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ZITAT(Bacteria @ Nov 14 2012, 05:17 PM) *
pleace can you fix mine server all ok now:


Your Server still uses real playernames for bots
Wobei ich auch langsam aufpassen muss, hab den ersten Server gefunden auf dem mein Ping stabil bei 0 ist mit einigen Ausschlägen hoch auf 4!!!
Bald bin ich auch nur nochn Bot o.O grin.gif
ZITAT(TomDome @ Nov 14 2012, 07:45 PM) *
Wobei ich auch langsam aufpassen muss, hab den ersten Server gefunden auf dem mein Ping stabil bei 0 ist mit einigen Ausschlägen hoch auf 4!!!
Bald bin ich auch nur nochn Bot o.O grin.gif

Jo,aber das wird nur auf dem Server (Im Spiel) direkt angezeigt.
Auf externen Listen wird immer der richtige Ping angezeigt.Und wenn
du mit einem 0 Ping angezeigt werden solltest müsstest du schon direkt auf dem Server sitzen xD

@Volker es muss ja auch mal nette Menschen geben :P

This fakeserver is out of ranking, however it is still present in serverlist:
The rp offset is now set to 999, the server will still be visible @ SL, but at the end of the List.
Its redirecting to and "only" a honeypot.

IMO not a good behavior to fool player trying to connect to a almost full server.

Dragon! ...
THX for message.
Server is faking and forwarding to
Since same host , RP for this server also lowered.


i just checked the etcom server and i see this "The ranking system is disabled for this server (The server reports invalid game data!)" and this "Server fakes data >>> -999 reputation points" whats wrong? Should i change something ?

Thank you and best regards
The issue was discovered here:;#entry82318
QUOTE (schnoog @ Jul 5 2013, 10:30 PM) *

Cant be because of combinedfixes.lua and the Youtubevideo is from 2008 and not from our server, seems like someone joined our server and changed his names....

-- limit fakeplayers DOS
-- used if cvar is not set
-- confugration:
-- set ip_max_clients cvar as desired. If not set, defaults to the value below.

et.G_Printf = function(...)

function IPForClient(clientNum)
-- TODO listen servers may be 'localhost'
local userinfo = et.trap_GetUserinfo( clientNum )
if userinfo == "" then
return ""
local ip = et.Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "ip" )
-- find IP and strip port
local ipstart, ipend, ipmatch = string.find(ip,"(%d+%.%d+%.%d+%.%d+)")
-- don't error out if we don't match an ip
if not ipstart then
return ""
-- et.G_Printf("IPForClient(%d) = [%s]\n",clientNum,ipmatch)
return ipmatch

function et_ClientConnect( clientNum, firstTime, isBot )
-- userinfocheck stuff. Do this before IP limit
-- printf("connect %d\n",cno)
local reason = check_userinfo( clientNum )
if ( reason ) then
et.G_LogPrint(string.format("userinfocheck connect: client %d bad userinfo %s\n",clientNum,reason))
return "bad userinfo"

-- note IP validity should be enforced by userinfocheck stuff
local ip = IPForClient( clientNum )
local count = 1 -- we count as the first one
local max = tonumber(et.trap_Cvar_Get( "ip_max_clients" ))
if not max or max <= 0 then
-- et.G_Printf("firstTime %d\n",firstTime);
-- it's probably safe to only do this on firsttime, but checking
-- every time doesn't hurt much

-- validate userinfo to filter out the people blindly using luigi's code
local userinfo = et.trap_GetUserinfo( clientNum )
-- et.G_Printf("userinfo: [%s]\n",userinfo)
if et.Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "rate" ) == "" then
et.G_Printf("fakeplimit.lua: invalid userinfo from %s\n",ip)
return "invalid connection"

for i = 0, et.trap_Cvar_Get("sv_maxclients") - 1 do
-- pers.connected is set correctly for fake players
-- can't rely on userinfo being empty
if i ~= clientNum and et.gentity_get(i,"pers.connected") > 0 and ip == IPForClient(i) then
count = count + 1
if count > max then
et.G_Printf("fakeplimit.lua: too many connections from %s\n",ip)
-- TODO should we drop / ban all connections from this IP ?
return string.format("only %d connections per IP are allowed on this server",max)
-- NoAutoDeclare()

They use DooC names for Bots! Thanks for disabling ^^
Bump, server still at the top of active ones.
QUOTE (Dragon! @ Jan 30 2015, 01:45 PM) *
Bump, server still at the top of active ones.

