e. the avarage SPM for all players on this specific map). With this ratio you can compare player efficiency across maps.

Posted by: stenup Jul 2 2005, 05:26 AM

ive got a question. i was just ranked 90 last time it updated (my name actually is 32thehe4d). now im 140 and my efficiency increased and now there's a ton of RTCW players. at least 40 in a row. what happened lol coffeenews.gif

Posted by: Ragnar_40k Jul 2 2005, 05:40 AM

The seperation of ET and RtCW is already in the pipeline.

Posted by: MuDeKi Jul 2 2005, 05:54 AM

QUOTE (Ragnar_40k @ Jul 2 2005, 06:40 AM)
The seperation of ET and RtCW is already in the pipeline.

Good, I can't wait till that is put into effect.

Posted by: stenup Jul 2 2005, 05:54 AM

QUOTE (MuDeKi @ Jul 2 2005, 05:54 AM)
QUOTE (Ragnar_40k @ Jul 2 2005, 06:40 AM)
The seperation of ET and RtCW is already in the pipeline.

Good, I can't wait till that is put into effect.

same here. super.gif

Posted by: [L-S]AsGard Jul 2 2005, 06:37 AM

so, et ppl get their own "rank" were aint none rtcw ppl ?

Posted by: Soldaat v Oranje Jul 2 2005, 11:29 AM

Non of my games get ranked anymore.

I played the last few days every day for a few hours, but my last recorded game was 62 hours ago.

I play only on PB enabled servers.

How can this be?

Edit: sorry for posting this question in this threat, i now posted the same question in the splatladder support section.

Posted by: Mr Chuckles Jul 2 2005, 12:38 PM

QUOTE (stenup @ Jul 2 2005, 05:26 AM)
ive got a question. i was just ranked 90 last time it updated (my name actually is 32thehe4d). now im 140 and my efficiency increased and now there's a ton of RTCW players. at least 40 in a row. what happened lol coffeenews.gif

Get out of my game cheater.

Posted by: [BSS]ApeiNe Jul 2 2005, 02:12 PM

Sounds good my son eiei.gif

The seperation of ET and RtCW is already in the pipeline.


Posted by: DrZux Jul 2 2005, 05:25 PM

Ok I can see some good improvements in SL.

My only complaint about the new scoring system is why has rallyfreaks map for Farcry been added as a scoring map. The whole point of this map is to try and drive a complete lap, which takes about 40 mins average. The only weapons in this map are the guns on the buggy which most don't use as we try to get round the map. This has had a major ranking effect on quite a few of the FC community.
I got a -7000+ score for it when it was added.
Surely it would be better not to use this map as a scoring one.
I remeber loads of ppl on our server doing a 90 min session on this without shooting anyone as emphasis was on getting round. That means I played for 90 mins without scoring a single point as did the others.
Just wanted to bring this to your attention. cheers.gif

Posted by: stenup Jul 2 2005, 08:43 PM

QUOTE (Mr Chuckles @ Jul 2 2005, 12:38 PM)
QUOTE (stenup @ Jul 2 2005, 05:26 AM)
ive got a question. i was just ranked 90 last time it updated (my name actually is 32thehe4d). now im 140 and my efficiency increased and now there's a ton of RTCW players. at least 40 in a row. what happened lol coffeenews.gif

Get out of my game cheater.

WTF is that supposed to mean.

Posted by: Eqqqu Jul 2 2005, 10:40 PM

I can't see my or my teammates rankings no more... why

Posted by: (FTP)FUneral Jul 2 2005, 10:48 PM

QUOTE (stenup @ Jul 2 2005, 12:43 PM)

QUOTE (Mr Chuckles @ Jul 2 2005, 12:38 PM)
QUOTE (stenup @ Jul 2 2005, 05:26 AM)
ive got a question. i was just ranked 90 last time it updated (my name actually is 32thehe4d). now im 140 and my efficiency increased and now there's a ton of RTCW players. at least 40 in a row. what happened lol coffeenews.gif

Get out of my game cheater.

