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[splatterladder] Board _ NEWS - SplatterLadder - ENGLISH - _ Fine tuning of the rating-system

Posted by: [NooS]ErdnussJack Nov 26 2006, 07:58 PM

It is fact that many players in the Top100 play only once within 7 days for a short time. They don't want to mess up their ranking. Unfortunately, this isn't according to a ranking and to offer such players an incentive for playing and not penalize active players respectively we have made a "short-lived" ranking now.
This means one doesn't play, the rating is made go down easily so (after 24 hours of inactivity). The more inactive player and the higher his rating, the more steeply he falls in the ranking. The whole isn't as bad as it listens to it here.

For example, we have a 20-rating player: If he plays every two days then he loses every two days 0.03 rating points. If he plays only every 5 days then he loses 0.33 each within 5 days. Within 14 days abstinence he loses already 3.02 points. However, these are all values which one can easily make up again. How we recognize does the new modification apply primarily to players who don't play.
Active players are virtually untouched of this and that is also not bad.

In addition, we have reduced the minimum player limit from 8 to 6 players test wise and therefore more players should get a valid session. If the practice tests are positive we keep the new player limit.

Posted by: Mikra<<CZ>> Nov 26 2006, 10:30 PM

Now this is the worst idea I have ever seen!!!! I have acess to the fast internet line only at the weekend, so I play only at the weekends, that means 4 days of inactivity, so my rank falls down like 0.33 points?? Nonsense!!! So this is just a bad idea, and I dont think that I would be alone!!! You just cant touch my rank, only because I have no internet acess on weekdays!!

So what that there are inactive players? They diserve theyr rank, you should not be touching it, this is my opinion, and its a really bad idea, so I hope you will cancel this project, I was starting to like this page, its features, ranking system aso. now this? This is not even bad for players, but also for YOU!!

Posted by: Milic Nov 26 2006, 11:15 PM

yes that no good idea!
when we goon hooolidays our rating down!!

Posted by: [NooS]ErdnussJack Nov 26 2006, 11:37 PM

It is all about mainly to give the high rated players an incentive to play and not to penalize players. Therefore, we need a compromise. Aim of the update is to animate the players to playing! Because many players cower on their high rank with a short playing time in several days. if one falls littly then increases even faster again, too. We have a look at it. If there is a backlog need then we will improve of course.

Posted by: sipiatti Nov 27 2006, 07:59 AM

ErdnussJack' date='Nov 26 2006, 11:37 PM' post='30982']
It is all about mainly to give the high rated players an incentive to play and not to penalize players. Therefore, we need a compromise. Aim of the update is to animate the players to playing! Because many players cower on their high rank with a short playing time in several days. if one falls littly then increases even faster again, too. We have a look at it. If there is a backlog need then we will improve of course.

That's correct, I think it is just fair. Whoever has reached a high rank it is not allowed to sit on his prize, he should prove that he is able to keep it.
Also if someone make efforts to play as much as he could should be honorated a little against ones who plays rarely.

If somebody a "weekend player" then he should get lower ranking than the others who plays every day. That's life... A taxi driver can drive much better than a weekend driver...

Posted by: Eragon Nov 27 2006, 09:59 AM

I dont like that new rating system
I only get to play friday, saterday and sunday
My rating is 22.50
And you are telling us that if i dont play in week my rating will go down to 22.20??
I think thats some bad idea
I agree its shit and unfair readthis.gif that some guys only spec and still have a rating of 26
I cant play in week cos of school
And that system is not going to be fair for all the ppl like me
Hope you can change it
sign_fixed.gif <---Try and do that

