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sl.cup - an enemy Territory Tournament by splatterladder and |
Feb 11 2015, 09:13 PM
Tastenklimperer Group: Management Joined: 4-August 06 From: "Toscana of Germany" (Dreieck KA-LU-NW) Member No.: 31172 |
Splatterladder is proud to present the first sl.cup sponsored by Splatterladder Hosting
Grab your weapons, sort your teams, get ready for som scrim action and lets make this tourney a big success for everyone. We will offer the servers to play the matches and we will watch some of the matches live The 3 top placed teams will win an Enemy Territory gameserver sponsored by Splatterladder Hosting, see the details as follows. 1. price 6 months ET gameserver with 32 slots 2. price 6 months ET gameserver with 24 slots 3. price 6 months ET gameserver with 16 slots Both the matchserver and the gameserver you can win are hosted in germany, europe. Depending on how many teams enlist for the tournament, we will play a pre-round to find the top 8 or top 16 teams. If less than 8 teams enlist we reserve the right to cancel the tournament, but we hope this will not happen. In the pre-round each team plays against 2 teams. Maps will be played in stopwatch mode. The Team that wins a map the shortest time earns 1 point. If no Team winds the map it counts 0.5 points for each Team. During pre-round and elimination round each Team will choose 1 map out of the mappool. So after the pre-round the teams with the most points earned will advance to elimination round. In elimination round again each pair of teams will be randomly chosen by splatterladder. But now a match is counted best of 3. that means every Team need to play 3 maps 2 times vs. another Team. One map chosen by each team and one map chosen by splatterladder. Best 4 or 8 advance to stage (semi-final or quarter-final). After the needed rounds we will have a final for 3rd and a final for 1st place. Every Clan may enlist 1 or 2 Teams for the Tournament. We decided to limit the number of Teams per Clan to avoid having 1 big Clan winning all sponsored servers. But you dont need to be in a clan to play in the Tournament, you can also build a Team with your friends. The Matchservers will be set up to 8 slots +1 private, so every Team has 3 players, plus 2 slot for shoutcasters. The matches will also be available on ETTV. Every Player of every Team will need to record demo of the game so if there are any complaints during or after the match we will review the demos of the match and take necessary action. Also a screenshot after each map need to be saved by each team. If a member of a Team dont show up at the set date and time, the Team has the chance to play 2vs3 or 1vs3, if a Team dont show up the Opponent has won. To Enlist you will need to join sl.cup on Registration is open from today, 11th of February 2015 until the 31st of March 2015. Pre-round matches will be played from 6th of Avril till 19th of Avril, that gives everyone the chance to find a date for the matches. Elimination Round starts from 20th till 26th of Avril, the semi-finals from 27th till 30th of Avril, the battle for 3rd on the 1st of May and the final will be played on the 2nd of May. If you have any questions, ask them now! Splatterladder reserves the right to exclude Teams or Teammembers for every reason. This will not be a greencard for us but will give us the right to handle the Tournament a fair way. So to make this Tournament a as fair as possible event for each and every combatant, we will exclude every cheater from it. If one player of a Team is caught, the whole Team will be excluded. We will have zero tolerance in this case. Since this is the first time that we arrange a Tournament, there may be many things that dont work perfect. Also we dont know if we have to plan for 4 or 40 Teams to participate. We kindly ask everyone who plays in the Tourney for their feedback during and after the event so we can improve things if we ever plan to do another one in the future. The mappool consists of: adlernest braundorf_b4 bremen_b2 caen et_ice Karsiah_te2 supply sw_goldrush_te sw_oasis_b3 tc_base te_escape2 ATTENTION: The Tournament will be hosted with 16 Teams participating. If you are too late and register at challonge as Team number 17 or later, you are not participating in the Tournament! So move quick if you want to take part. -------------------- |
Feb 12 2015, 03:25 AM
Sergeant Major Group: Members Joined: 28-December 10 From: Germany, MV Member No.: 95085 |
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Feb 12 2015, 06:07 PM
Sergeant Major Group: Members Joined: 15-February 12 From: FRANCE Member No.: 131459 |
Hi all,
A nice teaser , a great idea , i wish that it will be a successfull event !! -------------------- |
Feb 15 2015, 04:58 PM
Sergeant Major Group: Members Joined: 28-December 10 From: Germany, MV Member No.: 95085 |
Was just connecting to the #test-server, still basic 2.60b
If you need infos setting up ETTV-match server's I'd love to help out - - -------------------- |
Feb 15 2015, 05:13 PM
Tastenklimperer Group: Management Joined: 4-August 06 From: "Toscana of Germany" (Dreieck KA-LU-NW) Member No.: 31172 |
Thanks for the offer rehhhh, the Testserver is not setup to support ETTV but schnoog will work on it. If we encounter problems well get in contact with you.