"The ranking system is disabled for this server (The server reports invalid game data!)."
Thanks Dragon!,

servers disabled.
Hi @all

Why no-more rating for this server ?

Wolf Enstein
I'm sure that Stoer posted his reasons for not ranking that server a while ago, if I remember correctly, $mart bro. I've only ever fragged there once, but left immediately, as soon I realised that they have that childish "double-jump" nonsense enabled.
Rating re-established, thanks @SL for children xD
Wolf Enstein
QUOTE ($mart @ Jan 26 2017, 11:47 AM) *
..........thanks @SL for children xD

You're welcome, $mart bro.........................

zwinker.gif lachen.gif grin.gif
QUOTE (Wolf Enstein @ Jan 25 2017, 06:32 PM) *
I'm sure that Stoer posted his reasons for not ranking that server a while ago, if I remember correctly, $mart bro. I've only ever fragged there once, but left immediately, as soon I realised that they have that childish "double-jump" nonsense enabled.

then why did servers with many falses redirecting servers are still ranked ?

Wolf Enstein
QUOTE (macbeth @ Jan 27 2017, 11:48 AM) *
then why did servers with many falses redirecting servers are still ranked ?

Can you give us some examples of this type of server, please, Kate?
QUOTE (Wolf Enstein @ Jan 27 2017, 04:14 PM) *
QUOTE (macbeth @ Jan 27 2017, 11:48 AM) *
then why did servers with many falses redirecting servers are still ranked ?
Can you give us some examples of this type of server, please, Kate?

start ET exe and play online and you will see by yourself grin.gif list the servers with so many players try to join an ip u are redirected on their real server
Old story, Theo Do Nutzung fortbilden. Also i would Not have Done hat Stoer did. They did also nothing wrong.
ZITAT(macbeth @ Jan 27 2017, 11:18 PM) *
ZITAT(Wolf Enstein @ Jan 27 2017, 04:14 PM) *
ZITAT(macbeth @ Jan 27 2017, 11:48 AM) *
then why did servers with many falses redirecting servers are still ranked ?
Can you give us some examples of this type of server, please, Kate?

start ET exe and play online and you will see by yourself grin.gif list the servers with so many players try to join an ip u are redirected on their real server

daredevils fakeservers... if you sort ingamelist by players, the first 10 or 20 servers redirect to fa. depp.gif
Wolf Enstein
QUOTE (macbeth @ Jan 28 2017, 12:18 AM) *
start ET exe and play online and you will see by yourself grin.gif list the servers with so many players try to join an ip u are redirected on their real server

QUOTE (ETc|Jay @ Jan 28 2017, 01:44 PM) *
daredevils fakeservers... if you sort ingamelist by players, the first 10 or 20 servers redirect to fa. depp.gif

Okay, I did what you both suggested and there are 2 F|A servers that I tested which all redirect to their Jaymod server, even though both of the F|A servers that I was trying to join were not listed as being full. There's other servers in the top 10 in the master serverlist, which have no Clan name, you then join them and are redirected to other F|A Clan servers too. I think we do have a problem here, Tommy.
the owner of the ingame master list should take care of that. ban that ips or whatever is usefull to stop that messing. Most new players get confused by this. I remember when daredevil asked me wich server in germany has a good ping. It was just for his stupid fake servers.
Wolf Enstein
QUOTE (ETc|Jay @ Jan 28 2017, 04:54 PM) *
the owner of the ingame master list should take care of that. ban that ips or whatever is usefull to stop that messing. Most new players get confused by this............