Posted by: -IronMonkey- Nov 27 2006, 11:41 AM i really agree with this new's right!!!! sign_fixed.gif
....only i think that 1 day of no gaming isn't inactivity [-0.03] gruebel.gif (at least 2/3 days and make [-0.06/-0.09]rolleye.gif )
....i have 36,6 gaming days with my name, so i don't think that if I take 1 day pause I'm an inactive player gruebel.gif

nice work SL. team, greets -Monkey-

Posted by: Eragon Nov 27 2006, 11:48 AM

Of course ...
You arent even a good player
You play on a noob server
With only noobs in it
You like it cos you play each day and have good rating due to the fact you play only with noobs
and all the inactives on first page will get of ranking system
Your going to like that were won't be many REAL skilled players left
ANd you will be able to say 2 and 1


Posted by: //ISS-HyperDex* Nov 27 2006, 12:13 PM

You all bother in my opinon too much about your precious ratings. That rating will never be the ultimate goal and the ranking will never be to 100 percent fair. There are too many things that effect a serious rating for example only 4 things:

1.) Like Eragon absolutly right mentioned: It matters if you play against Noobs or ET-Veterans.

2.) Many maps are such large and you must move quite a lot, you cant get enough points/min (Castle Attack) ---> You will fall, regardless if you played good or not

3.) Different spawntimes on all servers. Guys who play on servers with 8 sec spawntimes can double her ratings then guys who play on servers with 15 sec spawntime.

4.) And how much xp/minutes you get depends alot on what kind of a map you are playing, if you are playing defense or attack, and what class you are playing.

That make a fair and transparent ranking impossible...Wierd is sometimes you do a really good match and fragg like a young god and fall in the rankings and sometimes you play lala and climb up..However, Splatterladder is a good tool to see where you standing and i like it. I appreciate the hard work the splatterladder team has done but the ranking is only such a little part of the ET world and game that it shouldn`t matter at all

No offence, but there are a lot of people, who take her rankings too seriously...Play with your friends and have a good time! coffeenews.gif

PS: Here thats for The SL team for her hard work. Nice page with good informations and news! torte.gif

Posted by: Milic Nov 27 2006, 01:17 PM

lol yes eragon i agree you!
i am not pay 30 h and ii have got now 22.95!
iam have 22.99!

bad idea pleses!!no that!

Posted by: hellyeah Nov 27 2006, 02:27 PM

most servers with 25+ slots have noobs on it so you get a high rating. Loads of players with a ranking of 10 can whoop the ass of players in the top10. Rating is all relative to the kind of server you play on. A Warfare / time2die server can't be compared to a telenet / BIO server. Just like HyperDex said: more slots, shorter spawntime, etpro, jaymod, etpub.

Being in the top 50 doesnt mean youre in the top 50 best ET players. It could mean you're able to throw alot of medpacks or build loads of barriers.

It's all relative :)

I like the site for tracking my friends if they turn off xfire, see where they played and with who. Rating doesnt really matter to me, however it is fun to compare your own with your friends who plays on the same servers.

Good decision SL team.

Posted by: sipiatti Nov 27 2006, 02:48 PM

Of course the main thing in this rating system that everything is relative... it is only a candy, that we have a global ranking list zwinker.gif
I think it is fair to press my rating down if I am not attending to any server, because others are doing, they should have the
feeling that they are growing.

And eragon forget global ranking, the splatter's system is a tool to track yourself. Maybe you are a pro but tell us if it is so why you need the ranking... :-)
Anyway, If you usually play on the same server, you could see how your rating changed against yourself and against your etmates.
This is for public use. If you play wars on pw protected servers your score would not be counted in your rating, so do not tell anyone that he is noob
or not, because that is a proof that you are the real noob not in playing et but deep in your brain. bash.gif doof.gif

I can tell you that I am not a pro, I am a public-lamer and I can accept the rules of this great site (regarding the tracker zwinker.gif respect.gif )
If you don't like it go and find another tracking site, or make your own if you can...

I think you are a better et player than me, but I promise that I will track you to meet on a map for a short shoot :-) just to see your capabilities ditsch.gif

See you in hell mate 01lol.gif

Posted by: Eragon Nov 27 2006, 03:07 PM

Any time man
I play on this server
I am the 8 best on it (VPS)
Hope to see you soon
But soon im going to start playing Etpro
So you will find me there 01lol.gif
And im going to give ya a lesson spanking.gif readthis.gif
That you wont forget motz.gif
oh and how old are you?

