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Complains , kicks , bans |
Dec 25 2016, 07:51 AM
Colonel Group: Members Joined: 26-April 10 From: Düsseldorf Member No.: 91640 |
If you think you're innocent kicked or banned
Example: IngameName Time (when you got kicked from the server) Server Guid Reason for kick Reporting cheaters The most important is a demo (we need a proof to ban cheaters) Without a proof we won't ban players!!! Open your ingame console "^" and type /record nameofplayer (part of the name should be enough) If you seen enough then you can stop the demo record with /stoprecord (minimum length of the demo should be 2 minutes ... more is much better) Clear your console with the /clear command Now type /pb_plist Now you type /condump guids.txt (this will save a textfile to your mod directory with the content of the console text) Open this textfile and find the line with the guid and name of the player you mean (looks like this --> PunkBuster Client: 12 1234abcd(?) OK 10.0 0{0|0} PlayerName) Upload your demo to a filehoster ( should be the best ) Reporting: PlayerName Guid (8 Alphanumerics) Kind of cheat Server Link to demo -------------------- |
Lo-Fi Version | Time is now: 3rd December 2024 - 05:53 PM |