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> For all Admins with Version ET 2.55: Why change you up to ET 2.60+2.60B?, Warum man von ET 2.55 auf ET 2.60+2.60B wechseln sollte!
post Jun 17 2007, 10:45 AM
Post #1

Group Icon Support & Assistant_Chief_Translator

Group: Management

Joined: 4-August 05
From: Munich / Bavaria / Germany
Member No.: 12333

Here is a Changeloglist from ET 2.55 up to ET 2.60! The fixes speaks for itself. rolleye.gif

The ET 2.60 Fixes and Changes:

New features:

Minor optimizations in server and client engine for lower cpu usage.

Client can record game audio to a wav file.
wav_record starts recording
wav_stoprecord stops recording
cl_wavefilerecord 1 will start recording from the moment a demo is loaded.
"Unable to load an official pak file" now reports the pak filenames in the console.

Win32 and Linux sound cvars are now unified:
s_khz, s_bits, s_numchannels
s_khz is now a CVAR_LATCH.

Players can override unsafe cvars (e.g., from a crash) with com_ignorecrash 1
Server can give alternate messages to "server is full" by changing the cvar sv_fullmsg
Server can redirect clients to other servers when full (e.g. sv_fullmsg "ET://host.to.redirect.to:port")
Server will switch to GT_WOLF if "map" can't start a campaign.
/demo can now specify .dm_83 extension explicitly, and will try dm_83 and dm_84 if extension isn't specified.
Abbreviated snapshots are now sent when clients aren't fully connected. Saves bandwidth on map rotations.
Client may move the demo recording statusline with cg_recording_statusline. 0 hides it completely.
/buyNow, /singlePlayLink commands removed.
'MODS' menu added.
Anisotropic texture filtering is now supported in renderer.
Enable with r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic 1 and use r_textureAnisotropy to set the filtering level.
cg_draw2D is no longer cheat protected.
Wounded freelook is now enabled (a la RTCW). It is also completely moved clientside so there is no lag.
Vote string is now printed to console when vote is called.

win32 specific:
Client can clear the dedicated console with /clearviewlog
s_khz 44 now works.

Linux specific:
Client can disable built-in mouse acceleration with in_dgamouse 2
r_swapInterval is now supported
Changed Linux key handling so ctrl/shift/alt/etc don't make a difference for -any- keys, to match Windows® better.

Bug Fixes:

Class Specific:

Fixed wounded CovOps stealing uniforms if they were close enough.
Fixed incorrect Level 4 CovOps knife damage on wounded players.
Fixed disguised CovOps having laggy health to enemy team.
Fixed Level 3 engineering using incorrect charge for landmines.
Fixed Field Ops incorrectly using medic charge time for ammo packs.