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Feb 16 2015, 05:21 PM
General of the Army Group: Management Joined: 5-August 05 From: Scotland Member No.: 12398 |
Tommy, are the teams for the tourney to be 3 v 3 and two teams only per Clan?
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Feb 16 2015, 07:08 PM
Tastenklimperer Group: Management Joined: 4-August 06 From: "Toscana of Germany" (Dreieck KA-LU-NW) Member No.: 31172 |
That is right G, since we didnt know how many ppl or clans would be interested these are the teamsettings for this tourney.
But ofc we are happy for every feedback received during and after this tourney, so we can improve for the next -------------------- |
Feb 16 2015, 07:29 PM
General of the Army Group: Management Joined: 5-August 05 From: Scotland Member No.: 12398 |
Okay amigo, thanks for the info, we'll get our teams sorted .
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Feb 20 2015, 07:58 PM
Tastenklimperer Group: Management Joined: 4-August 06 From: "Toscana of Germany" (Dreieck KA-LU-NW) Member No.: 31172 |
Im a bit proud to announce that we have 10 enlisted teams for sl.cup at challonge already and we still have some weeks enlisting open.
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Feb 21 2015, 04:08 AM
Second Lieutenant Group: Management Joined: 18-August 05 From: Wellingborough UK Member No.: 13132 |
Yup here our team will be
{WeB}*Kariboe* {WeB}*BoBbY* {WeB}*DoG* i think some of our other boys will team up will non clan members!!! -------------------- |
Mar 10 2015, 04:58 PM
General of the Army Group: Management Joined: 5-August 05 From: Scotland Member No.: 12398 |
I have to admit to being a bit confused about there tourney, lads. The 12 names you see registered already, is that teams or individual players ? I know that the names of DOG, Bobster, Reaper, Kari and Marty ain't there either, but I know that they're playing.
Herr Verwechselt needs some help here, chaps . -------------------- |
Mar 10 2015, 08:11 PM
Tastenklimperer Group: Management Joined: 4-August 06 From: "Toscana of Germany" (Dreieck KA-LU-NW) Member No.: 31172 |
They are supposed to be teams Herr Konfus
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Mar 30 2015, 08:32 PM
Tastenklimperer Group: Management Joined: 4-August 06 From: "Toscana of Germany" (Dreieck KA-LU-NW) Member No.: 31172 |
The Enlisting is over now. The group stage has been started on Challonge.
These are the 4 Groups with the Teams: Group A: nsd stm_ VenoM32 Vesperia Group B: WEB2 rEhearsal PANCAKE111 fkkt Group C: qwertzy_ Fragz Terifire hayzay Group D: webpaj metla ETF schlomo1337 ATTENTION: We have been told that some of the above Teams are no Teams but Players. If so, we ask you to reply here ASAP so we can add Teams that havent enlisted within the timelimit to fill up the roster. Every Account on Challonge is to be supposed a Team, not a single Player. So please reply, if you are a Team, or a single Player... After that is sorted, we will post the final rules and settings here and tell you what you have to do withing the Group stage. -------------------- |
Mar 31 2015, 12:10 AM
Sergeant Major Group: Members Joined: 28-December 10 From: Germany, MV Member No.: 95085 |
just to be clear,
( methLab.line-up: qwertzy_ rEhearsal metla schlomo1337 PANCAKE111 fkkt -------------------- |
Mar 31 2015, 02:47 PM
General of the Army Group: Management Joined: 5-August 05 From: Scotland Member No.: 12398 |
About the team names and players, in regards to our entries:
WEB2 = Bobby, Kari and Dogster Fragz = Marty, Reaper, Gangsta webpaj = Only Paja, not a full team. We'll have to see what's happening, in regards to this. We'll get back to you a.s.a.p., lads. -------------------- |
Lo-Fi Version | Time is now: 3rd February 2025 - 03:41 AM |