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[MAP] - Point Xmas B1 - Released |
Dec 13 2016, 11:33 PM
Corporal Group: Members Joined: 22-April 15 Member No.: 461405 |
Merry Christmas!
Here is a new Xmas themed map. It comes packed with 3 versions; Regular, a totally new wave based team deathmatch objective mode and Last man standing. The download site includes Omnibot waypoints! Objectives for both teams in regular version: 1] Steal the Enemy Flags (Max 5). 2] Establish a Command Post inside the Central House. 3] Prevent the enemy from fortifying their position with a Command Post inside the Central House. ***Bonus: Collect 3 stars to gain a bounce pad Screenshots: Download from Enemy-Territory-Stuff Full Readme: CODE //================================================================================
===================>>> // // !The map has 2 different BSP files! // // Mapname : Point Xmas B1 OR Point Xmas TDM B1 // BSPname : point OR point_tdm // Released: December 2016 // Version : Beta 1 // 4th version // // Map made by: -SSF-Sage from SM-Mapping // // Contact Sage : ssf.sage at gmail dot com //-SSF-Sage @ (prefered) // SM-Mapping site: //================================================================================ ===================>>> Please contact us for any feedback, suggestions, constructive critisism, bug report etc. ======================================================= Story: It is the Point Break! Steal the enemy flag or kill them! Honor shall be given to the team that hoard the most points! ======================================================= !!The map comes with 3 version!!! point.bsp _________ Objectives: Allies: 1] Steal the Red Flags. 2] Establish a Command Post inside the Central House. 3] Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post inside the Central House. ***Bonus: Collect stars Axis: 1] Steal the Blue Flags. 2] Prevent the Allies from establishing a Command Post inside the Central House. 3] Set up a Command Post inside the Central House. ***Bonus: Collect stars point_tdm.bsp _____________ Objectives: Allies: 1] Steal the Red Flag for 2 points or kill the enemy team for 1 point. Axis: 1] Steal the Blue Flag for 2 points or kill the enemy team for 1 point. point.bsp / LMS version _______________________ Objectives: Everyone: 1] Survive! ======================================================= Installation: Put the pk3 file into your Etmain folder. Uninstallation: Delete the pk3 file from your Etmain folder. ======================================================= How to play: Regular: g_gametypes 2=objective, 3=stopwatch, 4=campaign /callvote map point Team Deathmatch: g_gametypes 2=objective, 3=stopwatch, 4=campaign /callvote map point_tdm LMS: g_gametypes 5=LMS /callvote map point or /callvote map point_tdm ======================================================= Disclaimer: We can not be held responsible for anything. ======================================================= Credits: One or more textures on this map have been created with images from These images may not be redistributed by default. Please visit for more information. Pegazus Big amount of textures, models and prefabs etc. are made by Pegazus and SM-mapping [UJE]Niek Xmas themed prefabs, horse model Loffy, Drakir and 2bit Xmas themed prefabs ======================================================= Map testing: //////Big thanks to testing ///We owe you guys for all the help, testing and feedback! Members and players from: UJE Clan Ets| Community Bunker Community {WeB} Clan Special thanks to: Niek from [UJE] Clan Kate from Ets| Community o-0._.0-o from |>B<| Community GANG$TA from {WeB} Clan ===================================================== Changelog: point.bsp B1: -Snowmen give ammo -Command post for charge speeds -Turned bases into houses -Move flags out of bases -More cover at bases -Bouncepad for collecting 3 stars |
Dec 14 2016, 12:20 AM
Second Lieutenant Group: Members Joined: 22-November 11 From: Serbia Member No.: 120893 |
Great Work, thank you.
Dec 21 2016, 07:57 PM
Corporal Group: Members Joined: 22-April 15 Member No.: 461405 |
Second Beta version of Point Xmas is released! Changelog: point.bsp B2: -Stars appear faster, every 20-35 seconds -Fixed bouncepad -Added following Star rewards: 1st Star: Gain Mine free zone near enemy flag! 2nd Star: Gain Attack Bouncepad! 3rd Star: Gain Health and Ammo Cabinets! 4th Star: Gain Extra Sleigh rides! 5th Star: Gain Escape Bouncepad! After 5 Stars: Clear Landmines around enemy flag! Download Beta 2+ new waypoint from Enemy-Territory-Stuff Merry Christmast! |
Dec 22 2016, 11:21 PM
Major General Group: Members Joined: 21-November 05 From: Member No.: 18126 |
Second Beta version of Point Xmas is released! Changelog: point.bsp B2: -Stars appear faster, every 20-35 seconds -Fixed bouncepad -Added following Star rewards: 1st Star: Gain Mine free zone near enemy flag! 2nd Star: Gain Attack Bouncepad! 3rd Star: Gain Health and Ammo Cabinets! 4th Star: Gain Extra Sleigh rides! 5th Star: Gain Escape Bouncepad! After 5 Stars: Clear Landmines around enemy flag! Download Beta 2+ new waypoint from Enemy-Territory-Stuff Merry Christmast! thx for the great work, i updated it to the new version. -------------------- |
Lo-Fi Version | Time is now: 18th December 2024 - 06:38 AM |