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Splatterladder enhancement, Some changes.... |
Dec 18 2011, 02:55 PM
Master of Desaster Group: Management Joined: 7-March 06 From: Wehr Member No.: 23716 |
To proof that the Splatterladder development is not fell asleep, here the latest changed applied:
Server-registration: You`re a clan leader and want to add new server to your clan? There are several ways to do so: - Request it in the forum - Set the server-response to send sl_clanid "YourClanID" ( sets sl_clanid "YourClanID" in config or via rcon ) - New: Simply visit the serverpage, click on the new link "This is your clans server? Then claim it for your clan", put in the server rcon password (which will not be stored on our server in any way!), and register it to your clan Advanced serverinfo: We added a few options to enhance the diplayed information for your server (you need to be leader / admin of the clan operating the server) -Server rules: You can use the common bbcode tags to insert the rules for the server which will be displayed -Server description: Another field where you can use to give some information about the server (bbcode enabled) -Maptime: The current timelimit of the running map and also an approximation of the remaining time To edit this (and a few more) data, we implemented the "server-editor" which is available for admin and leader of the assigned clan We hope you enjoy our service -------------------- |
Dec 18 2011, 04:12 PM
Private Group: Members Joined: 1-January 10 Member No.: 89328 |
Timeline HTML code is big, due You are using many small gifs (for each minute), instead of use just width parameter
+/- <img src='red' width=$remaining> <img src='green' width=$total-$remaining> Please consider to optimize it |
Dec 18 2011, 04:59 PM
Master Sergeant Group: Members Joined: 21-April 08 From: Deutschland - Germany Member No.: 70785 |
Nice Job Schnoog
Dec 18 2011, 05:07 PM
Master of Desaster Group: Management Joined: 7-March 06 From: Wehr Member No.: 23716 |
Thanks ;)
@varsovie: Have applied the changes, thanks for the very useful hint. -------------------- |
Dec 18 2011, 08:45 PM
Major Group: Members Joined: 19-September 07 From: South of France xDDDDD Member No.: 59683 |
Thanks a lot schnoog for this !!!
Hey you know what ? PB-end is a bad thing for ET, but SL-end would be a very sad sad sad thing .... So congratulations for your effort to continue the story xD Bye -------------------- |
Dec 18 2011, 08:51 PM
Tastenklimperer Group: Management Joined: 4-August 06 From: "Toscana of Germany" (Dreieck KA-LU-NW) Member No.: 31172 |
Very nice work schnoog
-------------------- |
Dec 19 2011, 09:26 AM
Sergeant First Class Group: Members Joined: 15-October 04 From: Aberdeen, Scotland Member No.: 998 |
Now it feels like xmas..
Great stuff Schnoog -------------------- |
Guest_Dutchman_* |
Apr 23 2012, 08:03 PM
Guests |
Howdy sl. I noticed a while ago that when you try to claim a server, you have to have a registred clan.
So if you try that option without having a registred clantag you cannot claim the server because the popped up window stays blank. Maybe make a notice or a hint to register a clantag first orrrrrrr let people register a server on their names without having a clan? :) |
Apr 23 2012, 08:12 PM
Master of Desaster Group: Management Joined: 7-March 06 From: Wehr Member No.: 23716 |
Thanks for the hint.
The problem is the structure behind the sl data. A server is correlated 1:1 with a clan. To change this relationship a lot of work needs to be done because it would also brake-up the clan-management. But for sure I`ll add a hint that only player with clan assignement can claim a server. [Background] SL is splitted in several parts. The user-management is included in the forum, controlled by proddi. The SL player and server data is hosted on an other server. All User data is transfered via an api (logins, cookies a.s.o). Thats the reason why only registred playernames (bound to a remote user-account from forum) can be handled on the SL-non-forum site. [/Backgroud] -------------------- |
May 17 2012, 12:27 AM
Second Lieutenant Group: Management Joined: 18-August 05 From: Wellingborough UK Member No.: 13132 |
Thanks for the upgrade Schnoog..... Ayatollah Gangsta will spend hours fiddling with the new options.... Great work!!!
This post has been edited by {WeB}*DoG: May 17 2012, 12:28 AM -------------------- |
May 17 2012, 12:49 AM
General of the Army Group: Management Joined: 5-August 05 From: Scotland Member No.: 12398 |
Hey you know what ? PB-end is a bad thing for ET, but SL-end would be a very sad sad sad thing .... ..... Ayatollah Gangsta will spend hours fiddling with the new options....! Indeed I will, Herr DOGmei$ter . Thanks for all that you do for us, Schnoog bro, it's appreciated . -------------------- |
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