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Wolf Enstein
The new 'Steam' loading screen for 'RealRtCW' super.gif :

Wolf Enstein
A superb video update from William Faure in regards to his 'Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory' singleplayer project cheers.gif :
Wolf Enstein
Another new video update from Chris Sewell's 'Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Unreal Engine 4' project. He's added surrounding terrain to the 'Escape 1' map, with lots of trees and even a lighthouse in the distance:

Wolf Enstein
Here's another update from Chris, in regards to using bodies of water in-game and how to improve their usage in respects to in-game quality. This is what he has to say:

"I've removed the old water, which is both visually better and drastically better for performance, the old water was using a very large landscape which is never ideal but it did the job. Now, I have a super scalable and optimised ocean blueprint which means I can remove all of those." - Chris Sewell

Here's a video update:
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