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Tweaking - Cvars - Scripts - Making a cfg - Config Builder, Wolfenstein - Everything You Ever Wanted To Know (English) |
Dec 28 2008, 11:14 AM
Sergeant Group: Members Joined: 16-November 08 Member No.: 78720 |
it looks like that the hidden menu isn't supported in NQ 1.2X . pity
NQ 1.1X isn't spreaded very widely cause the mod version are quite better! grtz Dark -------------------- |
Dec 30 2008, 09:19 PM
Sergeant Group: Members Joined: 21-May 08 From: Canada Member No.: 71985 |
it looks like that the hidden menu isn't supported in NQ 1.2X . pity NQ 1.1X isn't spreaded very widely cause the mod version are quite better! grtz Dark Your right!! I Should have given a link to a Config builder You could try one of this bellow It should work as one is a stand-alone program and the other a web page that generates the code for you. I will add this info bellow on the first page of this thread Hats off to the guys that made this 2 Programs Enemy Territory Config Builder #1 Copyright 2008 .WeedHeaven © This site will generate and send an ET config-file (although it's made for ET, it will also work with most other games based upon the Q3-engine). The file generated by this script should be saved in your personal cfg and not Enemy Territory/etmain directory as stated on the web page . Weedheaven web based Config Builder- <--- CLICK HERE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemy Territory Config Builder #2 ETT by CTJ Solutions ™ - Coded by Christian Jacobs. Copyright 2005 ©. There is also this Download with more options A small, stand-alone program designed to help people who are new to config file creation, and who want to customize Once you have created the output code(your setting) , you now save this code to your personal .cfg file by clicking One-Click to save to. ...OR the manually save option it will make a file for you called autoexec.cfg. Features: - Over 30 easy to understand CVARs to modify, with detailed descriptions, and easily selectable options. - Ability to create your own 'say' and 'vsay' binds, as well as a combination of both. - Pre-Made Default Template. - Exclude any CVAR you want from your config file. - Graphics Quality and Relative FPS graphs, to show how modifying a certain CVAR will affect your game play. - Easy Wizard style layout, with different stages (Example: View Settings, Gun/Crosshair Settings). - On screen keyboard – no need to remember the bindable key names anymore. - Easily saves to your ETMain folder by a one-click save function, for simple initialization.their gaming experience. Enemy Territory Tweaker -See more about ---<<< CLICK HERE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our Clan Info [F@#k Around Gang] Splatterladder Clan page: <---CLICK HERE [FAG]-Clan™ all rights reserved © Full Credit list - Click here <- This post has been edited by [FAG]Moxy: Dec 31 2008, 10:33 AM |
Jan 2 2010, 07:23 PM
Private Group: Members Joined: 30-October 09 Member No.: 88053 |
I'm not sure if this is the right corner for a small question but here we go!
I've been watching a friend of mine play ET a couple of times and everytime he joines a server he seems to enter a command line which makes his weapon abit smaller. I believe it's something in the line of /cg_fov_weaponshape (value) however he doesn't want to share this info with me and leaves me with a question. I can't find the commandline in your topic so i was curious if anyone knows what i'm talking about and if this commandline is allowed to change on servers. With friendly greetz, Tim This post has been edited by ->Timmy-<: Jan 2 2010, 07:24 PM |
Jan 2 2010, 07:26 PM
Tastenklimperer Group: Management Joined: 4-August 06 From: "Toscana of Germany" (Dreieck KA-LU-NW) Member No.: 31172 |
I'm not sure if this is the right corner for a small question but here we go! I've been watching a friend of mine play ET a couple of times and everytime he joines a server he seems to enter a command line which makes his weapon abit smaller. I believe it's something in the line of /cg_fov_weaponshape (value) however he doesn't want to share this info with me and leaves me with a question. I can't find the commandline in your topic so i was curious if anyone knows what i'm talking about and if this commandline is allowed to change on servers. With friendly greetz, Tim Try /cg_fov 110 in the console. That should be enough. (standard is 90) -------------------- |
Jan 2 2010, 07:30 PM
Private Group: Members Joined: 30-October 09 Member No.: 88053 |
Try /cg_fov 110 in the console. That should be enough. (standard is 90) Thanks for the quick reply m8 however this is not the commandline i mean. I know i can chance my field of view but i'm looking for a line which chances the size of my weapon and i have no idea what the line is. It seems to something about /cg_fov_weaponshape but i haven't found a working combination yet This post has been edited by ->Timmy-<: Jan 2 2010, 07:33 PM |
Jan 3 2010, 11:43 AM
Sergeant Group: Members Joined: 20-October 09 Member No.: 87805 |
Try /cg_fov 110 in the console. That should be enough. (standard is 90) Thanks for the quick reply m8 however this is not the commandline i mean. I know i can chance my field of view but i'm looking for a line which chances the size of my weapon and i have no idea what the line is. It seems to something about /cg_fov_weaponshape but i haven't found a working combination yet which mod do you play? on some mods (etpro, jaymod?) it's certainly not possible (unless you talk of gun frame, but that doesn't make it smaller). Maybe noquarter or etpub? If you begin to type a cvar name in console, and then you press tab, it shows all the possible cvars starting with that, so maybe you can guess it... typing random cvars names won't help if they don't even exist in the mod. I remember on etpub it was possible from the menu, but I cannot confirm this now. gl |
Guest_gangibangi_* |
Jan 5 2010, 10:28 PM
Guests |
maybe you talk about cg_gun_frame??
Example: Standard is cg_gun_frame 0 cg_gun_frame 9 (smaller / not full gun for example) for the lols: cg_gun_frame 60 All was done with cg_fov 90, looks different with other cg_fov [value] ofc. you can test with every value, ure gun move different (up, down, back, forward etc). Also you dont see the recoil of the gun while ure shooting (its there ofc, but u dont see it ), the gun is "fixed". !!!!DANGER!!!! You need to set it to 0 before the next map loads, otherwise ure ET will crash. But np, blind it to some keys for 0 and ure fav value and change it some sec. before the next map loads / session ends. EDIT: Btw., the cg_gun_frame [value] are pics from the reloading of the gun. So when you do all values from 0 to xx (dunno how far it goes tbh) uve seen all pics of the reloading process. Hope you understood what i want to say ^^ With cg_gun_frame 9 you play with the 9th gunpic of the reloading process. This post has been edited by mthD: Jan 6 2010, 02:11 PM |
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