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> Attention / Bitte beachten

If you're asking for a clan-registritation, please provide us with following details:
- clantag without color-codes
- clantag with color-codes
- link to your registered/reserved player nick or the player who should be assigned to this tag

- only one clan per user (which means: no second squads, no second funclans, no second clans)
- the registered/reserved playername has to be used at least 5 hours (5 hours playtime!)
- the playername has to contain the clantag
- the clantag has to contain 3 letters/numbers excluding spacebar

» further information
Wenn ihr Hilfe bei der Registrierung eines neuen Clantags benötigt, brauchen wir unbedingt folgende Details:
- Clantag ohne Farbcodes
- Clantag mit Farbcodes
- Link zu eurem registrierten/reservierten Spielernamen oder dem Spieler, der diesem Clan zugefügt werden soll.

- Nur ein Clan pro User (was bedeuted: keine zweiten Squads, keinen zweiten Funclan, keinen zweiten Clan!)
- Der registrierte/reservierte Spielername muss bereits eine Spielzeit von mindestens 5 Stunden haben
- Der Spielername muss den Clantag beinhalten
- Der Clantag muss aus mindestens 3 Zeichen/Buchstaben ohne Leerzeichen bestehen

» weitere Informationen
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> New Maps: Goldrush Revival v1 and v2, New Maps
post Feb 20 2025, 01:13 PM
Post #1

Group Icon Staff Sergeant

Group: Members

Joined: 12-August 14
Member No.: 439171

Hey folks, today I released two new maps, Goldrush Revival v1 and v2. Both maps are obviously new versions of Goldrush. They both allow Axis to construct a battery which relocates electrical power to an airstrike control panel. Once pushed by Axis, the airstrike will destroy the Bridge and force the tank to take an alternative path. This has to be done before the tank is captured the first time, or the tank takes the regular path. The map exists in two versions, v1 gives Axis a near 100% chance to construct the battery in time, v2 gives Axis a near 50/50 chance. The maps are available via the Website from ETS clan. ETS Cyberwolf is currently working on the bot files (kudos to Cyberwolf, great job).

Have fun
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