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[splatterladder] Board _ RtCW/ET - Tips & Tricks _ The Scripte-Thread

Posted by: [COP] Wer? Jan 9 2005, 07:36 PM

Hier mal ein Scripte Thread , wer welche hat kann sie hier mal posten.

Eins gleich mal vorneweg SPAM wird in diesem Thread AUSNAMSLOS GELÖSCHT!!

Eigentlich will ich meine ja gar nicht posten sonst werde ich wieder als Cheat0r beschimpft.

Ich bin natürlich auch ein Copy&Paste Typ und verweise Dankend an die Seite wo ich meine Scripte bekam: Big Thanx to M3ff3n

Eins meiner liebsten Scripte ist das Netzwerk-Script mit dem ich die Maxpackets verstellen kann:

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// toggle netzwerk (cl_maxpackets)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

bind x  "vstr tog_netzwerk"
set tog_netzwerk  "vstr tog_netzwerk_1"
set tog_netzwerk_1 "set cl_maxpackets 30; echo ^0[^7cl_maxpackets^0: ^7"^130^7"^0];set tog_netzwerk vstr tog_netzwerk_2"
set tog_netzwerk_2 "set cl_maxpackets 60; echo ^0[^7cl_maxpackets^0: ^7"^160^7"^0];set tog_netzwerk vstr tog_netzwerk_3"
set tog_netzwerk_3 "set cl_maxpackets 76; echo ^0[^7cl_maxpackets^0: ^7"^176^7"^0];set tog_netzwerk vstr tog_netzwerk_4"
set tog_netzwerk_4 "set cl_maxpackets 100; echo ^0[^7cl_maxpackets^0: ^7"^1100^7"^0];set tog_netzwerk vstr tog_netzwerk_1"

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Erklärung
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

// Anzahl Tasten: 1
// Funktion: Beim drücken der Taste "x" wird zwischen den Werten
// cl_maxpackets "30", "60", "76" und "100" gewechselt.
// Eine Änderung kann sich positiv auf den Ping auswirken.
// Maximum: cl_maxpackets "100"

Posted by: [COP] Wer? Jan 9 2005, 07:38 PM

Mein Klassenwahl-Script mit den wichtigsten Auswahlmöglichkeiten,ich brauch nicht mehr auswahl:

//~~ Limboscript by impuLse ~~

//replace "X" with a key you want

//e.g. F1

//toogles team:

bind "KP_SLASH" "vstr tgl_team"

//binds for class change:

bind "KP_PGUP" "vstr engi"
bind "KP_HOME" "vstr medic"
bind "KP_UPARROW" "vstr fops"
bind "KP_MINUS" "vstr panzer"

set team_ax "vstr set_ax; set tgl_team vstr team_al"
set team_al "vstr set_al; set tgl_team vstr team_ax"
set tgl_team "vstr team_ax"
set set_al "set engi vstr al_engi; set medic vstr al_medic; set fops vstr al_fops;
set panzer vstr al_panzer; echo ^7[ ^8b^7inds: ^8a^7llied ]"
set set_ax "set engi vstr ax_engi; set medic vstr ax_medic; set fops vstr ax_fops;
set panzer vstr ax_panzer; echo ^7[ ^8b^7inds: ^8a^7xis ]"
set engi "vstr al_engi"
set medic "vstr al_medic"
set fops "vstr al_fops"
set panzer "vstr al_panzer"
set al_engi "team b 2 8; say_team ^7[ spawn: ^8e^7ngi with ^8t^7homp ]"
set al_medic "team b 1 8; say_team ^7[ spawn: ^8m^7edic with ^8t^7homp ]"
set al_fops "team b 3 8; say_team ^7[ spawn: ^8f^7dops with ^8t^7homp ]"
set al_panzer "team b 0 5; say_team ^7[ spawn: ^8s^7old with ^8p^7anzer ]"
set ax_engi "team r 2 3; say_team ^7[ spawn: ^8e^7ngi with ^8m^7p40 ]"
set ax_medic "team r 1 3; say_team ^7[ spawn: ^8m^7edic with ^8m^7p40 ]"
set ax_fops "team r 3 3; say_team ^7[ spawn: ^8f^7dops with ^8m^7p40 ]"
set ax_panzer "team r 0 5; say_team ^7[ spawn: ^8s^7old with ^8p^7anzer ]"

Posted by: [COP] Wer? Jan 9 2005, 07:40 PM

Mein Fadenkreuz:

seta cg_drawCrosshair "4"
seta cg_crosshairSize "32"
seta cg_crosshairColor "red"
seta cg_crosshairColorAlt "green"
seta  cg_crosshairHealth  "0"
seta  cg_crosshairX  "0"
seta  cg_crosshairY  "0"
seta  cg_crosshairAlpha  "1.0"
seta  cg_crosshairPulse  "0"
seta  cg_drawCrosshairPickups "1"
seta  cg_drawCrosshairNames  "1"
seta  cg_crosshairAlphaAlt  "1.0"

Posted by: [COP] Wer? Jan 9 2005, 07:41 PM

Und mein 0wn3r Sensy-Script:


set sens1 "+attack; seta sensitivity 2.1"
set sens2 "-attack; seta sensitivity 4.0"
bind MOUSE1 "+vstr sens1 sens2"

Posted by: [COP] Wer? Jan 9 2005, 07:47 PM

Hier noch meine > autoexec_fieldops.cfg < die nur geladen wird wenn ich FielOp auswähle!
Einfaches ARI-Script:

echo ^0Autoexec Fieldops geladen
bind b "+zoom;+attack;-attack;-zoom"

Posted by: [COP] Wer? Jan 9 2005, 07:52 PM

Und ein Regen-Schnee Script, mit dem ich je nach belieben oder Serverconfig switchen kann:

//Rain, Snow

set opady0 "echo ^1RAIN/SNOW ^7OFF; set cg_atmosphericeffects 0; set opady vstr opady1"
set opady1 "echo ^1RAIN/SNOW ^7ON; set cg_atmosphericeffects 1; set opady vstr opady0"
set opady "vstr opady0"
bind "F8" "vstr opady"

Posted by: sl.BulletZ Jan 9 2005, 11:08 PM

hier ist mein fadenkreuz , ein kleiner grüner punkt


seta cg_ColorLocations "1"
seta cg_CrosshairColor "green"
seta cg_CrosshairNames "6x6"
seta cg_CrosshairNamesLeft "0"
seta cg_crosshairTeamInfo "0"
seta cg_crosshairPulse "0"
seta cg_crosshairSize "40"
seta cg_drawCrosshair "5"

Posted by: sl.BulletZ Jan 9 2005, 11:10 PM

hier der klassenswitch



// ====================================================================================
// Genarator
// Generiert auf mit dem Generator von SAC|Peperoni #all-in-one / #silent-assassins
// ====================================================================================
// KlassenScript
// coded by GOD*Leviathan #god*
// =================================================================================
// Binds

bind kp_home "vstr teamtoggle"    // Wechsel Axis <=> Allies
bind kp_uparrow "echo Noch keine Seite ausgewaehlt (kp_home)"  // Später Soldat
bind kp_pgup "echo Noch keine Seite ausgewaehlt (kp_home)"  // Später Engineer
bind kp_leftarrow "echo Noch keine Seite ausgewaehlt (kp_home)"  // Später Field Ops
bind kp_5 "echo Noch keine Seite ausgewaehlt (kp_home)"  // Später Medic
bind kp_rightarrow "echo Noch keine Seite ausgewaehlt (kp_home)"  // Später Covert Ops
bind kp_plus "vstr confirm"      // Klassenwechsel im Teamsay ausgeben und Klasse wechseln

// ====================================================================================

// Axis Cycle

// Soldat
set SOLDIER_r "vstr SOLD_r_1"
set SOLD_r_1 "set SOLDIER_r vstr SOLD_r_2;set change_class team r 0 31; vstr def_SOLD_r; echo Soldat @ MG42"
set SOLD_r_2 "set SOLDIER_r vstr SOLD_r_3;set change_class team r 0 5;  vstr def_SOLD_r; echo Soldat @ Panzer"
set SOLD_r_3 "set SOLDIER_r vstr SOLD_r_4;set change_class team r 0 6;  vstr def_SOLD_r; echo Soldat @ Flammer"
set SOLD_r_4 "set SOLDIER_r vstr SOLD_r_1;set change_class team r 0 35; vstr def_SOLD_r; echo Soldat @ Moerser"
set res_SOLD_r "set ENGIE_r vstr ENG_r_1; set COVERTOPS_r vstr COV_r_1"
set def_SOLD_r "set confirm_selection say_team ^qI Spawn Soldat; vstr res_SOLD_r"

// Medic
set MEDIC_r "set confirm_selection say_team ^qMedic ^2with ^sMP40; vstr res_MEDIC_r;set change_class team r 1 3; echo Medic @ MP40"
set res_MEDIC_r "set SOLDIER_r vstr SOLD_r_1; set ENGIE_r vstr ENG_r_1; set COVERTOPS_r vstr COV_r_1"

// Engineer
set ENGIE_r "vstr ENG_r_1"
set ENG_r_1 "set ENGIE_r vstr ENG_r_2;set change_class team r 2 3;  vstr def_ENG_r; echo Ingenieur @ MP40"
set ENG_r_2 "set ENGIE_r vstr ENG_r_1;set change_class team r 2 23; vstr def_ENG_r; echo Ingenieur @ Karabiner 98"
set res_ENG_r "set SOLDIER_R vstr SOLD_r_1; set COVERTOPS_r vstr COV_r_1"
set def_ENG_r "set confirm_selection say_team ^qIngenieur ^2with ^sMP40; vstr res_ENG_r"

// Field Ops
set FIELDOPS_r "set confirm_selection say_team ^qField Op ^2with ^sMP40; vstr res_FIELD_r;set change_class team r 3 3; echo Field Op @ MP40"
set res_FIELD_r "set SOLDIER_r vstr SOLD_r_1; set ENGIE_r vstr ENG_r_1; set COVERTOPS_r vstr COV_r_1"

// Covert Ops
set COVERTOPS_r "vstr COV_r_1"
set COV_r_1 "set COVERTOPS_r vstr COV_r_2;set change_class team r 4 10; vstr def_COV_r; echo Covert Op @ Sten"
set COV_r_2 "set COVERTOPS_r vstr COV_r_3;set change_class team r 4 32; vstr def_COV_r; echo Covert Op @ K43"
set COV_r_3 "set COVERTOPS_r vstr COV_r_1;set change_class team r 4 33; vstr def_COV_r; echo Covert Op @ FG42"
set res_COV_r "set SOLDIER_r vstr SOLD_r_1; set ENGIE_r vstr ENG_r_1"
set def_COV_r "set confirm_selection say_team ^qSpawn as Covert Op ; vstr res_COV_r"

// ====================================================================================