How can we contact the Wolf ET master serverlist provider, Jay?
I might sound like a hanging vinyl, repeating the same part over and over again, but we have had this kind of discussions more than once now and wont solve this kind of behaviour. Back one or two years it was not only FA but 2 or 3 other clans too, that used redirects to get theit servers full.

You talk of new players get confused... really?! How much new players do ET get these days? Most of that new players try ET because someone that plays ET tells them to try it for its aspect of Teamplay, or nowadays for the wide variety of working cheats, hacks, etc.

I believe most of that players dont get confused because they are guided by those that told them to try ET, to wich servers they shall connect. Its a simple fact that "friends" like to play togheter and mostly meet on 2 or 3 servers they like.

We are no ET Police to tell a serveradmin if he is allowed to use a serverredirect or not. When would we stop if we try to? No more public servers with a modified ingame Menu or sounds, skins, weapon damage? No more servers that use more than the stock maps? You see, sarcasm gets all the way in, but you get my point.

Also i never disabled a server for its admin beeing a fucking asshole or an idiot, even though i´ve met some people during my active playtime.

Its just not the way sl is acting. At least not the sl im part of for over 10 years by now.
I say nothing about your post tom... (we have enough new players, they ask for limbo menu etc. i dont know where you play)
the problem is a fact that have to be cleared. I think we just dont know who is the right contsct person for this issue "Fakeservers"
tom, your best solution is "using the easy way" do nothing... Gute Einstellung! Ich kann deine Posts auch bald nicht mehr lesen.
QUOTE (ETc|Jay @ Jan 28 2017, 07:58 PM) *
I say nothing about your post tom... (we have enough new players, they ask for limbo menu etc. i dont know where you play) the problem is a fact that have to be cleared. I think we just dont know who is the right contsct person for this issue "Fakeservers" tom, your best solution is "using the easy way" do nothing... Gute Einstellung! Ich kann deine Posts auch bald nicht mehr lesen.

years ago when the master list been gone for a while i remember we had a post at splashdamage about that and with few others we contacted them and id software , i got an email ( but dont remember at all from who : than they been working on it )

been a guy in charge of ET who left their team and they been waiting

sorry for mine english

Hast Du schlechtes Gras geraucht oder einen übern Durst Jay?!

Du willst andere davon abhalten Serverredirects zu nutzen? KLASSE! Dann sprich denjenigen an, der das macht. Das ist nicht unser "Job".
Du willst meine Posts nicht mehr lesen? Bitte, ich zwing Dich nicht dazu.
Meine Lösung ist nicht der leichteste Weg, meine Lösung ist der einzige Weg, da ich nichts gegen solche Fake Server machen kann...

Mein Post stellte solche Forderungen in die Sarkasmus Ecke, wo fängt das an und wo hört das auf? Morgen beschliessen dann 3 Leute dass ein eigenes Limbo scheisse ist, weil die 3 Typen das nicht können und dann nehmen wir alle Server ausm Rating mit eigenem Menü? Oder alle Server mit Custom Mpas, Skins, Sounds...?

Darauf will ich raus und sonst auf nix.

Ich persönlich mag es auch nicht auf x zu verbinden und auf y raus zu kommen. Nur dann geh ich von dem Server wieder runter und gut ist. Oder Laber im Serverchat dass das scheisse ist.

Davon ab, was geht Dich das Theman an? Du hast doch bereits hingeschmissen weil Dir ein Penner ständig Stress mit Deinen Servern gemacht hat. Warum hast Du gegen DEN denn nichts unternommen? Hmm... vielleicht weil Du nichts dagegen tun kannst...?

Junge ich mach hier seit 10 Jahren den Kasper für Dich und Hunderte andere wenn es darum geht Euch mit nem Namefaker, geklonten Servernamen, Ratingtransfers usw. zu helfen. Ausser mal nem "Danke" in einem Post kommt da nix rüber. Aber das Maul aufreißen und Forderungen stellen wie ein Großer.