Posted by: sipiatti Nov 27 2006, 05:55 PM

QUOTE(Eragon @ Nov 27 2006, 03:07 PM) [snapback]31030[/snapback]

Any time man
I play on this server
I am the 8 best on it (VPS)
Hope to see you soon
But soon im going to start playing Etpro
So you will find me there 01lol.gif
And im going to give ya a lesson spanking.gif readthis.gif
That you wont forget motz.gif
oh and how old are you?

Ok eragon, thanks for invitation I will visit you I hope this week. But prepare my noobish style! grin.gif
I think it doesn't matter how old I am but I am sure I am much more older than you because I am a
father with 2 small children, so respect my age kiddy old.gif

If you have time after 9pm I am usually on =DV= (Deadly Vikings) I remember I saw you there someday
or only your name...hmm I am not sure...

Anyway on =DV= in nowadays I often see +LKD+0wner. Is he your clanmate?
He is better than me, so now you have a benchmark to compare super.gif

You said lesson... As I am reading you I bet you only thinking about shooting, and I bet you are playing only medic.
I am objective oriented that's why I am 90% playing as an engi with a rifle (noone likes my grenades :) )
So I do not think that you can give me a lesson I am too old for this boy... maybe you can show me better shooting that's all

Posted by: Eragon Nov 27 2006, 06:36 PM

ok paps
Dont get exited
Yeah i did paly on DV at some time
Owner is a good pale of mine cheers.gif
Not as good as him but nearly
I hope il get to his lvl soon
And being an eng wit rifle grenade is noobish!
whats the skill of killing guys with a nade?
ha noobish
id love a 1vs1 man
First rifle grenade to get down to your lvl
Then mp40 and thompson and rifles
No heavy weapons
noobish again
my xfire is
contact me when your ready
ip of my clan server :
gET ready!!
Cos i am going to give you a beating you will remeber of!

if you think i dont respect you
WEll sry
cos i do grin.gif

Posted by: RAX Nov 27 2006, 06:58 PM

rofl kiddys rolleye.gif rolleye.gif

u all play for sl? omfg this is kiddys grin.gif...eragorn u say u are 8 from one server? so good aree u not...i was playing vs u rolleye.gif
so sl say nothing about a player skill..i know and i have very much friends..with a rating from 6 or something...they own u and me...dude so see u sl say nothing abozut a player skill!

plz stop this shit "im rank 8 on this server i own u u are real noob blablabla" thuis show ur skill...u have no skill when u talk so shit zwinker2.gif depp.gif ditsch.gif doof.gif

friends.gif sign_fixed.gif

Posted by: sipiatti Nov 27 2006, 07:24 PM

why noobish kiddy?
an engi with a rifle is a useful member of a team to win the map...
of course it is not so useful in 1on1 ditsch.gif

that was I was talking about but it seems you do not understand, so let me explain it:

I never played 1on1, so clear the rules plz. no need rifle in 1on1 mp40 is ok
what class? objective or frag only? if frag, how many frag do you wish? etc.
as I told you I am a public-noob (not noobish 'cause it sounds like amish... and, you know... hehe) so I am unexperienced in war things
another info: I am a linux user so don't have xfire client and similar things...

If you are smart, you can find my msn or skype ID below...or in my profile ditsch.gif

Cool down, I am joking :) I like brave young guys like you but being a little bit less arrogant would be highly appreciated...