WTF is that supposed to mean.

Your ranked 90 and your asking a question that anyone ranked under 50,000 who regularly checks their progress should know.

vogel.gif negative.gif

Posted by: DrZux Jul 3 2005, 01:38 AM

Thanks for the quick action on the FC Rallyfreaks map. respect.gif cheers.gif eiei.gif sign_fixed.gif

Posted by: Mr Chuckles Jul 3 2005, 10:31 AM

QUOTE (stenup @ Jul 2 2005, 08:43 PM)
QUOTE (Mr Chuckles @ Jul 2 2005, 12:38 PM)
QUOTE (stenup @ Jul 2 2005, 05:26 AM)
ive got a question. i was just ranked 90 last time it updated (my name actually is 32thehe4d). now im 140 and my efficiency increased and now there's a ton of RTCW players. at least 40 in a row. what happened lol coffeenews.gif

Get out of my game cheater.

WTF is that supposed to mean.

Don't wtf me silly, I played with you a couple times you hacking fag. gtfo.

Anyways, the new measures won't stop our good friend Falkes. He just plays on non pb servers with etpro, as his hax > etpro. However this means the hunt is open: pb screenshots, demos, send them to Bani and he's cut. boxer.gif

btw FALKE YOU FUCKING LOSER I know you're reading this shit, grow some balls and reply you twat. kthx. Or die.

Posted by: stenup Jul 3 2005, 07:37 PM

QUOTE (Mr Chuckles @ Jul 3 2005, 10:31 AM)
QUOTE (stenup @ Jul 2 2005, 08:43 PM)
QUOTE (Mr Chuckles @ Jul 2 2005, 12:38 PM)
QUOTE (stenup @ Jul 2 2005, 05:26 AM)
ive got a question. i was just ranked 90 last time it updated (my name actually is 32thehe4d). now im 140 and my efficiency increased and now there's a ton of RTCW players. at least 40 in a row. what happened lol coffeenews.gif

Get out of my game cheater.

WTF is that supposed to mean.

Don't wtf me silly, I played with you a couple times you hacking fag. gtfo.

Anyways, the new measures won't stop our good friend Falkes. He just plays on non pb servers with etpro, as his hax > etpro. However this means the hunt is open: pb screenshots, demos, send them to evenbalance and he's cut. boxer.gif

HAH! you dumbshit. i only hacked to try it out for fun. i dont hack anymore. so why you being a dick to me. ive never even played with a guy called mr. chuckles. so why dont you tell me who you really are u little puss

Posted by: Ragnar_40k Jul 3 2005, 07:54 PM

Ok guys, calm down a little bit. And please watch your word choice.

stenup: When you have to try out cheats, you shouldn't do it on public servers. Use a password protected server with some friends or setup a local server and connect to it 2 or more times yourself.

Posted by: stenup Jul 3 2005, 09:06 PM

QUOTE (Ragnar_40k @ Jul 3 2005, 07:54 PM)
Ok guys, calm down a little bit. And please watch your word choice.

stenup: When you have to try out cheats, you shouldn't do it on public servers. Use a password protected server with some friends or setup a local server and connect to it 2 or more times yourself.

ok man. thanks for being so cool. sorry for the language.

Posted by: *Bromley* Jul 3 2005, 10:08 PM

I'd like to see the player rating changed. Currently doesn't it incorporate the amount of time someone has played? Correct me if i'm wrong but I think that is ludicrous.

Posted by: Ragnar_40k Jul 3 2005, 11:05 PM

It includes the time. But the time bonus is calculated based on the rating time using logarithmics. This effectivly caps the time bonus at something like 2.0 or 2.5 points. When you take a look at "ETplayer": only 3.27 points for 25.3 days(!) rating time. When you compare it to a "normal" player with 15 hours who gets about 0.9 points you see that the time bonus has only a limited influence on the rating.