Fixed http download crashes.
Client now sends a UserAgent of ID_DOWNLOAD/2.0 libcurl/7.12.2 on downloads.
Client now sends a referrer of ET://server.IP.address:port on downloads.
Various server engine crashes fixed.
Spectators could sometimes move-partway-through-walls on connects.
Fixed issues with profile.pid (false "com_crashed" situations).
Clients would often get "disconnected for unknown reason" instead of a proper disconnect message.
Fixed more than 10 maps in a campaign crashing the server.
Fixed skulls sometimes shown in scoreboard for live players.
Fixed campaign count being checked once per campaign.
Fixed incorrect first person tank muzzle origin for cg_drawgun 0.
Fixed players being able to "fire" flamethrower and tank gun simultaneously with cg_drawgun 0.
Fixed players being switched to soldier class upon attaining level 4 lw/hw skill.
Fixed Referee menu expanding colors twice.
Fixed foreign keyboards inputting unsupported characters after opening console.
Fixed translations becoming incorrect if cl_language was -1 or 0.
Fixed powerups being laggy (e.g., objective powerup would take a few seconds to show on hud).
Fixed silent landmines (e.g., landmines sometimes exploded without hearing the trigger at all).
Fixed engine lowercasing all binds (e.g., bind a "say Hello" and then press a, it would say "hello" in lowercase).
Fixed revive snapping players'view around.
Fixed Players_Axis/Players_Allies getting too large and crashing server.
Fixed players "sticking" to each other in collisions.
Fixed dynamite on movers triggering objectives.
Fixed "configstring > max_configstrings" connect bug.
Fixed Satchel detonator work incorrectly when spectating.
Fixed the prediction error that occurs when a constructible is finished building.
Fixed prediction error when cratering.
Fixed anti-bunnyhop.
Fixed doubled events (e.g., double/triple misfiring while jumping or being hit).
Fixed pistol prediction (client could "fire" the pistol faster than it's supposed to).
Fixed framerate dependency of mg42s.
Fixed tracemap generation breaking when there was a flat plane at lowest point in a map.
Fixed players being randomly switched to spectator mode upon attaining level 4 skills.
Fixed Antilag (it was dependent on client fps, and headshots weren't delagged).
Fixed Timestamps in logs getting truncated.
Fixed renderer crashing with too many stretchpics (e.g., topshots and weaponstats at the same time, if they were full).
Fixed players mysteriously sinking into the ground and cratering when bouncing off specific map geometry.
Fixed engine improperly interpreting certain IP addresses as LAN addresses.
Fixed sign extension bug in console code that caused high ascii characters in the console to be displayed in the wrong color.
Fixed artillery markers not being properly drawn on compass.
Fixed hostname being exactly 21 chars long with a period in position 9 being treated as IPX.
Fixed overflow when more than MAX_GLOBAL_SERVERS are returned from the master.
Fixed Luger spread and pausing on last shot.
Fixed akimbo rapid fire exploit.
Fixed zoom exploit.
Fixed security hole allowing clients to override IP.
Fixed spectator/limbo cameras slowly 'drifting' and never reaching 0 velocity.
Fixed download redirection notices printing repeatedly in server console.
Fixed LMS not showing who drew first blood.
Fixed LMS not showing how many wins each team had.
Fixed problem that when players connected after a vote was called they got stuck with a vote on their screen through the whole round.
Fixed the issue that when playing the Fuel Dump map you could plant the dynamite and it would say, "base fortification" but actually destroy the Fuel Dump.
Fixed pmove and the game disagreeing about weapon charge usage.
Fixed radar dynamite bug (both sides could plant dynamite near the truck for no apparent reason, and get XP for defusing it).
Fixed the problem that when all of your team's mines were in use, you couldn't disarm enemy landmines.
Fixed team landmine count being incorrect (you could plant 11 by triggering 10th and planting 11th) and this broke the defusing team's landmines.
Fixed mistaken dynamite announcements (announcement planting dynamite near goldrush tank barrier 2, but it doesn.t get destroyed).
Fixed players blocking dynamite from destroying constructible objectives.
Fixed client losing prone state after packet loss.
Fixed winning team not winning when they eliminated opposition <3 sec before round end, and then died themselves.
Fixed LMS not always ending when a team was eliminated.
Fixed switching weapon during pause.
Fixed akimbo weapons and deployed mobile MG42 ignoring cg_autoreload.
Fixed Maxlives adjuster on timelimit 0.
Fixed crosshair names randomly not working (tunnels in oasis, crypt in resurrection).
Fixed g_{axies,allies}mapxp overflowing on long campaigns crashing the server.
Fixed static mg42s not hurting props (e.g., the mg42 outside allied spawn didn't damage the wooden fence).
Fixed incorrect 'complaint dismissed' message when player disconnects.
Fixed mg42s not being antilagged.
Fixed riflegrenade-through-teamdoor exploit.
Fixed intermission ready (match_readypercent now applies to intermissions).
Fixed intermission ready should not waiting on spectators.
Fixed large cg_errordecay values exploit.
Fixed CovOps landmine spotting.
Fixed knife not being antilagged.
Fixed players shooting themselves in the head when prone, firing through a breakable (e.g., a window).
Fixed Medic viewlocking sometimes snapping to non-medics.
Fixed Oversize servercommands crashing client.
Fixed engine eating "//" in server commandlines.
Fixed Garand/K43 ammo exploit.
Fixed free ammo via spectators exploit.
Fixed Limbo'd players crashing servers via following carriers and disconnecting.
Fixed the distancefalloff bug (damage would drop, then suddenly increase with distance).
Fixed "setu ch" crashing server.
Fixed CS_SYSTEMINFO exceeding 1024 getting truncated on map changes.
Fixed the prone -> invisible player (prone into wall) bug.
Fixed Ctrl-` for the mini-console.
Fixed the disguised name and normal name both being shown when moving the crosshair over a disguised covert ops while spectating.
Fixed kick/mute/referee/etc. players with >32-character names.
Fixed weapon heat sometimes flashing back down to 0 when maxed out.
Fixed random lockups occurring when blood or debris is spawned.
Battery bunker now autoselects spawnpoint when captured.
Moving objects now predict a continuation rather than a stop (e.g., fixes jittery tug on railgun).
Clients can no longer /userinfo and nuke their userinfo from the console.
Binoculars can no longer be used while using mounted mobile MG42 or mortar.
Removed "Killed by " in endround scoreboard.
Removed unused cg_specswing cvar.
F13-F15 now works if the user's keyboard/X mapping sends them.
Capslock, kp_numlock, and kp_equals are all usable in Linux now.
Made some minor fixes to Linux keyhandling.