Awaiting to your answer, bye

Posted by: Eragon Nov 27 2006, 07:47 PM

k man no problem
respect.gif Said sorry if i was being unrespectful respect.gif
Personnaly ive never done 1 on 1 eather
I got msn to but never on it so no us
If you realy want to play with me join me in game
01lol.gif So what do we do??
Realy want a 1 on 1?
Euh yes eng with rifle are good for wining the campaigne
nicken.gif i agree

To win a map you need guys to protect eng..
I am that type of guy
I protect my fellow comrades
And i help them sign_fixed.gif

And Rax I know is not 100 per cent correct and i dont live for it
But i like to know if i played better on map than before
Thats all closed.gif

Posted by: |24/7|.GHOST Nov 28 2006, 07:33 AM

QUOTE(Eragon @ Nov 27 2006, 02:07 PM) [snapback]31030[/snapback]

Any time man
I play on this server
I am the 8 best on it (VPS)
Hope to see you soon
----->But soon im going to start playing Etpro<--------
So you will find me there 01lol.gif
And im going to give ya a lesson spanking.gif readthis.gif
That you wont forget motz.gif
oh and how old are you?

Dude, that sentence really makes me laugh, you may have a high rank on SL but as previously mentioned by several other posts that because you play on noob servers, don't get me wrong i like Jaymod to, even my server is jaymod as i thk ETpro has taken to much fun out of the game for public play. What i must stress tho, if and when you play ETpro servers, i think !! you will find your not quite as good as your rank suggests. zwink.gif Go flame me all you want, i couldnt care less, but what im saying is pretty dam correct.

Heres an example using myself, When my server was ETpro my splatterladder rank ranged from 12000 - 13500 ish ok and my server was filled more often than not with SL ranked (ETpro) players from 1000 - around 6000 And these guys are good players in clanbase etc in "good" clans.
Now my server is Jaymod, my SL rank is falling loads, its now around 3300, now my skills havent changed neither has my hardware etc, its just the fact the players that play there now are just less skilled!!, thats a fact ! and i get more score-per-minute so my rank increases.

So overall i would consider your SL rank not as accurate as you might think.

EDIT just looked at the top 10 players, and GUESS where they all mostly play ?? ETpub , Jaymod XP save servers etc... NOT 1 ETpro..

But on the subject of the SL rank, I think the only really fair way to track and rank players is to divide it into Different Server Mods, Therefore the score-per-min would be more relative to the "noob" servers as it would to the skilled players who only play ETpro servers. I think then and only then the rank system would be more accurate and imo would seperate the men from the boys zwink.gif

bye for now

Posted by: Warmonger Nov 28 2006, 10:57 AM

No offense intended, but it sounds to me as if none of you undertand how the new system works at ALL. Almost nothing said above is relevant to the way the new system works: the new Elo-based system that begun a month or two ago.

Players are NOW only compared to people playing the SAME map, with the SAME spawntimes, using the SAME mod, in the SAME server, at the SAME TIME as that player. None of what is complained about above matters anymore...that was the WHOLE POINT of the change. These were all valid complaints BEFORE the change, which is why the change was instituted. This is ALL FIXED.

Because of the new system, all the players you are ever judged against are playing under the EXACT same conditions that you are. Always. No exceptions...

The only things that DO matter are: your rating compared to the other players ratings (ONLY the ones in the SAME server at the SAME TIME)...and how you perform compared to how they perform (during THAT map on THAT server for THAT session.)

Why is it that none of you noticed the problem of server differences when it actually existed, but think it exists now that it's gone?

The only innaccuracy left is caused by players using NEW NAMES(new clan colors...whatever) who come in with a ZERO rank and play like their REAL rating. (Even a noob can do better then ZERO) That, however, IS a real problem now, and causes the system to BLEED POINTS. Given enough time, EVERYONE will be ranked at 0.000001

The system will bleed points in this way until registration is REQUIRED for inclusion in the ladder, and provisional (estimated) rankings are assigned to new members. I do not think, however, that they plan on ever doing this. See

The change THIS thread is about (the inactivity penalty) only makes this problem WORSE. If points are lost somewhere, they must be gained somewhere else. Just like provisional ratings, this is BASIC ELO. Now the system is bleeding even FASTER. Need a Medic!