Posted by: TonyMcPANTS Jul 5 2005, 12:40 PM

the ranking system since Sl upgraded has become totally fucked, even though i played for an hour last night and had positive scores ive dropped 2000 points from my rank, in 10 hours hows this possible?

Posted by: Ragnar_40k Jul 5 2005, 12:52 PM

QUOTE (TonyMcPANTS @ Jul 5 2005, 12:40 PM)
the ranking system since Sl upgraded has become totally fucked, even though i played for an hour last night and had positive scores ive dropped 2000 points from my rank, in 10 hours hows this possible?

The ladder is still shifting to the new settings. This should fix itself till the end of the week.

Posted by: Mr Chuckles Jul 5 2005, 05:47 PM

QUOTE (stenup @ Jul 3 2005, 07:37 PM)
QUOTE (Mr Chuckles @ Jul 3 2005, 10:31 AM)
QUOTE (stenup @ Jul 2 2005, 08:43 PM)
QUOTE (Mr Chuckles @ Jul 2 2005, 12:38 PM)
QUOTE (stenup @ Jul 2 2005, 05:26 AM)
ive got a question. i was just ranked 90 last time it updated (my name actually is 32thehe4d). now im 140 and my efficiency increased and now there's a ton of RTCW players. at least 40 in a row. what happened lol coffeenews.gif

Get out of my game cheater.

WTF is that supposed to mean.

Don't wtf me silly, I played with you a couple times you hacking fag. gtfo.

Anyways, the new measures won't stop our good friend Falkes. He just plays on non pb servers with etpro, as his hax > etpro. However this means the hunt is open: pb screenshots, demos, send them to evenbalance and he's cut. boxer.gif

HAH! you dumbshit. i only hacked to try it out for fun. i dont hack anymore. so why you being a dick to me. ive never even played with a guy called mr. chuckles. so why dont you tell me who you really are u little puss

Whatever stenup, that's what they all say. Doing crap like that makes you lose all credibility and apparently also damages your memory.

Posted by: TonyMcPANTS Jul 5 2005, 07:27 PM

Ragnar_40k Posted on Jul 5 2005, 12:52 PM
QUOTE (TonyMcPANTS @ Jul 5 2005, 12:40 PM)
the ranking system since Sl upgraded has become totally fucked, even though i played for an hour last night and had positive scores ive dropped 2000 points from my rank, in 10 hours hows this possible? 

The ladder is still shifting to the new settings. This should fix itself till the end of the week.

thanx man

Posted by: HunnyBunny Jul 5 2005, 09:04 PM

Not sure where to put this buuuuuuuut......

How come is another hunnybunny playing under my name even tho i regristret the name?

He/she is pulling me down bash.gif


Posted by: foliveira76 Jul 6 2005, 04:14 AM



Posted by: HunnyBunny Jul 6 2005, 01:30 PM

Whats absurd.....?

now i have something to keep an eye on..... How good am i? (besides there is something good about telling them boyz that a gurl is better than them 01lol.gif )
i was on 500 something.... today while he/she is playing im on 1100 and high

at least yesterday he/she only pulled me up on 957 spanking.gif

now i was RTCW im ET player....

you say the none PB ppl are better.... are they really?
i think i did good - on the pb on server i play on...and they can all kiss my sexy buttcheeks...well actually im not gonna let enyone have that plesure super.gif

oh and i mistyped last msg...its that person is pulling me up depp.gif


Posted by: ll420ll Jul 6 2005, 11:18 PM

Splatladder KICKS ASS!!! Thanx U guys! super.gif

Posted by: *Bromley* Jul 6 2005, 11:20 PM

Can you please remove TC:E from the ranking system? On some games I make negative scores, its ludicrous.

