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> New map Grotli
post Apr 15 2023, 09:53 AM
Post #1

Group Icon Corporal

Group: Members

Joined: 16-August 06
Member No.: 31930

New map Grotli,




The Allies must blast their way through the Grotli tunnel and bring the gold back home.



Primary Objectives:
1] Destroy the main gate.
2] Destroy the tank gate.
3] Escort the tank to the gold vault.
4] Destroy the tank barrier.
5] Destroy the vault door.
6] Grab the gold and bring it to the Allied base.
Secondary Objectives:
7] Once inside the Grotli tunnel, capture the forward spawn point.
8] Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a command post inside the Grotli tunnel.

Primary Objectives:
1] Protect the main gate.
2] Protect the tank gate.
3] Don't let the tank go to the Axis base.
4] Don't let the Allies destroy the tank barrier.
5] Don't let the Allies destroy the vault door.
6] Protect the gold.
Secondary Objectives:
7] Don't let them use the forward spawn point inside the Grotli tunnel.
8] Set up a command post inside the Grotli tunnel.



This post has been edited by |>B<|o-0._.0-o: May 8 2023, 12:26 PM
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