Posted by: |24/7|.GHOST Nov 29 2006, 09:11 AM

Players are NOW only compared to people playing the SAME map, with the SAME spawntimes, using the SAME mod, in the SAME server, at the SAME TIME as that player. None of what is complained about above matters anymore...that was the WHOLE POINT of the change. These were all valid complaints BEFORE the change, which is why the change was instituted. This is ALL FIXED.

Im sorrry but i have to disagree, How the hell can player A who plays xpsave servers only for example where he will have all his skills etc everytime he connects be compared fairly to player B who plays only ETpro servers and always starts at 0 xp there fore is more likely to get less score-per-minute per map than player A , hence his rank will be a LOT lower even tho technically he might be higher skilled.

If what you say is correct that only players etc on same map, same server etc are compared, then it makes a complete hash of the whole ranking system which is what most players look at, No one looks for "how did i do on supply depot on X server, compared to joe Bloogs", all they look at is what rank am i out of how many thousands of players tracked by splatter ladder.

comparing players who play all different MODS is not going to be fair, despite what you say, its just NOT possible, which is why if you read my last post you would have seen even the example i gave of myself whilst playing regular on two diff mods which prooves it.

As i said previously, and going with what you stated, the mods and server types have to have their own ranks, thats the ONLY fair way.

And any system based on only score per-minute is always going to be wildy inaccurate because its just not enough info to compare all aspects of the game etc. Personally i dont even look at my rank becuase i know for a fact its probably way of the mark becuase of how it calculated, but my opinion on the topic is i think its fair to award players for playing more than others and to chop away at the rank of those who may be idle for weeks at a time. How exactly they set the scoring / rank / session time played is up to the SL team.

Posted by: Milic Nov 29 2006, 01:30 PM

grin.gif o yes that suck who play for rating!!!

this is good new rating!!

Posted by: sl.Proddi Nov 29 2006, 02:21 PM

ZITAT(Warmonger @ Nov 28 2006, 10:57 AM) [snapback]31105[/snapback]

The only innaccuracy left is caused by players using NEW NAMES(new clan colors...whatever) who come in with a ZERO rank and play like their REAL rating. (Even a noob can do better then ZERO) That, however, IS a real problem now, and causes the system to BLEED POINTS. Given enough time, EVERYONE will be ranked at 0.000001

The system will bleed points in this way until registration is REQUIRED for inclusion in the ladder, and provisional (estimated) rankings are assigned to new members. I do not think, however, that they plan on ever doing this. See

we exclude the new players (with lower rating) from the main calculation to reduce this effect. its an dynamic exclusion and if u play with 3 or 4 new players (rating 0-3) there are not effected to your session-calculation - not with their rating. that increase the global average rating points to balance the lost players there not playing again.
...and if the pro-players change their name every 5 minutes ... its not our problem (a example, why really pro servers doesnt have a good rating)

this is not an 100percent ELO-system, its elo-based. if u have a concrete suggestion for improvement, let it us know

Posted by: Warmonger Nov 29 2006, 03:20 PM

QUOTE(|24/7|.GHOST @ Nov 29 2006, 02:11 AM) [snapback]31195[/snapback]

How the hell can player A who plays xpsave servers only for example where he will have all his skills etc everytime he connects be compared fairly to player B who plays only ETpro servers and always starts at 0 xp

This is exactly my point. Player A in your example will NEVER be compared DIRECTLY to player B, because they never play together. They will only be compared INDIRECTLY.

Player A's rating will be adjusted according to how he performs on HIS server compared to those he's playing against during THAT SESSION, and player B's rating will be adjusted according to how he performs in HIS server compared to THOSE players.

A simplified example:

Player A (XPsave) performs poorly (20 SPM) compared to the people he is playing with (they all got 30 SPM ... same map, same spawntimes, same XPsave same everything because they are all playing together) ... he LOSES points.

Player B (no XPsave) performs well (10 SPM) against the people HE is playing with (5 SPM) ... He GAINS points.

Thus, the NON XP-save guy has just gained ground on the XPsave guy, even though his SPM was 50% lower.