// Allies Cycle

// Soldat
set SOLDIER_b "vstr SOLD_b_1"
set SOLD_b_1 "set SOLDIER_b vstr SOLD_b_2;set change_class team b 0 31; vstr def_SOLD_b; echo Soldat @ MG42"
set SOLD_b_2 "set SOLDIER_b vstr SOLD_b_3;set change_class team b 0 5;  vstr def_SOLD_b; echo Soldat @ Panzer"
set SOLD_b_3 "set SOLDIER_b vstr SOLD_b_4;set change_class team b 0 6;  vstr def_SOLD_b; echo Soldat @ Flammer"
set SOLD_b_4 "set SOLDIER_b vstr SOLD_b_1;set change_class team b 0 35; vstr def_SOLD_b; echo Soldat @ Moerser"
set res_SOLD_b "set ENGIE_b vstr ENG_b_1; set COVERTOPS_b vstr COV_b_1"
set def_SOLD_b "set confirm_selection say_team ^qSpawn as a Soldat;  vstr res_SOLD_b"

// Medic
set MEDIC_b "set confirm_selection say_team ^qMedic ^2with ^sThompson; vstr res_MEDIC_b;set change_class team b 1 8; echo Medic @ Thompson"
set res_MEDIC_b "set SOLDIER_b vstr SOLD_b_1; set ENGIE_b vstr ENG_b_1; set COVERTOPS_b vstr COV_b_1"

// Engineer
set ENGIE_b "vstr ENG_b_1"
set ENG_b_1 "set ENGIE_b vstr ENG_b_2;set change_class team b 2 8;  vstr def_ENG_b; echo Ingenieur @ Thompson"
set ENG_b_2 "set ENGIE_b vstr ENG_b_1;set change_class team b 2 24; vstr def_ENG_b; echo Ingenieur @ M1 Gerand"
set res_ENG_b "set SOLDIER_b vstr SOLD_b_1; set COVERTOPS_b vstr COV_b_1"
set def_ENG_b "set confirm_selection say_team ^qIngenieur ^2with ^sThompson; vstr res_ENG_b"

// Field Ops
set FIELDOPS_b "set confirm_selection say_team ^qField Op ^2with ^sThompson; vstr res_FIELD_b;set change_class team b 3 8; echo Field Op @ Thompson"
set res_FIELD_b "set SOLDIER_b vstr SOLD_b_1; set ENGIE_b vstr ENG_b_1; set COVERTOPS_b vstr COV_b_1"

// Covert Ops
set COVERTOPS_b "vstr COV_b_1"
set COV_b_1 "set COVERTOPS_b vstr COV_b_2;set change_class team b 4 10; vstr def_COV_b; echo Covert Op @ Sten"
set COV_b_2 "set COVERTOPS_b vstr COV_b_3;set change_class team b 4 32; vstr def_COV_b; echo Covert Op @ M1 Garand"
set COV_b_3 "set COVERTOPS_b vstr COV_b_1;set change_class team b 4 33; vstr def_COV_b; echo Covert Op @ FG42"
set res_COV_b "set SOLDIER_b vstr SOLD_b_1; set ENGIE_b vstr ENG_b_1"
set def_COV_b "set confirm_selection say_team ^qSpawn as a Covert Op; vstr res_COV_b"

// ====================================================================================

// SideSwitch

set teamtoggle "vstr toggle_Axis"
set toggle_Axis  "set teamtoggle vstr toggle_Allies; vstr bind_Axis; set confirm_selection echo ^7Choose Axis or Allies Side first; echo  ^8Spawn ^9as^7 AXIS"
set toggle_Allies "set teamtoggle vstr toggle_Axis; vstr bind_Allies; set confirm_selection echo ^7Choose Axis or Allies Side first; echo ^8Spawn ^9as^7 ALLIIES"
set bind_Axis  "vstr reset_r; bind kp_uparrow vstr SOLDIER_r; bind kp_5 vstr MEDIC_r; bind kp_pgup vstr ENGIE_r; bind kp_leftarrow vstr FIELDOPS_r; bind kp_rightarrow vstr COVERTOPS_r"
set bind_Allies "vstr reset_b; bind kp_uparrow vstr SOLDIER_b; bind kp_5 vstr MEDIC_b; bind kp_pgup vstr ENGIE_b; bind kp_leftarrow vstr FIELDOPS_b; bind kp_rightarrow vstr COVERTOPS_b"
set reset_r "set SOLDIER_r vstr SOLD_r_1; set ENGIE_r vstr ENG_r_1; set COVERTOPS_r vstr COV_r_1"
set reset_b "set SOLDIER_b vstr SOLD_b_1; set ENGIE_b vstr ENG_b_1; set COVERTOPS_b vstr COV_b_1"

// ====================================================================================

// ConfirmSwitch

set confirm "vstr change_class; vstr confirm_selection"
set confirm_selection "echo ^7Noch keine Seite ausgewaehlt!!!"
set change_class "echo ^7Fehler in der Benutzung!!!"

Posted by: sl.BulletZ Jan 9 2005, 11:21 PM

hier ist der togglescript für das sichtfeld
normal oder weit


set fov90 "echo FOV set to 90 degrees!; set cg_fov 90; set switch_fov vstr fov120;"
set fov120 "echo FOV set to 120 degrees!; set cg_fov 120; set switch_fov vstr fov90;"
set switch_fov "vstr fov90"
bind "n" "vstr switch_fov"

Posted by: sl.BulletZ Jan 9 2005, 11:26 PM

fix vom ET resolution reset bug


set r_mode -1
set r_customwidth 1280
set r_customheight 1024
set r_fullscreen 1

Posted by: sl.BulletZ Jan 9 2005, 11:28 PM

demo record mit F12


// allow demo recording to start/stop w/ F12
bind "F12" "vstr demotoggle"
set demostop "set demotoggle vstr demostart; stoprecord"
set demostart "set demotoggle vstr demostop; autorecord"
set demotoggle "vstr demostart"

Posted by: [COP] Wer? Jan 10 2005, 07:28 PM

Ein Frames-Toggle Script:

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// toggle maxfps
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

bind x  "vstr tog_maxfps"
set tog_maxfps  "vstr tog_maxfps_1"
set tog_maxfps_1  "set com_maxfps 43; echo ^0[^7com_maxfps^0: ^7"^143^7"^0];set tog_maxfps vstr tog_maxfps_2"
set tog_maxfps_2  "set com_maxfps 76; echo ^0[^7com_maxfps^0: ^7"^176^7"^0];set tog_maxfps vstr tog_maxfps_3"
set tog_maxfps_3  "set com_maxfps 125; echo ^0[^7com_maxfps^0: ^7"^1125^7"^0];set tog_maxfps vstr tog_maxfps_4"
set tog_maxfps_4  "set com_maxfps 333; echo ^0[^7com_maxfps^0: ^7"^1333^7"^0];set tog_maxfps vstr tog_maxfps_1"

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Erklärung
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

// Anzahl Tasten: 1
// Funktion: Beim drücken der Taste "x" wird zwischen den Werten
// com_maxfps "43", "76", "125" und "333" gewechselt.

Posted by: [COP] Wer? Jan 10 2005, 07:29 PM

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// sniper ducken weapalt (Sniper Script)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

bind x  "vstr tog_ducken"
set tog_ducken "vstr tog_ducken_1"
set tog_ducken_1 "+movedown; weapalt; set tog_ducken vstr tog_ducken_0"
set tog_ducken_0 "-movedown; weapalt; set tog_ducken vstr tog_ducken_1"

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Erklärung
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

// Anzahl Tasten: 1
// Funktion: Man duckt sich beim ersten drücken von "x" und
// man geht in den altrnativen Waffenmodus (Zoom). Beim
// zweiten drücken steht man wieder auf und verlässt den
// alternativen Waffenmodus.

Posted by: [COP] Wer? Jan 10 2005, 07:31 PM

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// toggle rauch (cg_wolfparticles)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

bind x  "vstr tog_rauch"
set tog_rauch  "vstr tog_rauch_1"
set tog_rauch_1  "set cg_wolfparticles 1; echo ^0[^7cg_wolfparticles^0: ^7"^11^7"^0];set tog_rauch vstr tog_rauch_0"
set tog_rauch_0  "set cg_wolfparticles 0; echo ^0[^7cg_wolfparticles^0: ^7"^10^7"^0];set tog_rauch vstr tog_rauch_1"

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Erklärung
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

// Anzahl Tasten: 1
// Funktion: Beim drücken der Taste "x" wird zwischen den Werten
// cg_wolfparticles "1" und "0" gewechselt. bei "0" sieht man
// die Rauchentwicklung beim zerstörten Tank und bei Artillery
// nicht mehr.

Posted by: [COP] Wer? Jan 10 2005, 07:53 PM

bind x "vstr volup"
bind y "vstr voldown"

set vol00 "set s_volume 0.0;set voldown vstr vol00;set volup vstr vol01;echo Volume ^2O^7=========="
set vol01 "set s_volume 0.1;set voldown vstr vol00;set volup vstr vol02;echo Volume =^2O^7========="
set vol02 "set s_volume 0.2;set voldown vstr vol01;set volup vstr vol03;echo Volume ==^2O^7========"
set vol03 "set s_volume 0.3;set voldown vstr vol02;set volup vstr vol04;echo Volume ===^2O^7======="
set vol04 "set s_volume 0.4;set voldown vstr vol03;set volup vstr vol05;echo Volume ====^3O^7======"
set vol05 "set s_volume 0.5;set voldown vstr vol04;set volup vstr vol06;echo Volume =====^3O^7====="
set vol06 "set s_volume 0.6;set voldown vstr vol05;set volup vstr vol07;echo Volume ======^3O^7===="
set vol07 "set s_volume 0.7;set voldown vstr vol06;set volup vstr vol08;echo Volume =======^1O^7==="
set vol08 "set s_volume 0.8;set voldown vstr vol07;set volup vstr vol09;echo Volume ========^1O^7=="
set vol09 "set s_volume 0.9;set voldown vstr vol08;set volup vstr vol10;echo Volume =========^1O^7="
set vol10 "set s_volume 1.0;set voldown vstr vol09;set volup vstr vol10;echo Volume ==========^1O^7"
set volup vstr vol05
set voldown vstr vol05

Posted by: [COP] Wer? Jan 10 2005, 08:00 PM

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Namenwechsel Script
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

bind x  "vstr tog_name"
set tog_name  "vstr tog_name_1"
set tog_name_1  "set name ^2Name 1; echo ^2Name 1; set tog_name vstr tog_name_2"
set tog_name_2  "set name ^3Name 2; echo ^3Name 2; set tog_name vstr tog_name_3"
set tog_name_3  "set name ^4Name 3; echo ^4Name 3; set tog_name vstr tog_name_4"
set tog_name_4  "set name ^5Name 4; echo ^5Name 4; set tog_name vstr tog_name_1"

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Erklärung
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

// Anzahl Tasten: 1
// Funktion: Beim drücken der Taste "x" wird zwischen den Namen
// die man einträgt gewechselt.
// Bei diesem Script sind große Buchstaben möglich und
// Leerzeichen im Namen.

Posted by: SLK32 May 17 2005, 07:09 PM

// ============================================ //
// Jump script (jump with pmove_fixed set to 1) //
// ============================================ //
set jump_dn "pmove_fixed 1; +moveup"
set jump_up "-moveup; pmove_fixed 0"
bind CTRL "+vstr jump_dn jump_up"

Posted by: |>B<|SickOne May 17 2005, 08:20 PM

QUOTE (SLK32 @ May 17 2005, 07:09 PM)
// ============================================ //
// Jump script (jump with pmove_fixed set to 1) //
// ============================================ //
set jump_dn "pmove_fixed 1; +moveup"
set jump_up "-moveup; pmove_fixed 0"
bind CTRL "+vstr jump_dn jump_up"

what is the Jump script good for ? can i jump more far with it ??