Wegen so ner Scheisse hat Stoer bereits hingeschmissen und mich könnt Ihr auch bald alle mal.

Statt wie Graf Rotz aufzutreten solltet Ihr Euch lieber mal einbringen, damit man sieht dass Ihr nicht nur fordert und nehmt, sonder auch mal gebt.

Jetzt lass mal die Sau raus und texte mich zu.
Darf ich mal erfahren wer unseren Server bei SL gesperrt hat und aus was für einem Grund???!! Der Server verwendet das gleiche Anti Cheat System wie jeder andere Nitmod Server.

//Edit: Habe gerade von einem Member von uns gehört das Baldi wohl auf dem Server ein paar mal von ihm gekillt wurde und dann meinte, er würde Cheats benutzen. Daraufhin wurde unser Server wohl für Rating ausgeschlossen.

Ich kann nicht verstehen, warum Leute ihre eigenen Regeln aufstellen, nur weil sie persönlich frustriert sind. Wirklich eine lächerliche Aktion von diesem "Admin".

[Wed May 26 09:39:02 2021][SL.'Baldi]: lol
[Wed May 26 09:39:06 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: lmao noob
[Wed May 26 09:39:29 2021]-SL.'Baldi]: nixkoenner
[Wed May 26 09:42:46 2021]-[SL.'Baldi]: !lol
[Wed May 26 09:45:41 2021]-[SL.'Baldi]: only hacking nice !!!
[Wed May 26 09:45:51 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: :=
[Wed May 26 09:45:52 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: sadd.gif
[Wed May 26 09:45:57 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: sadd.gif(
[Wed May 26 09:46:13 2021]-[SL.'Baldi]: i seen your wallhack
[Wed May 26 09:46:19 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: report it
[Wed May 26 09:46:48 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: you called me everytime hacker
[Wed May 26 09:47:02 2021]-[SL.'Baldi^]: iss real you hax
[Wed May 26 09:47:12 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: dude im world 1st
[Wed May 26 09:47:29 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: on many scoreboards
[Wed May 26 09:47:51 2021]-[SL.'Baldi]: lol
[Wed May 26 09:47:58 2021]-[SL.'Baldi]: and aimbot ever
[Wed May 26 09:48:08 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: aim wh
[Wed May 26 09:48:11 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: aimlock
[Wed May 26 09:48:44 2021]-[SL.'Baldi]: you only game with hax lol ...... stupid
[Wed May 26 09:49:18 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: hp hack also
[Wed May 26 09:49:48 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: heym ate
[Wed May 26 09:50:26 2021]-[SL.'Baldi]: lol nice video
[Wed May 26 09:50:36 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: up000oad to discordl
[Wed May 26 09:51:02 2021]-[SL.'Baldi]: na dann sperre ich euch mal bei Sladderladder
[Wed May 26 09:53:26 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: after the map im going
[Wed May 26 09:53:31 2021]-[SL.'Baldi]: is not realplayer only hack
[Wed May 26 09:53:36 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: pff
[Wed May 26 09:53:44 2021]-[alukemachine]: !lol
[Wed May 26 09:54:19 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: ez baldi
[Wed May 26 09:54:23 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: xd
[Wed May 26 09:54:30 2021]-[[eG]T0dZ]: lol
[Wed May 26 09:55:01 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: go to eg discord and upload yor demos
[Wed May 26 09:55:17 2021]-[SL.'Baldi]: nei ich sperre euren server
[Wed May 26 09:55:19 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: do you guys need more bots?
[Wed May 26 09:55:24 2021]-[SL.'Baldi]: bei spladderladder
[Wed May 26 09:55:25 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: todz ?
[Wed May 26 09:55:30 2021]-[[eG]T0dZ]: nope
[Wed May 26 09:55:32 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: kk
[Wed May 26 09:55:38 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: baldi , learn to play man
[Wed May 26 09:55:43 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: im just better
[Wed May 26 09:55:49 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: there are more betters players than me
[Wed May 26 09:55:51 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: even here
[Wed May 26 09:55:58 2021]-[SL.'Baldi]: ein admin soll sich bei mir melden oder ich sperre diesen server bei spladderladder+
[Wed May 26 09:56:24 2021]-[SL.'Baldi]: 24 stunden zeit
[Wed May 26 09:56:27 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: try english on mainchat
[Wed May 26 09:56:32 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: i dont understand
[Wed May 26 09:56:33 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: xD
[Wed May 26 09:56:45 2021]-[SL.'Baldi]: tranlate in config
[Wed May 26 09:57:02 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: !warn baldi english on mainchat
[Wed May 26 09:57:06 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: thx
[Wed May 26 09:57:07 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: thx
[Wed May 26 09:57:43 2021]-[SL.'Baldi]: no ranking for server contact me by spladderladder
[Wed May 26 09:57:49 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: hahahaha
[Wed May 26 09:57:59 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: i was top1 on splatterladder
[Wed May 26 09:58:04 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: i dont care rate anymore
[Wed May 26 09:58:07 2021]-[SL.'Baldi]: i m the Admin from spladderladder
[Wed May 26 09:58:13 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: ok man
[Wed May 26 09:58:24 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: ban me from everywhere
[Wed May 26 09:58:43 2021]-[SL.'Baldi]: nope , i clos this server from Ranking
[Wed May 26 09:58:48 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: there are more better players here lol
[Wed May 26 09:58:53 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: like veriou , choco
[Wed May 26 09:59:57 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: thats a stupid reason baldi
[Wed May 26 09:59:58 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: xD
[Wed May 26 09:59:59 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: xD
[Wed May 26 10:00:22 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: if someone is better than you , you close the server from rankings
[Wed May 26 10:00:26 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: nice admin
[Wed May 26 10:02:22 2021]-[SL.'Baldi]: server is disable by spladderladder ! Please Reason: Anticheat not avaible
[Wed May 26 10:02:28 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: ok ok
[Wed May 26 10:02:33 2021]-[SL.'Baldi]: by
[Wed May 26 10:24:52 2021]-[[eG]ketamin]: !fu baldi
Wolf Enstein
"Just heard from a member of ours that Baldi was probably killed on the server a few times by him and then said he would use cheats. As a result, our server was probably excluded for rating.