The problem you refer to is how the ladder was BEFORE the new system!!!!!!!!!!

QUOTE(sl.Proddi @ Nov 29 2006, 07:21 AM) [snapback]31214[/snapback]
if u have a concrete suggestion for improvement, let it us know

I am sorry if I have offended, I did not mean to do that. I only want to help. The only concrete suggestion I can make is one I already have: the provisional rating. When a new name is scanned (A name with a rating of 0.00), immediately assign that new name a rating that is the ladder's average. for example, a 12...or whatever the average rating of the whole ladder is. This rating is more likely to be closer to that players actual skill level than zero is. THEN, do not allow this players rating to enter into the calculations of others until he had accumulated some rating time, for example: 10 hrs. During this 10 hrs of play, the new players rating can be adjusted as normal.

Posted by: kaisersaucé Nov 30 2006, 11:42 AM

Hi all,

the big problem is that if one wants to have a good rating point he has to play as medic or fops otherwise it s almost impossible to have a good rating even tho you played as an engy and made your team won the game with great skills gruebel.gif . Thus, you can see sometimes a team of 10 players with 7 medics doof.gif if the server has no class restrictions.

So, my point of view is that SL ranking makes some players play too selfishly (rambo medic, fops whore) and finally the game is less funny.

P.S i only play on ETPub jaymod noob servers grin.gif

Posted by: Eragon Nov 30 2006, 05:29 PM

i still dont like the new system readthis.gif
motz.gif motz.gif motz.gif motz.gif motz.gif motz.gif motz.gif
What can you do about it?
thanks.gif zwink.gif super.gif

Posted by: RAX Nov 30 2006, 07:19 PM

they can do follow things:

->ignore the whiners grin.gif ditsch.gif
->work on this new system this is good ..better then the old 1 zwinker2.gif sl good work friends.gif cheers.gif super.gif

Posted by: Warmonger Nov 30 2006, 10:29 PM

I agree. The new system is much better than's ALMOST flawless. cheers.gif

Most of the posts in this thread are devoid of content entirely. Some people just can't believe that they could possibly deserve to fall in the ratings, so it must be the system's fault. Ive fallen over 3000 places since the new system started, and Im still dropping, but I'm not whining about THAT...know why? Because I was OVERRATED with the old system (like many of the above posters, I have little doubt). The whiners above just refuse to accept that. I'm have NO complaints about my drop in rank.

The problem I mention above is only a small statistical one. It's probably not causing major errors, but I still think it should be addressed. However, the system as a whole is extremely fair and--besides the issue I raise--statistically accurate.

Maybe if you are falling below where you THINK you should's because you're not as good as you THINK you are...

It's simple statistical is not lying to you. It does not measure SKILL...only SCORE. If you're looking for something to measure your SKILL, then take a nap and dream something up; because such a thing does not, and can never, exist.

The Elo system on which this is based has long ago been accepted as statistically accurate by people far more intelligent than any of us. Deal with it.

Posted by: kaisersaucé Dec 1 2006, 02:15 PM

Hi all,

Damm it we have great admins who try their best to make us enjoy the game more and more, mean everytime i wanna connect to a server i use SL cuzz its a good interface, sometimes i look out for my rank but honestly it doesn't count it just a game.

About top 100 players, i think that many of them are good players i played against some of them and i noticed it.

So thank you SL team you've made a great job thanks.gif

Posted by: Eragon Dec 6 2006, 04:46 PM

yeah Thx sl!! super.gif nicken.gif super.gif
Great job for all youve done

And yes most of top100 are good players
I know a few of them...