Posted by: Ragnar_40k May 17 2005, 08:27 PM

Looks like my jump script. And yes, you can jump further with it.
With pmove_fixed set to 1 ET emulates 125fps, which is one of the magic numbers for trickjumping. But pmove_fixed has some drawbacks, sniping and Mg42 emplacements are messed up for instance. So you should set it only when needed, which the script does. Be aware that you need to hold down the CTRL key whilest in the air to take full advantage of the script.

PS: This script is part of my config which you can download

Posted by: terrorkommando May 28 2005, 01:34 PM

// ET Pro Spawntimer

bind INS timerset 15
bind DEL timerset 20
bind HOME timerset 30
bind END resetTimer

with this script you can show enemy spawn time... just check how long spawn time is... 15(INS),20(DEL) or 30(HOME) secs, press button and you have a enemy spawn timer next to yours. Quite useful.

Have Fun Fraggin,

Posted by: Ragnar_40k May 28 2005, 02:44 PM

QUOTE (terrorkommando @ May 28 2005, 01:34 PM)
bind INS timerset 15
bind DEL timerset 20
bind HOME timerset 30

You should set this inside the autoexec_map.cfg, so you will need only one bind.
With the autoexec_allies.cfg resp. autoexec_allies.cfg you can select the correct side and the in, e.g. autoexec_goldrush.cfg, you can set it to 30 for Axis resp. 20 for Allies.

Posted by: REDMERCURY Jun 12 2005, 10:26 AM

Nice little script, hides any given weapon only while it's being fired..

//DRAWGUN SCRIPT///////////////////////////////
seta xshoot1 "+attack;+sprint; cg_drawgun 0"
seta xshoot2 "-attack;-sprint; cg_drawgun 1"
bind mouse1 "+vstr xshoot1 xshoot2"


Posted by: REDMERCURY Jun 12 2005, 10:30 AM

Simple Ammo > MG > Ammo toggle...

//FIELD OPPS AMMO TOGGLE///////////////////////////
set m-bank1 "weaponbank 6; set fieldopps12 vstr m-bank2"
set m-bank2 "weaponbank 3; set fieldopps12 vstr m-bank1"
set fieldopps12 "vstr m-bank1"
bind KP_END "vstr fieldopps12"


Posted by: sl.BulletZ Aug 8 2005, 03:23 PM

here is an example to show you how you can make your cfg file on your own
you can do it with a simple texteditor and save the file as :
autexec.cfg and you must put it in your Etmain folder
if you mess something up just type in console
/exec etconfig
and it puts all the settings back like when game is newly installed

ici un example de script pour donner une idee comment faire
il faut le faire avec un editeur texte et enregistrer sous
autoexec.cfg et le mettre dans le dossier etmain
si quelquechose foire, tapes juste
/exec etconfig
dans la console dans le jeu et tout les commandes revient comme a l'origine

to put colors in your nick use from enemy
create your name and copy it in the line seta name between the ""
the shown example gives you WolfPlayer

pour mettre des couleurs dans le nick utilise de enemy,
cree ton nick et copy le resultat dans la ligne seta name entre les "" ,
l'example montre donne WolfPlayer


seta name "^1Wolf^3Player"

bind TAB "+scores"                                
bind ENTER "+activate"                            
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"                      
bind SPACE "openlimbomenu"                  
bind kp_minus "mapzoomout"              
bind g "+mapexpand"                            
bind m "mvactivate"                              
bind t "messagemode2                          
bind v "mp_quickmessage"                    
bind y "messagemode"                        
bind PAUSE "+topshots"                      
bind UPARROW "+forward"                  
bind DOWNARROW "+back"                  
bind LEFTARROW "+moveleft"            
bind RIGHTARROW "+moveright"          
bind ALT "+stats"
bind CTRL "+zoom"
bind SHIFT "+sprint"
bind INS "weaponbank 5"                      
bind DEL "weaponbank 3"
bind PGDN "weaponbank 4"
bind PGUP "weaponbank 7"
bind HOME "weaponbank 6"
bind END "weaponbank 2"
bind F1 "vote yes"
bind F2 "vote no"
bind KP_PGDN "mp_fireteamadmin"
bind KP_END "+movedown"
bind KP_DOWNARROW "+prone"
bind KP_INS "+moveup"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "weapalt"
bind MOUSE3 "+reload"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapprev"
bind MWHEELUP "weapnext"

bind pause "kill"
bind backspace "ready"
bind / "vsay_team EnemyDisguised"
bind \ "vsay_team NeedEngineer"
bind = "vsay_team ReinforceDefense"
bind - "vsay_team ReinforceOffense"
bind ] "vsay_team FTCallArtillery"  
bind [ "vsay_team FTCallAirStrike"
bind kp_del "say something"
bind kp_enter "say here you can put a text to say"
bind kp_slash "say_team ^P OHHH NOOOO"
bind 0 "vsay_team followme"
bind 1 "vsay_team escortvehicle"
bind 2 "vsay_team commanddeclined"
bind 3 "vsay_team commandacknowledged"
bind 4 "vsay enemyweak"
bind 5 "vsay_team ftdeploylandmines"
bind 6 "vsay_team clearmines"
bind 7 "vsay_team ftprovidesnipercover"
bind 8 "vsay_team holdfire"
bind 9 "vsay_team fireinthehole"
bind a "vsay welcome"
bind b "vsay goodgame"
bind c "vsay_team repairvehicle"
bind d "vsay greatshot"
bind e "vsay_team clearmines"
bind f "vsay move"
bind h "vsay_team destroyvehicle"
bind i "vsay_team ftattack"
bind j "wm_sayplayerclass"
bind k "vsay oops"
bind l "vsay_team ftcoverme"
bind n "vsay sorry"
bind o "vsay_team ftreviveme"
bind p "vsay_team fthealme"
bind q "vsay hi"
bind r "vsay_team whereto"
bind s "vsay letsgo"
bind u "vsay_team ftresupplyme"
bind w "vsay bye"
bind x "vsay_team pathcleared"
bind z "vsay_team needammo"
bind F3 "vsay_team onoffense"
bind F4 "vsay_team ondefense"
bind F5 "vsay_team incoming"
bind F6 "vsay_team disarmdynamite"
bind F7 "vsay_team ftconstructobjective"
bind F8 "vsay_team ftdestroyobjective"
bind F9 "vsay affirmative"
bind F10 "vsay negative"
bind F11 "vsay cheer"
bind F12 "vsay thanks"
bind * "autoscreenshot"

there is a useful program who shows you which buttons are binded whit which command, free buttons and errors in the configfile

after that we go to the cvar settings
you can create your own
it is well explained
be careful to stay into punkbuster limits or you get kicked
just create your own and paste in autoexec.cfg

apres ca on a les cvar reglages
ca sert a ameliorer la fluidite du jeu
vous pouvez faire le votre
ce tres bien explique et apres juste copier le resulat dans autoexec.cfg
attention de rester dans les limites de punkbuster sinon kick!!


next is an example to make your own crosshair
this example is a very small green dot

apres on fait notre viseur
celui la par example est un petit point vert

seta cg_ColorLocations "1"
seta cg_CrosshairColor "green"
seta cg_CrosshairNames "8x8"
seta cg_CrosshairNamesLeft "0"
seta cg_crosshairTeamInfo "0"
seta cg_crosshairPulse "0"
seta cg_crosshairSize "40"
seta cg_drawCrosshair "5"


here is an example to set up your screenresolution
just change screensize to yours

ici un example pour regler la resolution ecran
il faut juste remplacer la taille par la tienne

set r_mode -1
set r_customwidth 1280
set r_customheight 1024
set r_fullscreen 1


and last but not least a class script
it needs seven keys
in this example all binds are on numpad
to change it just edit your binds
it shows you your selection on screen and when you confirm it shows a message to your teammates "spawn as fieldops" as example
just copy it in your autoecex.cfg

7 select between axis and allies you must make a choice first or it wont work
8 is soldat you can select all different weapons
push 1 time you get mg42 2 times you get mortar etc......
9 is engineer push 1 for mp40 , 2 for lancegrenade
4 is fieldops
5 is medic
6 is covert 1 for sten 2 for
+ confirmation

et en dernier le classes script
ce pour changer de classe sans retourner au menu limbo
les selection s'affichent sur l'ecran et apres confirmation ce me un message a la team "spawn as medic" par example
on a besoin de 7 touches pour ca
dans mon example j'utilises les touches du numpad
mais vous pouvez changer ca dans les binds en question
pis copier dans autoexec.cfg

7 pour selectionner axe ou allies
on est oblige de choisir au debut sinon ca marche pas
8 soldat su tu appuis une fois t'as l'mg42 , 2 fois le mortier etc....
9 engineer 1fois pour mp40 2 fois pour lancegrenades
4 field ops
5 medic
6 cov ops
+ confirmation


// KlassenScript
// coded by GOD*Leviathan #god*

// Binds

bind kp_home "vstr teamtoggle"     // Wechsel Axis <=> Allies
bind kp_uparrow "echo Noch keine Seite ausgewaehlt (kp_home)"  // Später Soldat
bind kp_pgup "echo Noch keine Seite ausgewaehlt (kp_home)"  // Später Engineer
bind kp_leftarrow "echo Noch keine Seite ausgewaehlt (kp_home)"  // Später Field Ops
bind kp_5 "echo Noch keine Seite ausgewaehlt (kp_home)"  // Später Medic
bind kp_rightarrow "echo Noch keine Seite ausgewaehlt (kp_home)"  // Später Covert Ops
bind kp_plus "vstr confirm"      // Klassenwechsel im Teamsay ausgeben und Klasse wechseln

// ====================================================================================

// Axis Cycle

// Soldat
set SOLDIER_r "vstr SOLD_r_1"
set SOLD_r_1 "set SOLDIER_r vstr SOLD_r_2;set change_class team r 0 31; vstr def_SOLD_r; echo Soldat @ MG42"
set SOLD_r_2 "set SOLDIER_r vstr SOLD_r_3;set change_class team r 0 5;  vstr def_SOLD_r; echo Soldat @ Panzer"
set SOLD_r_3 "set SOLDIER_r vstr SOLD_r_4;set change_class team r 0 6;  vstr def_SOLD_r; echo Soldat @ Flammer"
set SOLD_r_4 "set SOLDIER_r vstr SOLD_r_1;set change_class team r 0 35; vstr def_SOLD_r; echo Soldat @ Moerser"
set res_SOLD_r "set ENGIE_r vstr ENG_r_1; set COVERTOPS_r vstr COV_r_1"
set def_SOLD_r "set confirm_selection say_team ^qI Spawn Soldat; vstr res_SOLD_r"

// Medic
set MEDIC_r "set confirm_selection say_team ^qMedic ^2with ^sMP40; vstr res_MEDIC_r;set change_class team r 1 3; echo Medic @ MP40"
set res_MEDIC_r "set SOLDIER_r vstr SOLD_r_1; set ENGIE_r vstr ENG_r_1; set COVERTOPS_r vstr COV_r_1"