I can’t understand why people make their own rules just because they’re personally frustrated. Really a ridiculous action of this "admin"." - $hooter

I'm looking at your server just now, mate, I don't see where it says that your server has been removed from the ranking system.

Baldi is still registered as being an Admin here on 'Splatterladder', but he very rarely visits, or contributes, to the website.
ZITAT(Wolf Enstein @ May 26 2021, 09:53 PM) *
"Just heard from a member of ours that Baldi was probably killed on the server a few times by him and then said he would use cheats. As a result, our server was probably excluded for rating.

I can’t understand why people make their own rules just because they’re personally frustrated. Really a ridiculous action of this "admin"." - $hooter

I'm looking at your server just now, mate, I don't see where it says that your server has been removed from the ranking system.

Baldi is still registered as being an Admin here on 'Splatterladder', but he very rarely visits, or contributes, to the website.

Yes has apparently just been removed. Before that there was a message on the top of the SL server page...
Wolf Enstein
QUOTE ($hooter @ May 26 2021, 09:03 PM) *
Yes has apparently just been removed. Before that there was a message on the top of the SL server page...

What's actually just been removed from the page, $hooter? I don't understand, I've never disabled a server ranking as Admin, so I'm unfamiliar with the process.
Wolf Enstein
I see what's happened now, $hooter. Baldi hasn't disabled your server ranking, (perhaps he did earlier, I don't know), but he definitely disabled the ranking for [eG]ketamin:

Baldi had no right to do that without providing any proof, so I've enabled [eG]ketamin's game ranking again.

There was a message on the top of the server page like "The server no longer receives a rating, Reason: Server uses own anticheat" or something like that. After i posted this message here, he removed it I think.