Posted by: stenup Jul 7 2005, 04:11 AM

you still havent told me who you are chuckles

Posted by: foliveira76 Jul 7 2005, 05:41 AM

QUOTE (HunnyBunny @ Jul 6 2005, 02:30 PM)
Whats absurd.....?

now i have something to keep an eye on..... How good am i? (besides there is something good about telling them boyz that a gurl is better than them 01lol.gif )
i was on 500 something.... today while he/she is playing im on 1100 and high

at least yesterday he/she only pulled me up on 957 spanking.gif

now i was RTCW im ET player....

you say the none PB ppl are better.... are they really?
i think i did good - on the pb on server i play on...and they can all kiss my sexy buttcheeks...well actually im not gonna let enyone have that plesure super.gif

oh and i mistyped last msg...its that person is pulling me up depp.gif


Im being sarcastic you see the rating of the players on #1 page? 132!!???

you see...the first (lets say) 200 are 90% RTCW players and i simply don't get how they are better than all the other players of ET..because it's what this ranking is saying.

I'm not telling that RTCW players are bad... im just amazed at that ranking.



Posted by: Mr Chuckles Jul 7 2005, 11:31 AM

QUOTE (stenup @ Jul 7 2005, 04:11 AM)
you still havent told me who you are chuckles

Just a guy who doesn't like cheaters, ask Falkes.

Don't worry too much about the rtcw players, the servers they play on aren't cheat protected so the time they play there doesn't get added to their total, which would mean the'd eventually disappear from the ranking.

Posted by: HunnyBunny Jul 7 2005, 01:11 PM

QUOTE (foliveira76 @ Jul 7 2005, 06:41 AM)



Its a free thingy....
As long as its free - i dont think they are gonna make that - and they shoudlnt - they use their free time to make spladderladder

so thanks for wasting your time on me 01lol.gif

now who do i need to write with to make them fix that hunnybunny issue?

them 2 other hunnybunnys really suck bash.gif

Posted by: Krysis Jul 7 2005, 01:20 PM

132 rating loool this is getin bad, just when we think the cheaters are cleared from rankings the rtcw players take over sadd.gif well i hope the gradual clearence of rtcw players (due to no pb enabled servers hahahaha) hapens really quick :P

Posted by: Mr Chuckles Jul 7 2005, 02:22 PM

QUOTE (HunnyBunny @ Jul 7 2005, 01:11 PM)
QUOTE (foliveira76 @ Jul 7 2005, 06:41 AM)



now who do i need to write with to make them fix that hunnybunny issue?

them 2 other hunnybunnys really suck bash.gif

Change your name?

Posted by: Ragnar_40k Jul 7 2005, 02:25 PM

QUOTE (HunnyBunny @ Jul 7 2005, 01:11 PM)
them 2 other hunnybunnys really suck  bash.gif

When you have unique colors in your name you can adjust the, so that only this specific color combination is tracked for you. Click on the "Settings" button right to your name and follow the instructions in the "Tracker Settings (optional)" section.

Posted by: HunnyBunny Jul 7 2005, 04:40 PM

K thanks mister

hope that works friends.gif

Posted by: Jops Jul 7 2005, 07:02 PM

some of you people need to read the news and other topics before asking the same questions repeatedly.
it has already been explained that the ratings/rankings are still adjusting themselves after the update.
it has also been explained that the reason the rtcw people are at the top of the rankings is because they ARE making a seperate ranking system for rtcw. so in due time ET and RTCW will have their own ranking systems nod.gif

Posted by: HunnyBunny Jul 7 2005, 07:30 PM

Im to lazy to go throu a whole forum to ask one question...sorry lachen.gif

Posted by: sl.BulletZ Jul 7 2005, 07:37 PM

QUOTE (HunnyBunny @ Jul 7 2005, 08:30 PM)
Im to lazy to go throu a whole forum to ask one question...sorry lachen.gif

on the upper right there is a "search" button
it helps sometimes spanking.gif

Posted by: stenup Jul 7 2005, 09:12 PM

yer 420 arent you chuckles.

and i was looking at some of the efficiencies of the RTCW players. most of them are in the hundreds now lol. one them waqs 500 something. now thats crazy.