// Engineer
set ENGIE_r "vstr ENG_r_1"
set ENG_r_1 "set ENGIE_r vstr ENG_r_2;set change_class team r 2 3;  vstr def_ENG_r; echo Ingenieur @ MP40"
set ENG_r_2 "set ENGIE_r vstr ENG_r_1;set change_class team r 2 23; vstr def_ENG_r; echo Ingenieur @ Karabiner 98"
set res_ENG_r "set SOLDIER_R vstr SOLD_r_1; set COVERTOPS_r vstr COV_r_1"
set def_ENG_r "set confirm_selection say_team ^qIngenieur ^2with ^sMP40; vstr res_ENG_r"

// Field Ops
set FIELDOPS_r "set confirm_selection say_team ^qField Op ^2with ^sMP40; vstr res_FIELD_r;set change_class team r 3 3; echo Field Op @ MP40"
set res_FIELD_r "set SOLDIER_r vstr SOLD_r_1; set ENGIE_r vstr ENG_r_1; set COVERTOPS_r vstr COV_r_1"

// Covert Ops
set COVERTOPS_r "vstr COV_r_1"
set COV_r_1 "set COVERTOPS_r vstr COV_r_2;set change_class team r 4 10; vstr def_COV_r; echo Covert Op @ Sten"
set COV_r_2 "set COVERTOPS_r vstr COV_r_3;set change_class team r 4 32; vstr def_COV_r; echo Covert Op @ K43"
set COV_r_3 "set COVERTOPS_r vstr COV_r_1;set change_class team r 4 33; vstr def_COV_r; echo Covert Op @ FG42"
set res_COV_r "set SOLDIER_r vstr SOLD_r_1; set ENGIE_r vstr ENG_r_1"
set def_COV_r "set confirm_selection say_team ^qSpawn as Covert Op; vstr res_COV_r"

// ====================================================================================

// Allies Cycle

// Soldat
set SOLDIER_b "vstr SOLD_b_1"
set SOLD_b_1 "set SOLDIER_b vstr SOLD_b_2;set change_class team b 0 31; vstr def_SOLD_b; echo Soldat @ MG42"
set SOLD_b_2 "set SOLDIER_b vstr SOLD_b_3;set change_class team b 0 5;  vstr def_SOLD_b; echo Soldat @ Panzer"
set SOLD_b_3 "set SOLDIER_b vstr SOLD_b_4;set change_class team b 0 6;  vstr def_SOLD_b; echo Soldat @ Flammer"
set SOLD_b_4 "set SOLDIER_b vstr SOLD_b_1;set change_class team b 0 35; vstr def_SOLD_b; echo Soldat @ Moerser"
set res_SOLD_b "set ENGIE_b vstr ENG_b_1; set COVERTOPS_b vstr COV_b_1"
set def_SOLD_b "set confirm_selection say_team ^qSpawn as a Soldat;  vstr res_SOLD_b"

// Medic
set MEDIC_b "set confirm_selection say_team ^qMedic ^2with ^sThompson; vstr res_MEDIC_b;set change_class team b 1 8; echo Medic @ Thompson"
set res_MEDIC_b "set SOLDIER_b vstr SOLD_b_1; set ENGIE_b vstr ENG_b_1; set COVERTOPS_b vstr COV_b_1"

// Engineer
set ENGIE_b "vstr ENG_b_1"
set ENG_b_1 "set ENGIE_b vstr ENG_b_2;set change_class team b 2 8;  vstr def_ENG_b; echo Ingenieur @ Thompson"
set ENG_b_2 "set ENGIE_b vstr ENG_b_1;set change_class team b 2 24; vstr def_ENG_b; echo Ingenieur @ M1 Gerand"
set res_ENG_b "set SOLDIER_b vstr SOLD_b_1; set COVERTOPS_b vstr COV_b_1"
set def_ENG_b "set confirm_selection say_team ^qIngenieur ^2with ^sThompson; vstr res_ENG_b"

// Field Ops
set FIELDOPS_b "set confirm_selection say_team ^qField Op ^2with ^sThompson; vstr res_FIELD_b;set change_class team b 3 8; echo Field Op @ Thompson"
set res_FIELD_b "set SOLDIER_b vstr SOLD_b_1; set ENGIE_b vstr ENG_b_1; set COVERTOPS_b vstr COV_b_1"

// Covert Ops
set COVERTOPS_b "vstr COV_b_1"
set COV_b_1 "set COVERTOPS_b vstr COV_b_2;set change_class team b 4 10; vstr def_COV_b; echo Covert Op @ Sten"
set COV_b_2 "set COVERTOPS_b vstr COV_b_3;set change_class team b 4 32; vstr def_COV_b; echo Covert Op @ M1 Garand"
set COV_b_3 "set COVERTOPS_b vstr COV_b_1;set change_class team b 4 33; vstr def_COV_b; echo Covert Op @ FG42"
set res_COV_b "set SOLDIER_b vstr SOLD_b_1; set ENGIE_b vstr ENG_b_1"
set def_COV_b "set confirm_selection say_team ^qSpawn as a Covert Op; vstr res_COV_b"

// ====================================================================================

// SideSwitch

set teamtoggle "vstr toggle_Axis"
set toggle_Axis   "set teamtoggle vstr toggle_Allies; vstr bind_Axis; set confirm_selection echo ^7Choose Axis or Allies Side first; echo  ^8Spawn ^9as^7 AXIS"
set toggle_Allies "set teamtoggle vstr toggle_Axis; vstr bind_Allies; set confirm_selection echo ^7Choose Axis or Allies Side first; echo ^8Spawn ^9as^7 ALLIIES"
set bind_Axis   "vstr reset_r; bind kp_uparrow vstr SOLDIER_r; bind kp_5 vstr MEDIC_r; bind kp_pgup vstr ENGIE_r; bind kp_leftarrow vstr FIELDOPS_r; bind kp_rightarrow vstr COVERTOPS_r"
set bind_Allies "vstr reset_b; bind kp_uparrow vstr SOLDIER_b; bind kp_5 vstr MEDIC_b; bind kp_pgup vstr ENGIE_b; bind kp_leftarrow vstr FIELDOPS_b; bind kp_rightarrow vstr COVERTOPS_b"
set reset_r "set SOLDIER_r vstr SOLD_r_1; set ENGIE_r vstr ENG_r_1; set COVERTOPS_r vstr COV_r_1"
set reset_b "set SOLDIER_b vstr SOLD_b_1; set ENGIE_b vstr ENG_b_1; set COVERTOPS_b vstr COV_b_1"

// ====================================================================================

// ConfirmSwitch

set confirm "vstr change_class; vstr confirm_selection"
set confirm_selection "echo ^7Noch keine Seite ausgewaehlt!!!"
set change_class "echo ^7Fehler in der Benutzung!!!"

Posted by: Conspiracy Oct 18 2005, 07:19 PM

Nice. respect.gif

Posted by: Tessaiga.exilica Nov 2 2005, 12:01 AM

Ich hab eine frage? Ich will eine Video zu ET machen und professionelle Programme hab ich auch aber ich wollte fragen ob mir jemand ein script geben kann wo bei et spielen alles weg ist also auch der punkt in der Mitte... Das ich nur noch den z.B. Medic herumlaufen sehen ohne irgentwelche anzeigen...

Posted by: Ragnar_40k Nov 2 2005, 01:17 AM

/cg_draw2D 0

Posted by: *The Godfather* Nov 13 2005, 02:13 PM

hey guys
i want to have a bind that if i reload that there is standin : ...please wait ,reloading
if u know wath i mean plz post the bind

Posted by: *The Godfather* Nov 13 2005, 02:26 PM

can some1 make me a reload bind
i mean that i i reload (t button) that there stad reloading, pleas w8...


Posted by: sl.BulletZ Nov 13 2005, 04:53 PM

here is your bind
replace mouse3 with the key you want
you can use colorcodes for your say
in the example it is ^P = black

bind MOUSE3 "+reload; say_team ^P...please wait ,reloading"

Posted by: [FQRF]LongLife Nov 14 2005, 09:41 AM

QUOTE (BulletZ @ Nov 13 2005, 04:53 PM)
here is your bind
replace mouse3 with the key you want
you can use colorcodes for your say
in the example it is ^P = black

bind MOUSE3 "+reload; say_team ^P...please wait ,reloading"

im my opinion the most useful spam-script ever motz.gif

even more useful

bind MOUSE1 "+attack; say_all ^P...please stop moving ,I'm shoting at you "


Posted by: sl.BulletZ Nov 14 2005, 01:51 PM

floor.gif floor.gif

Posted by: sui generis Nov 14 2005, 03:15 PM

hehe nice 01lol.gif i'maybe gonna use it super.gif

also ich hätte da auch mal n Anliegen,
und zwar geht es darum hinzuliegen und dabei die Mobile MG aufzubauen
das selbe natürlich auch rückwarts (Mobile MG abbauen + aufstehen)

thx im voraus

mfG sui generis

Posted by: sl.BulletZ Nov 14 2005, 05:48 PM

ich kannte das nicht aber nach einer minute googlen hab ich das gefunden

//Dundee's Mger Script 1.0
//default key bound x
set MountOn "weaponbank 3; +prone; wait 10; -prone; wait 10; weapalt; set MountMG vstr MountOff"
set MountOff "weapalt; weaponbank 2; -moveup; set MountMG vstr MountOn"
set MountMG "vstr MountOn"
bind x "vstr MountMG"

Posted by: sui generis Nov 15 2005, 05:11 PM

Danke BulletZ master.gif

ich hatte es nicht gefunden sadd.gif

Posted by: SpectreCode Nov 15 2005, 06:58 PM

LongLife,Nov 14 2005, 09:41 AM]
QUOTE (BulletZ @ Nov 13 2005, 04:53 PM)
here is your bind
replace mouse3 with the key you want
you can use colorcodes for your say
in the example it is ^P = black

bind MOUSE3 "+reload; say_team ^P...please wait ,reloading"

im my opinion the most useful spam-script ever motz.gif

even more useful

bind MOUSE1 "+attack; say_all ^P...please stop moving ,I'm shoting at you "


Best bind

bind MOUSE1 "/kill; say_all I'll save you the bullets!"