Posted by: Pro-MN Dec 7 2006, 01:51 PM

hum... some are good.... some are not so good....
but i think that splatterladder is good,
cuz there is many good players in top 1000
not only top 100.
Keep it going! super.gif super.gif

Posted by: Eragon Dec 7 2006, 05:30 PM

Yeah first 1000 are good players
And all etpro with 12-14 are good

Posted by: kaisersaucé Dec 8 2006, 11:33 AM

CITATION(Eragon @ Dec 7 2006, 05:30 PM) [snapback]31865[/snapback]

Yeah first 1000 are good players
And all etpro with 12-14 are good

Lol, i didnt want to say that cuzz of my own rank, i dont think i deserve it depp.gif , cuzz i only play on jaymod server with at least 40 players playing at the same time rolleye.gif

Posted by: Eragon Dec 10 2006, 06:00 PM

i play on jaymod 11vs11
and i also play on etpub and etpro servers
i dont like it when its 14vs14 and over

Posted by: kaisersaucé Dec 15 2006, 06:48 PM

hmm i noticed that most of the top 20 players use to play on 2.55 servers. gruebel.gif

Is there an explanation???? motz.gif

I have never played with this version only 2.60b

Posted by: B4dTw33dy Dec 16 2006, 07:29 AM

Its really weird. The better I become the worse rating I get. Now, I have been mostly just going for objectives because I think that just killing and not helping the team makes you a NUB.

Definition of NUB = Non Useful Body

Sure there are those rambo medics out there that protect like crazy. But come on! 70kills and 5 deaths and your team still loses? Thats just an example of this nonsense.

Anyhow, I have tried it both ways and even killing lots of people, getting the highest accuracy etc... My rating again slips down even further. Now I am a true to life noob of course. I started playing this about 1 month ago and now I am averaging 25kills a map and winning plenty of objectives.

It was really weird ,because before I got slightly better I was only getting maybe 5 or 10 kills a map and my raiting would go up. What’s the deal with the rating system? Seems like a punishment. Not everyone can play every single day. Do they lose skill because they left for awhile? A resounding NO! Stay off the points before we toilet paper your houses! Joking lol but you understand that your rating system is just as silly as what I just said. What's that old saying? If its not broken don't fix it.

Posted by: Flieger Dec 17 2006, 01:44 AM

is the rating system down, cause its not showing any changes for me?

Posted by: AtteL Dec 17 2006, 08:33 AM

The rating-system is going updated once in a day. It wasn't updated when you checked it out.

Posted by: Flieger Dec 18 2006, 03:44 AM

ok its not my stats, its the stats for the server im on, aod all generals, everyone who plays on there has not been recorded for about a week now. anyone could tel me why?

Posted by: Apart Dec 22 2006, 03:03 PM

My raing keeps going down and i am palying 1 a 2 hours a day ..

Posted by: AtteL Dec 22 2006, 03:47 PM

Wich servers you're playing?

Posted by: .:EEF:.Tun!ng Dec 24 2006, 05:19 PM

is 1388 also good? super.gif

Greetz .:EEF:.Tun!ng

Posted by: **Slinger Dec 28 2006, 09:03 PM

Does no one here play to just play anymore? FFS, stop yapping about your falling rank Eragon...SL could easily stop keeping ranks, then what would you do.

Posted by: NWO*SKEET Jan 3 2007, 09:48 AM

QUOTE(**Slinger @ Dec 28 2006, 02:03 PM) [snapback]33225[/snapback]

Does no one here play to just play anymore? FFS, stop yapping about your falling rank Eragon...SL could easily stop keeping ranks, then what would you do.

lol i "just play" each time. I am a Senior Admin (a top admin) on the NWO servers so its always just fun for me when I play on our servers. But this site is always good for when someone says I suck, I can be like bam I'm ranked 10th now get off our servers lol. I think that it would be good if it kept track of kills and deaths too. Itd be fun to see how big the body count is :)

Posted by: B@dMO_13 Jan 8 2007, 01:20 PM

I dont really agre with this new rule either coz i am a noob and take me a lkong time to get points so when i leave they go right down sigh bash.gif but on the rateing system can anyone help? how do you actually get more points?? is it fragging or objective?? coz i am an obj GOD and dont seem to get many points for it sadd.gif Any help would be much appretated thx grin.gif grin.gif