Posted by: HunnyBunny Jul 7 2005, 10:49 PM

QUOTE (BulletZ @ Jul 7 2005, 08:37 PM)
QUOTE (HunnyBunny @ Jul 7 2005, 08:30 PM)
Im to lazy to go throu a whole forum to ask one question...sorry  lachen.gif

on the upper right there is a "search" button
it helps sometimes spanking.gif

uh spanking.....

can we met? super.gif

Posted by: Mr Chuckles Jul 7 2005, 11:20 PM

QUOTE (stenup @ Jul 7 2005, 09:12 PM)
yer 420 arent you chuckles.

I'm just bd|Chuckie or [tl]Chuckie... also know as Be4r - Be4st - boo - bart - fu. - ....

I know you don't cheat anymore. Keep it that way :p

Posted by: !!Jisan!! Jul 7 2005, 11:53 PM

Q:doesnt it matter what type u play?? i mean shrub, etpro and others? crash.gif

Posted by: Ragnar_40k Jul 8 2005, 12:02 AM

QUOTE (!!Jisan!! @ Jul 7 2005, 11:53 PM)
Q:doesnt it matter what type u play?? i mean shrub, etpro and others? crash.gif

No, at long as the server has anticheat enabled (Punkbuster or recent ETPro) you get ranked. We don't distinguish between mods.

Posted by: ll420ll Jul 8 2005, 12:08 AM

Im 420! super.gif

Posted by: stenup Jul 8 2005, 04:29 AM

QUOTE (ll420ll @ Jul 8 2005, 12:08 AM)
Im 420! super.gif

remember me dude cheers.gif

Posted by: ll420ll Jul 9 2005, 11:46 AM

Yeah, I remember you. I'm the SL Hunter. I know U didn't cheat when I played ya. U should come out N play on our server. In a few months u will be so much better, U wont need to try a bot! Ill c ya around Stenup...

And U guys in the SL Top 500, I will See U around too!!! grin.gif

Posted by: Push3r Jul 9 2005, 01:58 PM

hi more question 01lol.gif why are the rtcw players ranked with such a f****** high rating?? it is impossible to do a rating like this in etpro (tell me if i may be wrong)...why aren´t they ranked seperatly? depp.gif

grEEtz super.gif

DELEEEEEET depp.gif depp.gif depp.gif next time i will read the sites 2,3 before i will writing a reply ... btw sch!xxx* 4 president 01lol.gif

Posted by: -ChaRL!e- Jul 9 2005, 07:20 PM

im so fking pissed!! i finally made top 50 and then in very next day i looked sl and im fking 470!! fuck u all rtcw fags!! like 400 first play rtcw... aww plz plit em

Posted by: -ChaRL!e- Jul 9 2005, 07:26 PM

and does any1 know when im trying to go servers with pb its i get kicked and it say empty cd key not allowed on this server... plz help.. and im just thinking that new ranking thing suck couz i got in goldrush 201 kils and in battery 191 kills and still my rank is getting lower... aww HELP!!!!!

Posted by: Mr Chuckles Jul 10 2005, 08:01 AM

QUOTE (-ChaRL!e- @ Jul 9 2005, 07:26 PM)
and does any1 know when im trying to go servers with pb its i get kicked and it say empty cd key not allowed on this server... plz help.. and im just thinking that new ranking thing suck couz i got in goldrush 201 kils and in battery 191 kills and still my rank is getting lower... aww HELP!!!!!

I bet you get kicked because you cheat. How can you be proud of getting 200 kills with an aimbot? CONGRATULATIONS YOU OWN!

Posted by: PetriP-TNT Jul 10 2005, 09:14 AM

QUOTE (Mr Chuckles @ Jul 10 2005, 08:01 AM)
QUOTE (-ChaRL!e- @ Jul 9 2005, 07:26 PM)
and does any1 know when im trying to go servers with pb its i get kicked and it say empty cd key not allowed on this server... plz help.. and im just thinking that new ranking thing suck couz i got in goldrush 201 kils and in battery 191 kills and still my rank is getting lower... aww HELP!!!!!