01lol.gif respect.gif

Posted by: ekxtreme Nov 21 2005, 02:29 AM

i search 4 sth that let the ammo 30/30 turn into red when its goes empty like when i only have like 5/30 or less bullets left its should be visible red like it was in RTCW.

and i would like to have a script which let me shoot 5 bulletz then stops for half second and shoot again 5 bullets and so on while i hold the mouse1 button all the time. simply to be more accurate, i think such a script would be really good.

maybe someone can help me

Posted by: SLK32 Dec 17 2005, 03:35 PM

// Volume-Script
bind "A" "vstr volup"
bind "B" "vstr voldown"
set vol00 "set s_volume 0.0;set voldown vstr vol00; set volup vstr vol01; echo Volume ^2O^7=========="
set vol01 "set s_volume 0.1;set voldown vstr vol00;set volup vstr vol02;echo Volume =^2O^7========="
set vol02 "set s_volume 0.2;set voldown vstr vol01;set volup vstr vol03;echo Volume ==^2O^7========"
set vol03 "set s_volume 0.3;set voldown vstr vol02;set volup vstr vol04;echo Volume ===^2O^7======="
set vol04 "set s_volume 0.4;set voldown vstr vol03;set volup vstr vol05;echo Volume ====^3O^7======"
set vol05 "set s_volume 0.5;set voldown vstr vol04;set volup vstr vol06;echo Volume =====^3O^7====="
set vol06 "set s_volume 0.6;set voldown vstr vol05;set volup vstr vol07;echo Volume ======^3O^7===="
set vol07 "set s_volume 0.7;set voldown vstr vol06;set volup vstr vol08;echo Volume =======^1O^7==="
set vol08 "set s_volume 0.8;set voldown vstr vol07;set volup vstr vol09;echo Volume ========^1O^7=="
set vol09 "set s_volume 0.9;set voldown vstr vol08;set volup vstr vol10;echo Volume =========^1O^7="
set vol10 "set s_volume 1.0;set voldown vstr vol09;set volup vstr vol10;echo Volume ==========^1O^7"
set volup vstr vol05
set voldown vstr vol05

Posted by: SLK32 Dec 17 2005, 03:39 PM

//spawn point selection //

set spawnzero "setspawnpt 0; say_team spawning at Default ^7Spawn"
set spawnone "setspawnpt 1; say_team spawning at Spawn Point 1"
set spawntwo "setspawnpt 2; say_team spawning at Spawn Point 2"
set spawnthree "setspawnpt 3; say_team spawning at Spawn Point 3"
set spawnfour "setspawnpt 4; say_team spawning at Spawn Point 4"
bind F4 "vstr spawnzero"
bind F5 "vstr spawnone"
bind F6 "vstr spawntwo"
bind F7 "vstr spawnthree"
bind F8 "vstr spawnfour

Posted by: -|FG|-TinCanMan Jan 7 2006, 03:19 PM

But if you bind MOUSE3 to say 'please wait, realoading' then surley that means if you press MOUSE3 your weapon isnt going to reload?

Posted by: mercenary Feb 27 2006, 07:03 PM

hello guys, i'd like to have a bind that says ' We are recruiting '

if you have one please let me know

Posted by: .OnlyMe Feb 28 2006, 07:03 AM

... when i do that reload bind there comes ^p...please wait reloading 128 321 217 213 How u guys can help me? motz.gif

Posted by: Maffiosa Apr 12 2006, 09:36 AM

THis is the good bind:D i have maked self":D bind R "-RELOAD ;+RELOAD ;SAY_TEAM ^0[^1Re^7LoAdI^4nG^0] ;-RELOAD"

Posted by: Ragnar_40k Apr 12 2006, 10:30 AM

QUOTE(.OnlyMe @ Feb 28 2006, 08:03 AM) [snapback]18250[/snapback]

... when i do that reload bind there comes ^p...please wait reloading 128 321 217 213 How u guys can help me? motz.gif

Afaik it shows your timestamp when you use it this way.

You have to use something like this:
bind mouse3 "vstr do_reload"
set do_reload "+reload; say_team Reloading"

But you will get kicked on several servers for using such spam scripts.

Posted by: micka Apr 13 2006, 12:10 PM

vraiment bien expliquer bulletz

je te tire mon chapeau même si j'y comprend rien a ces truc

tu es le meilleur super.gif

Posted by: [VEG] Reminder May 17 2006, 08:13 PM

Hi there, could anyone help me with some scripts?

First of all, how do you fix this:

/bind vsay_team "DisguisedEnemy" Enemy in the skies!
I want it to say that... no idea how :S

Secondly, I saw a script here, that made you say:
bind MOUSE1 "/kill; say_all I'll save you the bullets!"
But how does it work, when I try it, I can't fire anymore...

So, I would like to have, that when I selfkill it says "I'll save you the bullets!" and also that when I kill someone, that it says "How do you like them apples <playername>?"

Can anyone help me with these questions?

Posted by: mogliet May 22 2006, 02:37 PM

/bind vsay_team "DisguisedEnemy" Enemy in the skies!
I want it to say that... no idea how :S

"How do you like them apples <playername>?"

Those things can only be done on certain mods, so they won't work on most servers.

Posted by: Druid May 22 2006, 02:42 PM

Reminder' date='May 17 2006, 09:13 PM' post='20621']
Hi there, could anyone help me with some scripts?

First of all, how do you fix this:

/bind vsay_team "DisguisedEnemy" Enemy in the skies!
I want it to say that... no idea how :S

Secondly, I saw a script here, that made you say:
bind MOUSE1 "/kill; say_all I'll save you the bullets!"
But how does it work, when I try it, I can't fire anymore...

So, I would like to have, that when I selfkill it says "I'll save you the bullets!" and also that when I kill someone, that it says "How do you like them apples <playername>?"

Can anyone help me with these questions?

well, im new there but i can help you ^^

/bind x vsay_team "DisguisedEnemy" Enemy in the skies!
x = random button ,pick one , when u press it it will say ^^

bind MOUSE1 "/kill; say_all I'll save you the bullets!"
mouse 1 ?
isnt that for shooting?
if you want one ..
/bind mouse1 kill vsay"I'll save you the bullets!"

the other script i dont have in mind ,but i had it one

Posted by: -=TF=-RENE May 24 2006, 11:36 AM

Hi all,

Did some searching on forums and googled around but could not find any info about scripting for auto-adrenaline. Like a medic with smg just push one button and player will change from smg to adrenaline, take shot, and switch back to smg again. We have tried it with adapting nadethrowing script but it wont work.
Anybody any idea on this ?



Posted by: TrigHap Jun 5 2006, 08:14 AM

I want to bind a script to alter my fov (for those that don't know that's Field of vision). What i would like is when I am shooting my fov changes from 115 to 90. When I stop shooting my fov changes from 90 back to 115. Any one got any simple ideas?

I've tried a few times myself..

\bind MOUSE1 "+attack; cg_90"

--- This only got me to change it to 90 and fire one bullet at a time, useful when turning any weapon into a semi auto. motz.gif

Any help would be appreciated thanks.gif

Posted by: Ragnar_40k Jun 5 2006, 10:20 AM

set shoot_dn "cg_fov 90; +attack"
set shoot_up "-attack; cg_fov 105"
bind MOUSE1 "+vstr shoot_dn shoot_up"

Posted by: [VEG] Reminder Jun 11 2006, 10:29 PM

I got the"bind /bind mouse5 kill" right now (who doesnt? :p)

But I'd like, that whenever I selfkill, it'll say "I'll save you the bullets!"

Any suggestions on how I can do this?

And furthermore, I used to have a bind that whenever I pressed "M" it said "Heal me!" but then I automatically typed "Feel me!" and I kinda forgot how I made it depp.gif

So, if anyone could help me out, I'd really appreciate!

Thanks in advance.

Posted by: GHOsT Of R33PER Jun 12 2006, 12:41 PM

bash.gif wasnt there an akimbo lunger script where wen u got 2 level 4 and got 2 of them they fired ultra fast... help.gif thanks.gif

Posted by: Ragnar_40k Jun 12 2006, 12:57 PM

QUOTE(GHOsT Of R33PER @ Jun 12 2006, 01:41 PM) [snapback]21726[/snapback]

bash.gif wasnt there an akimbo lunger script where wen u got 2 level 4 and got 2 of them they fired ultra fast... help.gif thanks.gif

The script is listed here:
But afaik this not possible anymore with the latest versions of ETPro or ETPub.

Posted by: [VEG] Reminder Jul 5 2006, 12:40 AM

Hi there, when I was on a serv I saw someone dropping all his available medic packs in one second... This could be quite usefull if you need to get healed quickly...

Could anyone help me with the script? Or is this illegal..?

Oh, and a bind for reloading:

bind MOUSE3 "+reload; say_team ^P...Please wait, reloading"

It's a useless and a spam script though, and on quite some servers you get kicked for such a bind

[VEG] Reminder

Posted by: dP. Jul 21 2006, 04:43 PM

hier sin paar also 2 nette scribbtzz für huso's like me .. das LEANfov_is nett ~

bind Q "+vstr links_a links_b"
bind E "+vstr rechts_a rechts_b"
set links_a "+leanleft; cg_fov 120"
set links_b "-leanleft; cg_fov 100"
set rechts_a "+leanright; cg_fov 120"
set rechts_b "-leanright; cg_fov 100"

//---turn 180

bind ctrl "com_maxfps 50; wait 2; cl_yawspeed 1800; +left; wait 10; -left; com_maxfps 76"

//--- AFK

//AFK ammo/health supplier
set A_Spinon "weaponbank 6; cg_drawgun 1; wait 5; +attack; cl_yawspeed 1420; wait; +left; wait; wait; set A_Spin vstr A_Spinof; vstr brb"
set A_Spinof "wait; -attack; wait; weaponbank 3; cg_drawgun 1; wait; -left; wait; -left; wait; cl_yawspeed 140; set A_Spin vstr A_Spinon; vstr imback"
set A_Spin "vstr A_Spinon"
set brb "say_team ^1Sorry, I'm Away, But I'm Spinning Around Giving Out Supplies!; echo ^fSpinning ^gDance ^hof ^1Supplies^3!"
set imback "say_team ^1I'm Back!; echo ^gDancing ^1Off; cg_drawgun 1"
bind backspace "vstr A_Spin"

Posted by: SixMaJine Jul 21 2006, 06:05 PM

QUOTE(ekxtreme @ Nov 21 2005, 03:29 AM) [snapback]15150[/snapback]

i search 4 sth that let the ammo 30/30 turn into red when its goes empty like when i only have like 5/30 or less bullets left its should be visible red like it was in RTCW.

and i would like to have a script which let me shoot 5 bulletz then stops for half second and shoot again 5 bullets and so on while i hold the mouse1 button all the time. simply to be more accurate, i think such a script would be really good.

maybe someone can help me

Reminder' date='Jul 5 2006, 01:40 AM' post='23104']
Hi there, when I was on a serv I saw someone dropping all his available medic packs in one second... This could be quite usefull if you need to get healed quickly...

Could anyone help me with the script? Or is this illegal..?

Oh, and a bind for reloading:

bind MOUSE3 "+reload; say_team ^P...Please wait, reloading"

It's a useless and a spam script though, and on quite some servers you get kicked for such a bind

[VEG] Reminder

These scripts really seem to be ridiciously close to cheating imho. I don't know if there are scripts like that, but i wouldn't even consider something like it. old.gif

Posted by: Sn0ball Jul 23 2006, 01:42 PM

Sweet <3 grin.gif

Posted by: MarneusCalgar Aug 10 2006, 07:31 PM

If i want to change my predefined messages ( v **) by something more funny, i must config them by the script ??

Posted by: Ragnar_40k Aug 10 2006, 08:16 PM

QUOTE(MarneusCalgar @ Aug 10 2006, 08:31 PM) [snapback]24537[/snapback]

If i want to change my predefined messages ( v **) by something more funny, i must config them by the script ??

Posted by: MarneusCalgar Aug 10 2006, 11:01 PM

CITATION(Ragnar_40k @ Aug 10 2006, 09:16 PM) [snapback]24539[/snapback]

CITATION(MarneusCalgar @ Aug 10 2006, 08:31 PM) [snapback]24537[/snapback]

If i want to change my predefined messages ( v **) by something more funny, i must config them by the script ??
Thx SpaceWolf but the page doen t explict how to make theses changes for good

Posted by: =GK= Bl!tz Sep 5 2006, 03:10 PM

This binding is wiked i could use this for everything.