Changes relevant for modders:

NOTE FOR MOD USERS: It is recommended that any user modifications
that have been installed to the

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory directory be removed. These
modifications are not supported by Activision®

and may not be compatible with some of the fixes that are included
with this patch.

The entire source tree is now -Wall -pedantic -std=c99 clean, removing all the noise from the silly warnings so that useful warnings are actually noticed. No functional changes, except that HINT_CHAIR doesn't work at all now (where it worked before, but unreliably).

All printf-style varargs functions are now protected with GCC's __attribute__ extension, which should help catch printf parameter errors.

Added a 4th parameter to CG_INIT - qboolean demoPlayback - since some mods need this at init time, and drawactiveframe is too late for them.

MAX_CVARS increased to 2048 from 1024, as ET is relatively close to the 1024 limit with both client and server cvars. Enlarged FILE_HASH_SIZE to compensate for the enlarged cvar table size.

kick/ban code is now moved entirely into qagame, mods can choose to use the engine banning system or the qagame one. #define USE_ENGINE_BANLIST qtrue, changing to qfalse makes use of the qagame ban system

Demo recording status has been moved entirely to cgame. See CG_DrawDemoRecording().

When PERS_HWEAPON_USE was set, the engine blocked the update of usercmd_t. This has been fixed and the relevant code changed in pmove_fixed.c

FUI can now render models

cgame can synchronize rendering with trap_R_Finish if needed.

CG_SHUTDOWN is now called on /quit

Significantly enlarged MAX_CMD_BUFFER (16k->128k)

Added better debug info for Info_*() infostring functions

The master server now supports filters for fs_game and gametype. E.g. to request a list of protocol 84 servers with fs_game "etpro" and g_gametype 5, ui_main would execute the following command:
globalservers 0 84 gameetprogametype5

Rendering to textures:

cgame may now render directly to a texture on the fly.
Use trap_R_GetTextureId() to retrieve a handle to an existing texture (tga/jpg).
Use trap_R_RenderToTexture( textureid, x, y, w, h ) to render into the texture.
Screen coordinates 0,0 for trap_R_RenderToTexture are at the lower left of the screen.
You can get a list of textures the engine has loaded with /imagelist
Example code can be found in cg_limbopanel.c at the bottom of CG_DrawPlayerHead().

Dynamic shaders:

cgame may build shader scripts on the fly, via code.
Use trap_R_LoadDynamicShader( shadername, shadertext ) to load a new shader into memory.
The loaded shader can then be referenced with trap_R_RegisterShader() and used as if it were a normal shader. Combined with trap_R_RemapShader(), cgame can replace any shader.
trap_R_LoadDynamicShader( "shadername", NULL ) unloads the dynamic shader "shadername".
trap_R_LoadDynamicShader( NULL, NULL ) unloads all dynamic shaders.
Example code can be found in cg_main.c, look for #ifdef TEST_API_DYNAMICSHADER

Raw binary channel for client<->server:

cgame and qagame may now communicate using a raw binary stream.
These messages are unreliable (like udp), and are sent only once per server frame.
qagame and cgame are responsible for managing retransmissions.
Sending a message overwrites the outgoing message buffer.
Once the message has been sent (unreliably), the message buffer is cleared.
The message is sent with trap_SendMessage, and its status can be read with trap_MessageStatus. When the cgame and/or qagame receive a message, they get a *_MESSAGERECEIVED event to vmMain, which has a timestamp and the message that was sent during that snapshot.

void trap_SendMessage( /* server: int clientNum */, char *buf, int buflen );
clientNum: the client to send the message to (server only)
buf: the message to send
buflen: length of the message to send

messageStatus_t trap_MessageStatus( /* server: int clientNum */ );
clientNum: the client whose buffer we want to check (server only)
returns MESSAGE_EMPTY on empty buffer
returns MESSAGE_WAITING when not yet sent (can be caused by rate limit)
returns MESSAGE_WAITING_OVERFLOW when the message would make the packet too large to send

/* qagame */
int vmMain( int command, int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6 );
(int)clientNum = arg0: clientNum message was received from
(char*)buffer = arg1: pointer to the message received (temporary)
(int)buflen = arg2: length of message received
(int)commandTime = arg3: timestamp of message (from client)

/* cgame */
int vmMain( int command, int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6 );
(char*)buffer = arg0: pointer to the message received (temporary)
(int)buflen = arg1: length of message received
(int)commandTime = arg2: timestamp of message (from server)

Fixed the Com_BitSet() with ridiculous bit number in the anim condition code.
buddyClients was not used, ignoreClients was too small and didn't use COM_Bit* functions.
Fixed incorrect class determination in CG_PlayerClassForClientinfo().
CG_AddPMItem failed on multi-line messages.