I bet you get kicked because you cheat. How can you be proud of getting 200 kills with an aimbot? CONGRATULATIONS YOU OWN!

Lol, if you use Artillery in GR or Battery you can get over 100 kills but 200 sounds impossible.Maybe if the maps are like 40mins long.
But aimbotters dont get that good SPM,only like 25 or something.(Of course when they put their aimbot off if someone is specting them,they cant get good scores)
Yesterday i played with a cheater (member of the [LoD] clan,demos are coming) and he got like 60 kills and 112 headshots.But still you can get better SPM when you xp-whore and

And Charl!ie you get kicked because you have accidently auto-downloaded the faulty PB update (1.184). To correct this, dload the newest PB from or by using the PBWEB.EXE. If it doesnt update it, do this: delete Punkbuster-folder (/pb/) and reinstall ET. Now, take the PB-folder from the new ET, and copy it to the old one. Now, the server will autoupdate it to the newest version.

So Mr.Chuckles, you were wrong, so... stop complaining. boxer.gif depp.gif

Posted by: -ChaRL!e- Jul 10 2005, 09:55 AM

no hell i dont fking cheat... i got like in battery 100 arty 60 flamer and 30 mp40 kills... so suck it na d same in da goldrush... w/o bot!!!

but could sum1 help... im in trouble now... empty cd key not allowed, fuck it any1 know wut to do?

Posted by: PetriP-TNT Jul 10 2005, 07:52 PM

QUOTE (HunnyBunny @ Jul 5 2005, 09:04 PM)
Not sure where to put this buuuuuuuut......

How come is another hunnybunny playing under my name even tho i regristret the name?

He/she is pulling me down bash.gif


To solve this problem, go to sl.Settings then to Options -> Settings. There, put your whole name w/ color codes (i.e. ^7Hunny^5Bunny). How the SL will only track the players playing w/ the name ^7Hunny^5Bunny. If you dont have any color codes, you'd better put some there.

Posted by: stenup Jul 10 2005, 09:05 PM

lmao chuck. ogre.gif

Posted by: Bolovar Jul 11 2005, 09:29 AM


Tram Siege 3.8 hrs 2.1 hrs  34% 7.67 (9447%) 160.62

Maybe this map shouldn't be ranked ... grin.gif
All RtCW players are playing a lot this map 01lol.gif

Sad to see some maps making crazy efficiency, and I dont understand why hammer.gif ...

SL for ever super.gif

Posted by: sarcasm Jul 11 2005, 07:04 PM

You're a smartass eh PetriP-TNT? Anyone playing on infamous cheat servers and getting high ratings and loads of kills is at least suspicious in my book.

I don't know about Charie as I haven't played with him yet but the hunt goes on.

Sup stenup ditsch.gif

Posted by: sl.Proddi Jul 11 2005, 07:54 PM

in the next weeks the SL will be move to a better server. at this time, we split the current rtcw/et-ranking into et and (maybe) rtcw.

Posted by: Mr Chuckles Jul 11 2005, 10:22 PM

QUOTE (NooS|Proddi @ Jul 11 2005, 07:54 PM)
in the next weeks the SL will be move to a better server. at this time, we split the current rtcw/et-ranking into et and (maybe) rtcw.

Sounds like a great idea super.gif

Posted by: PetriP-TNT Jul 12 2005, 10:12 AM

QUOTE (NooS|Proddi @ Jul 11 2005, 07:54 PM)
in the next weeks the SL will be move to a better server. at this time, we split the current rtcw/et-ranking into et and (maybe) rtcw.

Thats great Proddi.Keep up the good work with SL.