Posted by: Ragnar_40k Sep 5 2006, 04:34 PM

QUOTE(MarneusCalgar @ Aug 11 2006, 12:01 AM) [snapback]24549[/snapback]
Thx SpaceWolf but the page doen t explict how to make theses changes for good

When you want to do the voice chat "Enemy in disguise!" with a different text, e.g. "Enemy in da skies!" you have to enter the following command into console:
/vsay enemydisguised Enemy in da skies!

When you wish to bind it to a key (so you can say this buy pressing a single key) you have to do something likie tihs:
/bind x "vsay enemydisguised Enemy in da skies!"

"enemydisguised" is the name of the voice chat, for other names check the list given in the wiki.

PS: remember that this will only work on ETPro when the server admin has it enabled.

Posted by: tekarit Sep 5 2006, 06:53 PM

LongLife' date='Nov 14 2005, 11:41 AM' post='14767']
QUOTE(BulletZ @ Nov 13 2005, 04:53 PM)
here is your bind
replace mouse3 with the key you want
you can use colorcodes for your say
in the example it is ^P = black

bind MOUSE3 "+reload; say_team ^P...please wait ,reloading"

im my opinion the most useful spam-script ever motz.gif

even more useful

bind MOUSE1 "+attack; say_all ^P...please stop moving ,I'm shoting at you "


Ahhahhaaa 01lol.gif super.gif

Posted by: NHLfan Sep 26 2006, 12:22 PM

Jetzt muss ich auch mal eine Frage stellen, die mich da schon länger drückt....:

Wie kommt's, dass ET nie die autoexec.cfg ausführt automatisch?
Ich muss jedesmal die autoexec.cfg ausführen, weil sonst funktioniert die Hälfte nicht bei mir.
Aber sollte das nicht automatisch funktionieren? "auto"exec

Idee woran das liegen könnte? Gibt es ein paar Work-A-Rounds dafür?

Posted by: Fritzerssss Sep 26 2006, 12:37 PM

ZITAT(NHLfan @ Sep 26 2006, 01:22 PM) [snapback]26636[/snapback]

Jetzt muss ich auch mal eine Frage stellen, die mich da schon länger drückt....:

Wie kommt's, dass ET nie die autoexec.cfg ausführt automatisch?
Ich muss jedesmal die autoexec.cfg ausführen, weil sonst funktioniert die Hälfte nicht bei mir.
Aber sollte das nicht automatisch funktionieren? "auto"exec

Idee woran das liegen könnte? Gibt es ein paar Work-A-Rounds dafür?

vielleicht ist sie zu groß/ab 10 kb) was ich nciht glaube ,also sie startets immer autoatisch aber wenn du nur werte enders oder cmd entfernts muss du glaube vorher die etconfig wieder hochladen weil ET die befehle sonst nicht erkennt

Posted by: E_BABA Sep 27 2006, 05:02 AM

lege dir deine autoexec doch einfach auf eine taste
so mache ich es zumindest
zb. auf die HOME taste grin.gif

Posted by: NHLfan Sep 27 2006, 09:37 AM

Und wie soll ich das machen?
bind X exec autoexec.cfg und das schreib ich am Besten in die autoexec.cfg zwinker2.gif
Die config wird in ET offenbar jedesmal neu generiert...

Muss ja auch anders funktionieren, schließlich ist es ja eine autoexec...

Posted by: [FQRF]LongLife Sep 27 2006, 01:04 PM

ZITAT(NHLfan @ Sep 27 2006, 10:37 AM) [snapback]26667[/snapback]

Und wie soll ich das machen?
bind X exec autoexec.cfg und das schreib ich am Besten in die autoexec.cfg zwinker2.gif
Die config wird in ET offenbar jedesmal neu generiert...

Muss ja auch anders funktionieren, schließlich ist es ja eine autoexec...

also der Name scheint da nicht wirklich Programm zu sein bash.gif

bei mir wir die auch nicht auto geexeced crash.gif

ich muss die auch bei jedem ET-Mod händisch ausführen, dann werden die Änderungen in die jeweilige etconfig.cfg geschrieben aber auch nur dann ?!

Posted by: sl.Proddi Sep 27 2006, 01:44 PM

ich habe auch selbiges problem. ich kann sogar sagen .. meine autoexec wird bei etpub ausgeführt .. bei etpro jedoch net. gruebel.gif
man kann auch als letzte zeile in der config schreiben "exec autoexec.cfg" .. damit haben die anweisungen in der autoexec auch wieder priorität.

Posted by: [FQRF]LongLife Sep 27 2006, 02:46 PM

Satan was man nicht alles finden kann wenn man richtig sucht depp.gif

Bei Bani himself.

Also da kann ich gut mit Leben. super.gif

dat ding was wir suchen heisst autoexec_default.cfg und das tut auch. Sehr feine Sache das

Einschränkung: gilt nur für ET-Pro schätze ich mal

Posted by: NHLfan Sep 27 2006, 10:41 PM

Nein, ich meine nicht ETPro's autoexec (ich benutze kein etpro), sondern ich rede vom normalen autoexec, welches bei ET standard und modunabhängig ist

Posted by: P0S!Xkonform Sep 27 2006, 11:40 PM

ja die autoexec.cfg ist ein bisschen komisch.
Die /etmain/autoexec.cfg wird beim Starten von ET ausgeführt (falls nicht, hat man wohl ein Problem), und gilt standardmäßig nur für etmain. Will heißen, alles was in der /etmain/autoexec.cfg steht, ist nach einem Neustart von ET definitiv eingestellt (für etmain). Mit den Mods verhält es sich standardmäßig (damit meine ich, dass der Mod nicht selbst irgendwelche Dateien lädt) so: Wird der Mod das erste Mal gestartet, wird das aktuelle Profil aus etmain in den Mod-Ordner kopiert. Von nun an bleibt die Config des Mods unverändert, also kein erneutes Kopieren aus etmain. Will man jetzt die Config des Mods ändern, muss man dies entweder per Menü machen (der Mod muss natürlich geladen sein) oder man ändert die Config-Dateien im Mod-Ordner mit einem Texteditor. Ich habe auch schon probiert, einfach die autoexec.cfg in den Mod-Ordner zu kopieren (z.B.: /etpub/autoexec.cfg), führte aber leider nicht zum gewünschten Ergebnis. Da es prinzipiell eigentlich nicht notwendig ist, die gewünschten Einstellungen (in der autoexec.cfg) ständig beim Starten von ET neu zu setzen, reicht es aus, alles was man einstellen will in eine beliebige Config-Datei im etmain-Ordner zu speichern (z.B.: /etmain/my_etpub_config.cfg). Will man nun die Einstellungen setzten, lädt man einfach den gewünschten Mod und führt das Skript in der Console aus /exec my_etpub_config.cfg. Das Skript wird ausgeführt und alle Einstellungen werden in das aktuelle Profil (im Mod) übernommen (natürlich nur wenn es nicht schreibgeschützt ist). Ein erneutes Ausführen wird erst nötig, falls sich das Skript my_etpub_config.cfg geändert hat.

Posted by: M!LLeRT!Me Sep 28 2006, 02:53 PM

Die werden bei jedem ET-Start automatisch ausgeführt. Wenn du was in der Config änderst wird dies zwar erst beim zweiten ET Start ausgeführt (es sei denn es wird manuell gemacht), aber trotzdem asugeführt.
Fügt in eure CFG mal das hier ein

wait 8000

Ihr werdets merken ... zwinker2.gif
Und wenn sie bei euch wirklich nicht ausgeführt wird, mich fragen, gibt da eine einfache Lösung.

Posted by: Bimmer Oct 21 2006, 01:39 AM

sorry mistake doof.gif

Posted by: Fritzerssss Oct 29 2006, 10:05 PM

hallo ,ich wollt mal fragen weches script richitg ist das sich nicht nur die sicht ändert sondern auch die mouse sensy,zur zeit ändert sich nur die mouse sensy
, arbeiten tuen beide nicht

set shoot_dn "cg_fov 90; +attack"
set shoot_up "-attack; cg_fov 105"
bind MOUSE1 "+vstr shoot_dn shoot_up"

set sens1 "+attack; seta sensitivity 1.4"
set sens2 "-attack; seta sensitivity 2.3"
bind MOUSE1 "+vstr sens1 sens2"


unbind mouse1
set shoot_dn "cg_fov 90; +attack"
set shoot_up "-attack; cg_fov 105"
set sens1 "+attack; seta sensitivity 1.4"
set sens2 "-attack; seta sensitivity 2.3"
bind MOUSE1 "+vstr shoot_dn shoot_up +vstr sens1 sens2"

oder uss ihc das anders mache bitte um hilfe

Posted by: -IronMonkey- Oct 29 2006, 10:13 PM

QUOTE(Fritzerssss @ Oct 29 2006, 10:05 PM) [snapback]28866[/snapback]

hallo ,ich wollt mal fragen weches script richitg ist das sich nicht nur die sicht ändert sondern auch die mouse sensy,zur zeit ändert sich nur die mouse sensy
, arbeiten tuen beide nicht

set shoot_dn "cg_fov 90; +attack"
set shoot_up "-attack; cg_fov 105"
bind MOUSE1 "+vstr shoot_dn shoot_up"

set sens1 "+attack; seta sensitivity 1.4"
set sens2 "-attack; seta sensitivity 2.3"
bind MOUSE1 "+vstr sens1 sens2"


unbind mouse1
set shoot_dn "cg_fov 90; +attack"
set shoot_up "-attack; cg_fov 105"
set sens1 "+attack; seta sensitivity 1.4"
set sens2 "-attack; seta sensitivity 2.3"
bind MOUSE1 "+vstr shoot_dn shoot_up +vstr sens1 sens2"

oder uss ihc das anders mache bitte um hilfe

and also add

Posted by: Fritzerssss Oct 30 2006, 12:43 PM

can someone give me ???
a bind from mouse1 for fov change,sprint,mouse sensy hammer.gif

Posted by: GoJu!ce Nov 6 2006, 10:17 PM

if i want to say something to my ft, what do i have to write?

And, i want to say timing nade, and throwing nade.. how can i do this?

Posted by: -IronMonkey- Nov 7 2006, 02:36 AM

QUOTE(GoJu!ce @ Nov 6 2006, 10:17 PM) [snapback]29522[/snapback]

if i want to say something to my ft, what do i have to write?

And, i want to say timing nade, and throwing nade.. how can i do this?

to chat with your mate use on your keyboard:
T ---> Global Chat
Y ---> Team Chat
U ---> FireTeam Chat

here is a guide to start learn script and bind:
than use your fantasy 01lol.gif


Posted by: Eradicated Nov 7 2006, 09:17 AM

QUOTE(Fritzerssss @ Oct 30 2006, 11:43 AM) [snapback]28896[/snapback]

can someone give me ???
a bind from mouse1 for fov change,sprint,mouse sensy hammer.gif

Fritz, try reading the first page of this post, all the cmds are there. super.gif

Posted by: dope_dude_yo Nov 18 2006, 11:11 PM

QUOTE(mercenary @ Feb 27 2006, 11:03 AM) [snapback]18238[/snapback]

hello guys, i'd like to have a bind that says ' We are recruiting '

if you have one please let me know

mercenary if you want it to just state it in the chat... your bind is....