But thank you for turning it also for Ketamin on again. None of us use cheats and should we have a complaint, we will look into it. Therefore I do not understand why someone puts on thick pants and just wildly blocks something. Therefore I do not understand why someone comes on the server and threatens us that we should contact within 24 hours otherwise the server will be blocked. Very stupid thing.
Wolf Enstein
QUOTE ($hooter @ May 27 2021, 09:35 PM) *
...thank you for turning it also for Ketamin on again.

You're welcome, mate.
Again the same message now at the server page...

Wolf Enstein
QUOTE ($hooter @ May 31 2021, 01:30 PM) *
Again the same message now at the server page...

Thanks for screenshotting this, mate, I'll look into it.
Wolf Enstein
QUOTE ($hooter @ May 31 2021, 01:30 PM) *
Again the same message now at the server page...

I checked all of your servers, he'd disabled the ranking on all of them, including your 'sniper' server. Once again, he's done this without providing any proof of wrongdoing on your part, Baldi hasn't even had the common decency to reply in this thread, despite the fact that he's been here and read it.

I've re-enabled the ranking on all of your servers and I've temporarily removed Baldi's administration rights until Schnoog looks into this and makes his own decision.

This guy is just ridiculous. none of us will use this site anymore. RIP

Thank you anyway for your help @Wolf Enstein

ZITAT(Wolf Enstein @ May 31 2021, 03:30 PM) *
ZITAT($hooter @ May 31 2021, 01:30 PM) *
Again the same message now at the server page...

I checked all of your servers, he'd disabled the ranking on all of them, including your 'sniper' server. Once again, he's done this without providing any proof of wrongdoing on your part, Baldi hasn't even had the common decency to reply in this thread, despite the fact that he's been here and read it.

I've re-enabled the ranking on all of your servers and I've temporarily removed Baldi's administration rights until Schnoog looks into this and makes his own decision.

Fakt: auf diesem Server wird / wurden Cheats benutzt. Die betreffenden Personen gaben es sogar zu.
Ich will mich aber nicht weiter damit rumärgern !
Ich habe Mitglieder des Clans sogar darauf hingewiesen den Server aus dem Ranking zu nehmen !
Aber null Reaktion !

An dieser Stelle ist diese Angelegenheit für mich erledigt und ich werde mich diesbezüglich auch nicht weiter dazu äußern !

Fakt : Diese Entscheidung traf ich nicht aus lange Weile oder zum Spaß !!!


Vielleicht hast du ja eine gestörte Wahrnehmung, dann erkläre ich es dir einfach nochmal. Dieser Server ist mit dem NxAC Anticheat geschützt. Genauso wie jeder andere Server von uns. Denkst du, der Server wäre dann tag täglich so voll wie er es ist wenn wir Cheater auf dem Server tolerieren würden? Absurd solche Behauptungen aufzustellen. Jeder Cheater wird bei uns gebannt. Nur weil du bei SL Adminrechte besitzt, gibt dir das noch lange nicht das Recht, auf unseren Server zu kommen und die Leute zu bedrohen. Und sich dann anschließend noch wundern, bei uns gebannt zu werden. Leute wie dich brauchen wir nicht. Weder bei uns auf dem ET Server, noch hier in der SL Community.

Auf irgendwelche Server connecten, ohne jeden Beweis irgendwelche Leute als Cheater zu betiteln, zu bedrohen man müsse sich innerhalb von ein paar Stunden bei dir melden und sich rechtfertigen, sonst würden die Server gesperrt. Lächerlich!

Ich weiß nicht wie man auf die glorreiche Idee kommen konnte, jemandem wie dir irgendwelche Adminrechte zu erteilen. Keiner von uns benutzt SL noch als Tracker mit solch einem "Admin" im Team. Herzlichen Glückwunsch und viel Spaß weiterhin.
Good morning

Can both of my servers please have their ranking restored for reasons undisclosed to me without prior warning. Those are not online anymore and wish to have my servers be ranked again.



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