SL 4 Ever! super.gif

Posted by: flower565 Jul 14 2005, 07:22 AM

thank you for this feature. the gays from the =FF= clan fake the hole ranking

Posted by: stenup Jul 15 2005, 05:57 AM

QUOTE (flower565 @ Jul 14 2005, 07:22 AM)
thank you for this feature. the gays from the =FF= clan fake the hole ranking

lol most of them havent even heard of this site ogre.gif

Posted by: Syko Jul 16 2005, 11:06 PM

thats a good idea to separate ET and RTCW smile.gif keep up the good work.... respect.gif

Posted by: Mr Chuckles Jul 18 2005, 04:04 PM

QUOTE (Syko @ Jul 16 2005, 11:06 PM)
thats a good idea to separate ET and RTCW smile.gif keep up the good work.... respect.gif

I say get rid of rtcw as a whole. Just one the rtcw players knows about this site so they won't care, while every ET player does.

Posted by: BullShark Jul 18 2005, 10:01 PM

Hi all i try evrything to get color nick,try with console com.e.g.:set a name,no sucses,what im doing wrong,help plz.

Posted by: sl.BulletZ Jul 18 2005, 10:24 PM

QUOTE (BullShark @ Jul 18 2005, 11:01 PM)
Hi all i try evrything to get color nick,try with console com.e.g.:set a name,no sucses,what im doing wrong,help plz.

use the color nick tool on
create your nick and copy the line in the console or your autoexec.cfg

Posted by: TREV~SFC Jul 25 2005, 11:40 AM


Posted by: stenup Jul 30 2005, 12:11 AM

QUOTE (TREV~SFC @ Jul 25 2005, 11:40 AM)
QUOTE (Ragnar_40k @ Jul 2 2005, 06:40 AM)
The seperation of ET and RtCW is already in the pipeline.

Yeh, that's good respect.gif

fucking spammer

Posted by: sl.BulletZ Jul 30 2005, 12:58 AM

QUOTE (stenup @ Jul 30 2005, 01:11 AM)
fucking spammer

please stay polite
ragnar told you once before

Posted by: stenup Jul 31 2005, 04:27 AM

sorry but maybe this guy should get a clue and not be so damn annoying reposting in old topics

Posted by: loverboi Sep 19 2005, 10:20 AM

i've just wanted to ask to s.o something cause i dont figure out what efficiency stand for!

is the PPM useful for rank? rolleye.gif

Posted by: Ragnar_40k Sep 19 2005, 11:11 AM

QUOTE (loverboi @ Sep 19 2005, 10:20 AM)
i've just wanted to ask to s.o something cause i dont figure out what efficiency stand for!

is the PPM useful for rank? rolleye.gif

Posted by: chave Oct 15 2005, 04:43 PM

In my server doesn't classify the players for their corresponding team, this is the ULR ``´´ Why?

Posted by: fckillswitch Dec 8 2005, 11:17 PM

well i never post in forums but thought this was pretty funny. Reading things like "hey i dont cheat i only tried it one time lol thats clasic. Thats the #1 excuse just edging out #2 it wasnt me it was my brother by a slight margine. i was told about this splatter ladder by a clan member thought i would give it a shot and am ranked 412 and have been as low as 213 and i have played with some of the people at the top of this ladder and if there not cheating well damn they play like a robot .anyhow i am blabering for no reason just basicly came on to say tho cheaters suck in life as well as ingame it is just a game and a fun ladder rating so if you have any life what so ever then have fun with it and let these scum bags who need to cheat to feel like they have friends on the game cause they look like they pwn have there one chance at "making internet friends to replace the real life friends they will never have .and have good fragging all you clean players eiei.gif

Posted by: E><0DUS Dec 8 2005, 11:32 PM

you got it man
you hit the nail on the head

Posted by: ukbud Dec 17 2005, 01:21 AM

just a small point i just been looking on top lists and noticed that all the top scoring players are playing on etpub does this mean that scoring is higher on pub servers????????????????????

this cannot be right !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if this is the case no other players on playing on different mods will ever get to the top this needs sorting

or is it just that spawnkillin is more prolific on pub servers ??????????????

doesnt seem to be fair i know for sure that the guys at the top are not the best !!!!

either way there is an imbalance somewhere that needs adressing

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