Lag and packet loss simulation:

Client and server may simulate packet loss and increased latency with new cvars.
These will only function when sv_cheats is 1.
Server uses the cvars sv_packetloss and sv_packetdelay.
Client uses the cvars cl_packetloss and cl_packetdelay.

For example, to make the server simulate 200ms latency and 30% packetloss:
sv_packetdelay 200
sv_packetloss 30

These cvars only affect transmitted packets, not received packets. To simulate packetloss and latency in both directions you need to set the cvars on both client and server.


Luigi Auriemma

Application: Quake 3 engine
Vulnerables: - Call of Duty <= 1.5
- Call of Duty: United Offensive <= 1.51
- Quake III Arena <= 1.32
- Return to Castle Wolfenstein <= 1.41
- Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix <= 1.03
- Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast <= 1.04
- Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy <=
- Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory <= 1.02 / 2.56
... possibly others
"Seem" safe: - Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (no effects)
- Medal of Honor: Breakthrough
- Medal of Honor: Spearhead
- Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force (attacker only)
- Star Trek: Elite Force II (attacker crash only)
- Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory 2.60 (patched)
Platforms: Windows, Linux and Mac
Bug: bad handling of big commands/messages
Exploitation: remote, versus clients (in-game)
Date: 02 Apr 2005
Author: unknown, the bug has been reported to me by an admin of
the game Return of Castle Wolfenstein
Advisory: Luigi Auriemma
e-mail: aluigi@autistici.org
web: aluigi.org


1) Introduction
2) Bug
3) The Code
4) Fix


1) Introduction

The Quake 3 engine is the well known game engine developed by ID
Software (http://www.idsoftware.com) and is used by many games.


2) Bug

This problem is enough known in the community of the Return to Castle
Wolfenstein and Enemy Territory games from many time (over one year),
and this second one is actually the only game to have an official patch
released just some weeks ago.

An interesting explanation of this bug and a method to fix it modifying
the source code of the vulnerable games (SDK) is available here:


In short the problem is in how the engine handles the commands longer
than 1022 chars, in fact they are automatically truncated at that size
and the rest of the chars is handled as network data confusing the

If an attacker joins a server and sends a too big message any client in
the server will automatically disconnect showing the
"CL_ParseServerMessage: Illegible server message" error.

In some games or some of their older versions could happen also a
server crash, that's not caused by this bug but by other problems
explained in the following advisories:


Only in Soldier of Fortune II happens a clients crash instead of the
simple disconnection but the game supports only the vsay_team command
and so only the players in the same team of the attacker will be

The problem is in-game so the attacker must have access to the server,
if it is protected by password and he doesn't know the keyword or his
IP/guid has been banned he cannot exploit the bug.


3) The Code

- download the following file:
- place it in the base folder of your game (like baseq3, etmain, main,
base and so on)
- start a client and a server or, if possible, more clients to test
better the effects of the bug
- join the server
- go into the console of a client (~ key or shift + ~)
- type: /exec q3msgboom
- any client in the server will disconnect immediately.
If nothing happens or the vsay command is not supported, modify the
q3msgboom.cfg file using other commands like say or vsay_team.
Jedi Knight II needs that the script is executed some times before
seeing the effects.


4) Fix

Currently only Enemy Territory 2.60 is officially fixed.

I have tried many times in these last weeks to find an universal way
to fix the bug but I had no luck, in fact the method suggested by
Banimod (http://bani.anime.net/banimod/forums/viewtopic.php?p=27322) is
ok but requires the recompilation of the SDK (where available).

Anyway the function to modify is located in the "game" code (the name
of a specific portion of the engine) that some games have built as a
DLL while others as a QVM file (harder to fix and zipped in the pk3
packages) and then the binary pattern of the function changes a lot
from game to game moreover because changes the G_SEND_SERVER_COMMAND
value, so a binary fix based on the previously metioned patch is not


and here the ground for a update to ET 2.60B

Ludwig Nussel and Thilo Shulz discovered a vulnerability letting a malicious client download files from a server if auto download is enabled ( sv_allowDownload 1 ).

Issue #2 ( CVE pending ): R_RemapShaders buffer overflow

A second issue fixed in this release would let a malicious server exploit a buffer overflow to execute a shellcode on connecting clients.

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