/bind m say ^1 We Are Recruiting

"m" being the key you want, and ^1 being the color you want. grin.gif

Posted by: Milic Nov 20 2006, 12:30 PM

when iam tip v57 wundebar how i can that be in color!


Posted by: Eradicated Nov 21 2006, 05:28 PM

QUOTE(Milic @ Nov 20 2006, 11:30 AM) [snapback]30405[/snapback]

when iam tip v57 wundebar how i can that be in color!


Millic, do you want Wundebar in colour font?

E.g. /bind x vsay cheer ^0Wunde^9Bar

You can havy any coloured font you want.. just type it in after the cmd
/bind x vsay oops ^0N^9o^0O^9b^0s -> NoOBs

But everytime you press the bind.. the sound played will not be wundebar everytime... the sound played for it is chosen at random. E.g. Axis -> Wundebar, Jahaa, Exellent, Sehr Gut etc.. you cant create a bind for a specific sound .

Posted by: Milic Nov 21 2006, 07:29 PM

omg thx!
aha i know that now!
thx for your time!

THX! grin.gif friends.gif

Posted by: Eradicated Nov 21 2006, 09:22 PM

No problem super.gif

Posted by: Milic Nov 21 2006, 09:41 PM

hmmmm!iam write in concola
/bind x vsay oops ^20^00^2P^0S

Posted by: Eradicated Nov 21 2006, 09:44 PM

QUOTE(Milic @ Nov 21 2006, 08:41 PM) [snapback]30503[/snapback]

hmmmm!iam write in concola
/bind x vsay oops ^20^00^2P^0S

Yep that will work in your console.
Check the 1st page of this post to view the entire lists of binds you can do.

It you want a bind to be said only to your team, type in vsay_team instead of vsay.

Posted by: Milic Nov 21 2006, 09:46 PM

ok ok ok!aha i think now understand!
thxxxxx!razor! grin.gif

Posted by: -IronMonkey- Nov 24 2006, 12:55 PM

I posted it in the past but it look that U need it again....

SCRIPTING GUIDE: nicken.gif cheers.gif

Posted by: Milic Nov 24 2006, 01:24 PM

but thank you!



Posted by: BoeserPirat Nov 24 2006, 06:03 PM


ich hab hier irgendwo mal ein namenswechselscript gefunden und eingebaut. das funktioniert auch bestens, das problem ist nur das es öffter mal "verschwindet". soll heissen: ich join dem server will namen wechseln und es geht nicht, kuck ich mir dann meine cfg an, ist das ganze script wech, nur das "bind o "namenwechsel"" ist noch da ... ich habs jetzt woanders gespeichert und kopiers dann einfach wieder rein, aber nervt schon etwas.

jmd ne ahnung woran das liegt? bin was cfg anbelangt total ahnungslos :)

Posted by: SixMaJine Nov 24 2006, 06:05 PM

Ähm ich meine: das passiert wahrscheinlich nur auf bestimmten Servern nehm ich mal an, auf Kwea2 funzt das doch problemlos, oder?

Posted by: BoeserPirat Nov 24 2006, 08:25 PM

nö, spiel ja eigentlich nur aufm amt .. hab gestern gezockt da gings noch und heute musste ichs wieder reinkopieren

Posted by: *Terror* Nov 24 2006, 09:51 PM

I like the > bind MOUSE3 "+reload; say_team ^P...please wait ,reloading"

Good spam. 01lol.gif

Good luck with finding more good scripts! nicken.gif

Posted by: Milic Nov 25 2006, 11:40 PM

mouse 2 sprint!!
thats verry good scripts who is left on hand!
iam left!

Posted by: BoeserPirat Dec 5 2006, 06:23 PM

ich hab immernoch das gleiche problem .. muss bei jedem neustart von et das skript neu einfügen :/

keiner ne idee?

Posted by: SixMaJine Dec 5 2006, 08:52 PM

QUOTE(BoeserPirat @ Dec 5 2006, 08:23 PM) [snapback]31641[/snapback]

ich hab immernoch das gleiche problem .. muss bei jedem neustart von et das skript neu einfügen :/

keiner ne idee?

verschwindet das script einfach aus dem ordner? ist es einfach weg? doof.gif
und haste das script auch in den et pub ordner gepackt? oder nur in den main oder sonstwohin?
also bei mir klappt das ohne probleme, ich kann dir ja mal mein script schicken.

Posted by: BoeserPirat Dec 5 2006, 09:38 PM

es verschwindet einfach aus der cfg .. nur das "bind o "vstr Namenwechsel"" ist noch da ..
ich hatte es erst nur im etpub ordner, habs aber dann in jeden ordner gepackt .. ändert nix

/edit: kanns ja mal reinkopieren, vll hab ich ja was übersehen. aber wie gesagt es funktioniert ja ...

bind o "vstr Namenwechsel"
set Namenwechsel "vstr Name_1"
set Name_1 "set name Kugelgraphit; set Namenwechsel vstr Name_2"
set Name_2 "set name BoeserPirat; set Namenwechsel vstr Name_1"

Posted by: =ALPHA=TWO=NOD= Dec 5 2006, 11:59 PM

also ich habe nur eine "say" datei die ich immer aktiviere wenn ich spiele da sind alle scripte drin super.gif

Posted by: BoeserPirat Dec 6 2006, 02:34 AM

keine ahnung von was du redest super.gif

was ist eine say datei? und was meinst du mit aktivieren?

Posted by: =ALPHA=TWO=NOD= Dec 6 2006, 11:06 AM

Ich habe in meinem etmain ordner eine cfg-datei erstellt die heisst "say" da sind alle scipte und binds drin wie "namensscript o.v-say commands usw" wenn ich im spiel bin mache ich die Konsole auf und aktiviere die "say-datei mit /exec say" und schon ist alles aktiv was ich in der "say" datei habe , hat den vorteil das ich nicht in jeden et-ordner namenswechsel usw. ein geben muss super.gif

Posted by: SixMaJine Dec 6 2006, 12:12 PM

Kugelgraphit: nimm doch einfach mal das Namescript das ich dir geschickt hab und probier das aus, auch wenn es nicht logisch ist, probier es einfach mal aus.
Hopp hopp gruebel.gif !

Posted by: Toxin Dec 6 2006, 01:42 PM

wenn du deine config so hast wie du sie willst machn schreibschutz drauf. sollte helfen zwinker2.gif

(rechte taste auf die cfg->attribut schreibgeschützt)

Posted by: =ALPHA=TWO=NOD= Dec 6 2006, 02:06 PM

schreibgeschützt sind bei mir sowie so alle CFG's super.gif

Posted by: BoeserPirat Dec 6 2006, 03:05 PM

erstmal vielen dank für die Vorschläge super.gif

@six: dein script sieht doch eigentlich genauso aus wie meins, oder nich? seh da keinen großen unterschied

@Two: klingt nich schlecht :) hab dir per pm geantwortet

@Toxin: aaaahhhhhh, klingt irgendwie logisch zwinker2.gif auf die einfachsten sachen kommt man nich. werd ich gleich mal einstellen thanks.gif

Posted by: SixMaJine Dec 6 2006, 03:13 PM

ich sag ja Kugel: logisch is mein Vorschlag nich ditsch.gif
wenn das mit dem schreibschutz nich klappt dann versuchs halt einfach mal, bei mir klappts ja auch ohne schreibschutz.
nich denken, handeln 01lol.gif

Posted by: BoeserPirat Dec 6 2006, 03:35 PM

jawohl Sir!IPB Bild

Posted by: ePona|dFx Dec 7 2006, 02:12 PM

if somebody need more help, you can also visit
it's in french but there are best player's cfgs (like urtier, raziel, ganon , shewie ...) that you can download.
there are forums for learning how to do one without mistakes.

Posted by: Eradicated Dec 7 2006, 05:04 PM

QUOTE(ePona|dFx @ Dec 7 2006, 01:12 PM) [snapback]31835[/snapback]

if somebody need more help, you can also visit
it's in french but there are best player's cfgs (like urtier, raziel, ganon , shewie ...) that you can download.
there are forums for learning how to do one without mistakes.

Theres also the 1st page of this topic which seems slightly interesting. rolleye.gif

Posted by: {LW} GuRuMoSh Dec 12 2006, 01:07 AM

Vielleicht kann mir jemand helfen! Ich wüsste gerne den bind, wenn ich jemanden kille das ich dann automatisch etwas sage!!!

Posted by: HITmyCLIT Dec 15 2006, 07:39 PM

Hello Guyz!!
With this script:

set script1 "cg_drawgun 0"
set script2 "cg_drawgun 1"
bind uparrow "+vstr script1 +vstr script2"

you can make disappear your gun on screen by holding down the uparrow-key and if you leave it, the gun become apparent again.
But what i want is pressing the uparrow-key once (don't hold it down) to make the weapon disapear,
and make it visible again by pressing the key again (or also another key).

Can someone help? help.gif

Posted by: Mizzle Dec 26 2006, 12:49 PM

Its a nice thing, but the normal one..

- etconfig


Always when I start ET, the resolution stands on 800x600
I wanna change that, so its automatically on 1024x768

Anyone suggestions?
It's so annoying, changing it to 1024x768 all the time...

Posted by: Eradicated Dec 26 2006, 03:42 PM

Wells there 3 things you can do.

1. Go to ETmain, change your res to the one you want. Go to etpro and pub and w/e and do the samething.

But thats extremely long....

2. if you have config,

set r_customwidth 1024
set r_customheight 786

3. or type in your console

/set r_customwidth 1024
/set r_customheight 786


Btw, if you need more help, page one of the topic should tell you what you need super.gif

Posted by: Fritzerssss Dec 26 2006, 04:05 PM

seta r_mode "6" // DEFAULT = "4" | 800x600

// r_mode "-1" => COSTUM
// r_mode "0" => 320x240
// r_mode "1" => 400x200
// r_mode "2" => 512x384
// r_mode "3" => 640x480
// r_mode "4" => 800x600
// r_mode "5" => 960x720
// r_mode "6" => 1024x768
// r_mode "7" => 1152x864
// r_mode "8" => 1280x1024
// r_mode "9" => 1600x1200
// r_mode "10" => 2048x1536
// r_mode "11" => 856x480

Posted by: Al-Qaida Dec 26 2006, 07:04 PM

hab ne frage : wie kann ich das machen , dass wenn ich zB v54 drücke (Hello)dass da dann in bunter schrift steht : al-qaida says hello , zum beispiel ?
oder wenn ich v56 für great shot , luck schreiben will ?!

kann mir das mal bitte jemand ausführlich erklären ? ich kenn mich nich so inj dem gebiet aus ....-.-

schon mal thanks.gif im vorraus

Posted by: !HADES Dec 27 2006, 10:00 AM

Great work man... thanks for the binds cheers.gif

Posted by: AzraelUK Jan 15 2007, 09:00 PM

This thread seems to have ran out of scripters. I plan to change that :)

This first script does some wonderful stuff. When you press the middle mouse button, it gets out your revive-needle, and when you let go of the key it uses it and switches back.


set needlejab "+attack; -attack; weaponbank 3;"
set needle "weaponbank 5; wait 20"
bind mouse3 "+vstr needle needlejab"

This next one is a treat for the adrenaline junkies :). When you press capslock, you get out your adrenaline, use it, and switch back to your gun.

bind CAPSLOCK "weaponbank 7; wait 20; +attack; -attack; weaponbank 3 "

Bear in mind that because these scripts use the wait command, the amount it waits for the weapon to be got out will vary on different machines. I get extremely low FPS while playing ET, and these values work for me.

