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> Omnibot version 0.90
post Sep 20 2023, 10:52 AM
Post #1

Group Icon Colonel

Group: Management

Joined: 12-February 11
From: France
Member No.: 97334

Did you installed the new version or are you still with omnibot 0.87 ?
Seems we have problems for some omnibot maps now


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post Sep 20 2023, 11:10 AM
Post #2

Group Icon Corporal

Group: Members

Joined: 25-July 06
From: Cornwall, UK
Member No.: 30648

we're using 0.90 and not noticed any problems.
Omni-Bot : Jun 11 2023 08:33:13
Version : 0.9
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post Sep 20 2023, 12:13 PM
Post #3

Group Icon Sergeant

Group: Members

Joined: 29-October 06
From: France
Member No.: 36715

OB 0.9 release comes with a new WAY file format, more compact, but incompatible with 0.8

If you run homebrewed old 0.8 WAY files unavailable through the OB SVN repository, they can be ran under 0.9 though! (edited)

Edit: https://mygamingtalk.com/topic/15241-script...09-file-format/

This post has been edited by Matéos: Sep 21 2023, 07:45 AM


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post Sep 21 2023, 07:46 AM
Post #4

Group Icon Sergeant

Group: Members

Joined: 29-October 06
From: France
Member No.: 36715

0.9 can load 0.8x waypoints just fine, I was wrong (confirmed by OB dev palota)


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