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[splatterladder] Board _ RtCW/ET - Tips & Tricks _ SL Player Info Help

Posted by: Breaker Mar 21 2009, 03:58 AM

'Ello, Broths cheers.gif
I am here because i need a help.gif
I want to register my clan, but i need 5 hours played to make it
The problem is, when i look at match legth i read the following thing:
And the match time is not added to my time played, and its not rated.
I am f...kin pissed off with this problem and i want it to be solved.
But i cant do anything, as i dont know why its happening.
Well, i hope that the hours not rated will become rated, if not, just HATED this.
Please HELP ME!!!
My Info:
Proof that its a problem with the player, not with the server =
That's it.

Posted by: NHLfan Mar 21 2009, 10:05 AM

the "looking" problem appears if the playername wrong, or has some conflict.
you playername isn't even registered/reserved, that's you could do.
because then you can try to type the playername in the gamers signature in the sl.settings

another thing is, that you should check all you configurations files on you computer, which contains "seta name", or "set name" - check the colorcodes.

more details

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