Any other scripts you'd like to see?

Posted by: AzraelUK Jan 18 2007, 06:35 PM

QUOTE(HITmyCLIT @ Dec 15 2006, 06:39 PM) [snapback]32418[/snapback]

Hello Guyz!!
With this script:

set script1 "cg_drawgun 0"
set script2 "cg_drawgun 1"
bind uparrow "+vstr script1 +vstr script2"

you can make disappear your gun on screen by holding down the uparrow-key and if you leave it, the gun become apparent again.
But what i want is pressing the uparrow-key once (don't hold it down) to make the weapon disapear,
and make it visible again by pressing the key again (or also another key).

Can someone help? help.gif

OK then. I'll show you the quick and dirty way, which is what you would normally use for values of 0/1, and the way that can be used for any values.

bind uparrow "toggle cg_gun"

That's the quick and dirty way. Now, the other way takes more lines, but it works nicely.

set showgun "cg_drawgun 1; set togglegun vstr hidegun"
set hidegun "cg_drawgun 0; set togglegun vstr showgun"
set togglegun "vstr hidegun"
bind uparrow "vstr togglegun"

And with this, you can toggle the gun too :)

Hope this helps.
Oh, and by the way: That's not how you use the +vstr command. You should put '+vstr script1 script2'.

Posted by: sLy ? Jan 21 2007, 09:40 AM

ZITAT(Al-Qaida @ Dec 26 2006, 07:04 PM) [snapback]33066[/snapback]

hab ne frage : wie kann ich das machen , dass wenn ich zB v54 drücke (Hello)dass da dann in bunter schrift steht : al-qaida says hello , zum beispiel ?
oder wenn ich v56 für great shot , luck schreiben will ?!

kann mir das mal bitte jemand ausführlich erklären ? ich kenn mich nich so inj dem gebiet aus ....-.-

schon mal thanks.gif im vorraus

@ Al Quaida beim nächsten mal such funktion nutzen old.gif zwinker2.gif hier hab ich des schön erklärt zwinker2.gif

Posted by: hockeygott Apr 10 2007, 03:13 PM

wie kann man denn die Reihenfolge der Waffen bestimmen?
Z.B. beim Medic: wenn ich einmal zurück scrolle --> dass gleich das Medicpack kommt oder die HealMe-Spritze.
Spart ja Zeit. Wäre schon super wenn ihr mir das schreiben könntet oder ihr gebt mir nen Link wo ichs nachlesen kann.
Hab leider nichts gefunden hier im Forum.
mächtig gewaltige Grüße hockeygott

Posted by: eXesism Jul 7 2007, 07:26 PM

QUOTE(SLK32 @ May 17 2005, 06:09 PM) *
// ============================================ //
// Jump script (jump with pmove_fixed set to 1) //
// ============================================ //
set jump_dn "pmove_fixed 1; +moveup"
set jump_up "-moveup; pmove_fixed 0"
bind CTRL "+vstr jump_dn jump_up"

set jump_dn "set pmove_fixed 1; +moveup"
set jump_up "-moveup; set pmove_fixed 0"
bind CTRL "+vstr jump_dn jump_up"

Wont this make u dont need to hold CTRL wen u jump? rolleye.gif

Posted by: $P0!|_3D Jul 15 2007, 01:22 PM

QUOTE(eXesism @ Jul 7 2007, 08:26 PM) *
QUOTE(SLK32 @ May 17 2005, 06:09 PM) *
// ============================================ //
// Jump script (jump with pmove_fixed set to 1) //
// ============================================ //
set jump_dn "pmove_fixed 1; +moveup"
set jump_up "-moveup; pmove_fixed 0"
bind CTRL "+vstr jump_dn jump_up"

set jump_dn "set pmove_fixed 1; +moveup"
set jump_up "-moveup; set pmove_fixed 0"
bind CTRL "+vstr jump_dn jump_up"

Wont this make u dont need to hold CTRL wen u jump? rolleye.gif

Yea i think soo nicken.gif

Posted by: !S.H.C!CharlesX4vier Sep 6 2007, 01:45 PM


seta r_intensity "1.5"
seta r_loadbias "2"
seta r_lodbias "2"
seta r_lodCurveError "250"
seta r_lowMemTextureSize "0"
seta r_lowMemTextureThreshold "40.0"
seta r_mapoverbrightbits "3"
seta r_mode "5"
seta r_nocull "0"
seta r_nocurves "0"
seta r_nv_fogdist_mode "GL_EYE_RADIAL_NV"
seta r_overBrightBits "0"
seta r_picmip "3"
seta r_picmip2 "3"
seta r_primitives "2"
seta r_railCoreWidth "1"
seta r_railSegmentLength "32"
seta r_railWidth "16"
seta r_rmse "0.0"
seta r_roundImagesDown "1"
seta r_simpleMipMaps "0"
seta r_smp "0"
seta r_stencilbits "0"
seta r_stereo "0"
seta r_subdivisions "999"
seta r_swapInterval "0"
seta r_texturebits "16"
seta r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
seta r_uifullscreen "0"
seta r_vertexLight "1"
seta r_vertexlighting "1"

Posted by: dP. Oct 25 2007, 04:21 AM

et pro class selector mit echo say :PP

bind F7 "class f 1;play sound/chat/axis/64a; echo ^7@.^0FIELD.SMP"
bind F6 "class m 1;play sound/chat/axis/62a; echo ^7@.^0MEDIC.SMP"
bind F4 "class e 1;play sound/chat/axis/63a; echo ^7@.^0ENGY.SMP"
bind F5 "class e 2;play sound/chat/axis/63a; echo ^7@.^0ENGY.RIFLE"
bind F8 "class s 4;play sound/chat/axis/61a; echo ^7@.^0PANZERFAUST"
bind F9 "class c 1;play sound/chat/axis/65a; echo ^7@.^0CVOP.STEN"
bind F10 "class c 3;play sound/chat/axis/65a; echo ^7@.^0CVOP.RIFLE"
bind F11 "class s 2;play sound/chat/axis/61a; echo ^7@.^0HEAVY.MG24"

einfach &

Posted by: DeralteJoe Feb 5 2008, 03:08 PM

Hi mal ne frage wie kann ich die m_pitch werte verändern?

Möchte so das es ganz langsam hoch / runter geht und normal rechts links?

Bin für hilfe dankbar :)

Posted by: [FAG]Moxy May 27 2008, 09:22 AM

Mute chat sounds
A very useful and simple script to play in peace on a server with noisy players->
The vsay sounds will be muted but still be seen LIKE:( I need ammo --Medic-- Great shot ! etc..)
Will still hear Ammo firing, foot steps General Warnings/Info like: !dyno plants, killing sprees and PM notification's .
(There is an echo in this script telling you when you have turned it on and off)

seta soundon "cg_novoicechats 0; echo ^2 CHAT SOUND ON !!!!!; set soundtoggle vstr soundoff"
seta soundoff "cg_novoicechats 1; echo ^1 CHAT SOUND OFF / SILENCE !!!!; set soundtoggle vstr soundon"
seta soundtoggle "vstr soundon"
bind f5 "vstr soundtoggle"

Posted by: dnstuff May 27 2008, 03:45 PM

here are my gun setts #

bind 1 "weaponbank 1;cg_drawgun 1;cg_fov 112;m_pitch 0.02900;vstr clear"
bind MOUSE2 "weaponbank 2;cg_drawgun 0;cg_fov 90;m_pitch 0.01501;cg_autoreload 0;vstr clear"
bind 3 "weaponbank 3;cg_drawgun 0;cg_fov 90;m_pitch 0.01501;cg_autoreload 0;vstr text1"
bind 4 "weaponbank 4;cg_drawgun 1;cg_fov 112;m_pitch 0.02900;vstr clear"
bind 5 "weaponbank 5;cg_drawgun 1;cg_fov 110;m_pitch 0.02900;vstr clear"
bind MOUSE5 "weaponbank 6;cg_drawgun 1;cg_fov 110;m_pitch 0.02400;vstr clear"
bind 2 "weaponbank 7;cg_drawgun 1;cg_fov 116;m_pitch 0.02300;vstr clear"
bind MOUSE3 "+zoom;+zoom;+attack;+attack;+attack;-attack;-attack;-zoom;-zoom"
bind MOUSE4 "weapalt;m_yaw 0.022"

Posted by: [FAG]Moxy May 31 2008, 10:08 AM

Crouch + FOV + Mouse Sensitivity Script

Keep it simple

1.Crouch + Mouse sensitivity Change
When crouched Mouse sensitivity lowered
When Standing back to normal sensitivity
(sensitivity number's can be changed from 0 to 30.)
(The key if pressed will also work to change your Mouse Sensitivity when in prone position)

set sensd "+movedown; sensitivity 4.5"
set sensu "-movedown; sensitivity 7.5"
set do "vstr sensd"
set up "vstr sensu"
bind c "+vstr do up"

2. Crouch + field of view change
When crouched field of view set at 90
When standing field of view set at 105
(FOV numbers can be between 90 -110) on most servers
(This key will also work to change your FOV when in prone position)

set crouch90 "+movedown; cg_fov 90 "
set crouch105 "-movedown; cg_fov 105"
set crdo "vstr crouch90"
set crup "vstr crouch105"
bind c "+vstr crdo crup"

3.Or both combined Crouch + FOV + Sensitivity Mouse
When crouched field of view set at 90 and mouse sensitivity lowered.
When standing field of view set at 105 and mouse sensitivity Raised to normal.
(This key will also work to change your FOV + Mouse Sensitivity when in prone position)

set crouchd "+movedown; cg_fov 90 ; sensitivity 2.5"
set crouchu "-movedown; cg_fov 105 ; sensitivity 5.5"
set cdo "vstr crouchd"
set cup "vstr crouchu"
bind c "+vstr cdo cup"

Posted by: _niksutiksu_ Jun 3 2008, 07:10 AM <--- In that link is vampire sounds to ET ^^

Posted by: dnstuff Jun 4 2008, 01:55 PM

ZITAT(_niksutiksu_ @ Jun 3 2008, 08:10 AM) * <--- In that link is vampire sounds to ET ^^

more random links/malware plx

Posted by: sillas Jul 11 2008, 04:05 PM

Posted by: fumo&toso Jun 3 2010, 02:01 PM

// ============================================ //
// Jump script (jump with pmove_fixed set to 1) //
// ============================================ //
set jump_dn "pmove_fixed 1; +moveup"
set jump_up "-moveup; pmove_fixed 0"
bind CTRL "+vstr jump_dn jump_up"


Hi everyone , my question is :

I can use this script on NQ servers? and if I can, is it legal?
I mean, if it is considered cheat or not? because I dont want to be banned hehe vogel.gif and I don't know if I can use that script on my config.

Thanks for answering.

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