Posted by: NHLfan Jan 8 2007, 03:32 PM

ZITAT(NWO*SKEET @ Jan 3 2007, 09:48 AM) [snapback]33473[/snapback]

ZITAT(**Slinger @ Dec 28 2006, 02:03 PM) [snapback]33225[/snapback]

Does no one here play to just play anymore? FFS, stop yapping about your falling rank Eragon...SL could easily stop keeping ranks, then what would you do.

lol i "just play" each time. I am a Senior Admin (a top admin) on the NWO servers so its always just fun for me when I play on our servers. But this site is always good for when someone says I suck, I can be like bam I'm ranked 10th now get off our servers lol. I think that it would be good if it kept track of kills and deaths too. Itd be fun to see how big the body count is :)

as we told you many times before:
There is no way to count Kills/Deaths without a logfile!
and Kills and Deaths are saying nothing about skill or anything!

The only information a server gives us, are:
Servername (IP),
XP of player
ping of player
(and some other informations, like mod, version, and so on)

nothing else, so the sl engine has to calculate the rest by itself, and the new system is better then the first one.

Its also impossible to force every serveradmin to "stream" there serverlogfiles and would take a huge performace for the SL

and for all who just play for their statistics -> go and play counterstrike!
Where's the good old time where everyone just played for fun?

We never claimed that our statistic is 100percent perfect or something, but at least you can compare you with other players and have a compromised statistic for all public servers, without having troubles to set up a streaming server

So, stop whining and play for fun!
thanks for the advertence

Posted by: -IronMonkey- Jan 8 2007, 04:49 PM

QUOTE(B@dMO_13 @ Jan 8 2007, 01:20 PM) [snapback]33796[/snapback]

how do you actually get more points?? is it fragging or objective?? coz i am an obj GOD and dont seem to get many points for it sadd.gif Any help would be much appretated thx grin.gif grin.gif

friends.gif first of all HellO !!!

I can only tell you that you must work on your ppm (points per minutes) the higher is your rating more points you have... nicken.gif

But all depends from the rating points of your enemy squad:

If u play against a team full of newbie (with low rating points "I'm talking about SL ranking, rating points")
u must play like 3 times better than them; flak.gif
If u play against a team full of players with high rating points and u are able to play a good match u can easy have more addictional points super.gif

old.gif try to find your way


Posted by: B@dMO_13 Jan 8 2007, 09:10 PM

Thx Monkey i apprataite it, i aint been playing that long just trying to suss everything out. lol there is alot more than i thought to online gameing hehe thanks.gif

Posted by: [FUBR]Hyperkill Jan 17 2007, 10:56 PM


Posted by: DemonTheKiller Jan 29 2007, 11:42 PM

I like to know how the new system work, as I see my name in the top 5 that play on our server and even if i scored 500xp for that map, I don't notices a change, when I score less that normal I get a score that is in red or yellow, but I scored high some times and this has been ignored HOW

Posted by: sLy ? Jan 30 2007, 02:49 PM

ZITAT(DemonTheKiller @ Jan 29 2007, 11:42 PM) [snapback]35314[/snapback]

I like to know how the new system work, as I see my name in the top 5 that play on our server and even if i scored 500xp for that map, I don't notices a change, when I score less that normal I get a score that is in red or yellow, but I scored high some times and this has been ignored HOW

read this i hope this help u a little bit zwinker2.gif

Posted by: *HoF* Busta Feb 7 2007, 11:57 PM

Is there a way of getting rid of all the inactive player names? By this I mean all those that havent played in over 3-4 month. I remember the old SL any name would drop out of SL after 100 days of inactivity. The main reason I'm asking this is because every time I search my clan tag (*HoF*) about 80% of the names that show up on the list havent been used in over 100 days, and most of them arent even in our clan anymore. Also, since not all names are displayed on the result page after the search, most of our active players don't even show up on the list. Anyway no big deal, I was just wondering if this could be changed. cheers.gif

*HoF* Busta

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