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Time to say good bye |
Jan 17 2017, 05:01 PM
Tastenklimperer Group: Management Joined: 4-August 06 From: "Toscana of Germany" (Dreieck KA-LU-NW) Member No.: 31172 |
Chris, Du weißt was ich dazu denke.
Aber da es mir vor nicht allzu langer Zeit ähnlich ging, verstehe ich Dich. Vielleicht zockt man mal über Steam die eine oder andere Runde zusammen, da bleibste ja aktiv Danke für Deine Hilfe hier inner SL, Du hast mir viel Sorgen und Arbeit abgenommen in den letzten Jahren. Hau rein digger -------------------- |
Jan 18 2017, 05:21 PM
Sergeant Group: Members Joined: 14-January 14 Member No.: 432174 |
It comes as no surprise to me to be seeing yet another player leaving the ET scene.
The game has been slowly going downhill since 2008 due with the releases of newer and modern games which were drawing the attention of those who once were die hard ET players and it isn't a good thing to see what so ever but it wasn't just with the release of newer games it were also, many ET based reasons such as EB disbanding their support for the game...Not that it were ever really any good though yes cheaters were caught and banned, which were a good thing but then also they were able to get around it with undetectable cheats which only ruined the game, the fun for everyone. Then the master server list went down...Yet another blow for the game, but I think the one thing that destroyed thee game the most were of course the players who couldn't play for the team or for the objective. The majority of servers on ET these days are filled to the brim with hacks, scripts, admin-rule breakers who make up their own rules thus disregarding those set by clan founders. There are still some decent servers on there with like minded people to us whom are all about the team play, the objectives however, there actually should be more than that and in my opinion people shouldn't be leaving the game behind because of such reason they should actually be doing their bit to keep the thing alive. There isn't much of a chance of getting new players onto a 13+ year old game I know though, but there is a chance of finding those like minded people you just have to wait and see or look in the right places. Anyways Stoer, I wish ye all the best man ^^ |
Jan 18 2017, 08:29 PM
Staff Sergeant Group: Members Joined: 26-March 07 From: glasgow Member No.: 48973 |
It comes as no surprise to me to be seeing yet another player leaving the ET scene. The game has been slowly going downhill since 2008 due with the releases of newer and modern games which were drawing the attention of those who once were die hard ET players and it isn't a good thing to see what so ever but it wasn't just with the release of newer games it were also, many ET based reasons such as EB disbanding their support for the game...Not that it were ever really any good though yes cheaters were caught and banned, which were a good thing but then also they were able to get around it with undetectable cheats which only ruined the game, the fun for everyone. Then the master server list went down...Yet another blow for the game, but I think the one thing that destroyed thee game the most were of course the players who couldn't play for the team or for the objective. The majority of servers on ET these days are filled to the brim with hacks, scripts, admin-rule breakers who make up their own rules thus disregarding those set by clan founders. There are still some decent servers on there with like minded people to us whom are all about the team play, the objectives however, there actually should be more than that and in my opinion people shouldn't be leaving the game behind because of such reason they should actually be doing their bit to keep the thing alive. There isn't much of a chance of getting new players onto a 13+ year old game I know though, but there is a chance of finding those like minded people you just have to wait and see or look in the right places. Anyways Stoer, I wish ye all the best man ^^ my 5 yr old daughter plays et lol and can let out a roar when shes not happy about getting killed :)i agree its up to admin and members 2 prepare there server for what they wish it to be :)objective is great fun so is killing rambos :) -------------------- |
Jan 21 2017, 11:25 AM
Master Sergeant Group: Members Joined: 21-April 08 From: Deutschland - Germany Member No.: 70785 |
Chris mein guter, ich schreib mal nichts weiter außer das ich es verstehen kann.
Ich denke wir schreiben uns trotzdem mal alter Freund |
Jan 22 2017, 09:28 PM
Corporal Group: Members Joined: 23-February 14 Member No.: 434349 |
Stoer dude so sorry to hear you leaving I agree with all the posts thank you for all your hard work you will be sadly missed by all
Jan 24 2017, 02:07 AM
Second Lieutenant Group: Members Joined: 22-November 11 From: Serbia Member No.: 120893 |
Just wasting time for visiting splatterladder and for playing ET, Stoer is right, good bye guys, I'm leaving too, good luck.
Cheers, Nico |
Mar 13 2017, 10:14 PM
Staff Sergeant Group: Members Joined: 19-January 05 Member No.: 3319 |
Hi Stoer,
ich habe auch lange Zeit pause gemacht und bin doch wieder zurückgekommen. Allerdings nicht mehr mit den alten Gepflogenheiten (etpro only), da diese schon so gut wie tot sind. Habe mich dem ET:Legacy Projekt angeschlossen und das Spielen mit Bots für mich entdeckt. Auf meinem Server laufen 8 Campaigns mit jeweils 8 Maps, was insgesamt 64 Maps bedeutet. Das Projekt ist voll aktiv und man kann viele Sachen dazu beitragen (z.B. LUA Scripts) etc. Auch der IRC und Discordchannel sind sehr lebendig und es antwortet fast immer jemand. Aber genieß erstmal deine Pause und hoffentlich kommst du mal wieder zurück. Wie ich schonmal kurz geäußert habe bräuchten die Tracker eine Überarbeitung, aber es ist einfach von den Ressourcen her beschränkt, dass es niemand stemmen kann. Grüße, estorado P.S. hier ist der Server, wirst zwar nicht geranked, aber ist trozdem lustig zum training: |
Lo-Fi Version | Time is now: 30th January 2025 - 12:00 AM |